Independent media, news reporting, analysis, opinion, forensic historical research presentations. From a Libertarian to Anarcho-Libertarian Anti-Federalist perspective.
The misinformation I hear most from both sides of the right left false political paradigm both right and left, is discussion of what many call “our 2nd Amendment Rights”. I am here to inform you, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS!
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The right to keep and bear arms, is an inherent right. This is a natural right, and one our founders declared was one that pre-existed the creation or the authority of any legitimate Republic or government that claims to exist to preserve individual liberty. Our Founders reversed Monarchial sovereignty. Sovereignty was vested within the individual. Prior to the founding of our states, the King of England was considered the “sovereign”. Each state, it’s own nation, retained authority granted to it by its people, and in a confederation all sovereign states agreed to enter into a union to provide for the common defense of America from any nation that would attempt to rise above any individual state within, or against all together. This was an arrangement that provided for mutual defense. It provided for the protection of our borders. But where the propagandists often try and indoctrinate new generations is that of the authority of government itself in relation to and even in the understanding of the 2nd Amendment.
We will hear them call the right to keep and bear arms “2nd Amendment Rights” because of a long standing agenda to make people believe that the government created and thus granted to the public this right. If that were so, it would not have ever been called a right in 1789, but a privilege. This is something that most people do not know about “rights”
or if you prefer, that which is retained via our very humanity.
The people together as sovereigns had no more authority collectively to alter, abolish or change these inherent rights than the government. So again, while these politicians continue to try and raise numbers and use false statistics to claim that the “majority” of people want this or that, the real deception, often spoken directly is that the united States is a democracy, which would be essentially mob rule. It is not rightfully any such thing. It is a democratically elected Constitutional Republic with the base Supreme Law being the Constitution with the Bill of Rights. The difference is stark. No matter what the public can be duped into believing, no matter what they can be convinced should be demanded, any action MUST comport with the Constitution first and foremost. And if it does not it is a dead issue. We are constantly lied to about the American “democracy”. This has been and continues to be a primary goal of the world Communist movement. This is what many Socialists on both the right and left want you to believe we have, and let me assure you the ones on the right are even more dangerous than those on the left because they present themselves as being opposed to these socialistic / communistic policies. But if you look very closely and apply the same criteria you would to Communists, you will see that NeoConservatism especially is for corporate welfare, and foreign redistribution of wealth. This redistribution however funds foreign nations and globalism. It also funds the overthrow of foreign governments via terrorist and revolutionary fronts. We have seen this in Iraq, Libya, and remember the Contras?
The reason I bring this all up when discussing the subversion that has gone on in relation to redefining long understood Constitutional tenets, is because many can not see those within their own flavor of political ideology who have been engaged in this. Both parties have moved to increasing authoritarian measures, and they have done so with the help of the people who for the most part are oblivious.
Here is an example of this hypocrisy at work.
One of the oldest and most traditional aspects of Constitutional Conservatism is private property rights, and as small a central government as possible which does not interfere with individuals right to enjoy said property.
So now look at Palestine. Most conservatives have been programmed to stand with Israel. We are told that the founding of this corporate state that chose to name itself after the Biblical entire 12 tribes that are descendents of Abraham, the principal figure whose God is the one true God of the universe, the Creator of all is the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy. But it is only that of those of a very certain religion, ignoring an entire New Testament. This has lead to conservatives not only condoning, but funding and supporting the theft of private property, and the violation of human rights that has even been made clear by breaking international law agreed to by the majority of civilized nations. This support that has stolen and also continues to steal private property from Palestinian Christians as well. How can Christians who purport to stand by the Supreme Law of their God, as well as the fundamentals of the preservation and protection of individual private property rights, depart from all of which their religion and their purported political ideological views stand upon? When one sees the subversion by placing it next to its own traditions, while assessing what it purports to stand for comparing it to what it has rejected how can anyone who claims to be a conservative accept this?
Do you see? That is how subversion is accomplished. By indoctrination, and call to emotion, one small slip at a time we have been trained to violate everything that we were supposed to stand for. And the endgame rests upon the armed public. Make no mistake. The tyrant gun grabbers are here, they are bold, and they are unafraid as We The People have continuously failed to do all tbat was necessary to keep government in check. Now we have agencies of government calling the planning of doing so “domestic terrorism”.
Our right to take up arms, even against the government if need be is such a well understood right and according to the Declaration of Independence it is even more than that. It is our duty. They are, and have been indoctrinating the public to believe that doing all of the things necessary to prevent a criminal government is in itself criminal.
You know, it’s rather funny but in a way not, that lately any seeming political baseless witch hunt is compared to Senator Joe McCarthy’s attempt to root out Communists in America to avoid much of what we are seeing now. Personally there are a few things I would personally have done differently. For one, I would have approached the situation with a public presentation that showed how many of those who have been indoctrinated by Marxism / Communism, etc, are in fact victims of what is known as “active measures” which is a style of psychological manipulation also referred to as “ideological subversion”. I would have made it clear that the public must be made to understand that this is in every way a form of mind control which the Soviet Union focused on above all else. The collapse of the Soviet Union was not a victory for anyone or anything but world Communism itself. People are conditioned to view the world with the lens of nation states, black and white, win or lose. This is a seriously oversimplified way to see the world. The Soviet Union reformed because the mission it set out to do had been accomplished. Communism had successfully been rebranded and spread all over the West, and especially the United States, and it had seen the creation of a state dead center of the old Silk Road, and via an assumed identity that gave its agents more cover and protection than any other Marxist collective had ever achieved. The smear homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, etc was NOTHING compared to the label called “antisemitism”. The world Communist Movement through the Soviet Union has achieved the most brilliant accomplishment that anyone could have ever imagined. As 80% of those who identified as Jewish flooding into Palestine were in fact Bolshevik Communists. The CIA knew this. The Arabs were screaming for help and trying to tell people that they were being invaded by Communists and President Truman, being fully informed of these facts deliberately withheld this information from the public , less they might begin attacking all Jews everywhere. Part of the brilliance of this use of Jewish identity was the use of Holocaust sympathy combined with a global public relations campaign that would have anyone who criticized Jews, regardless of the validity or danger of the claim, and torpedoed the truth with this Marxist propaganda that destroys 1st Amendment protections. Along with comparing anyone engaged in said criticism with Hitler and the Gestapo. All the while a very real gestapo/STASI was being planned to be implemented in the US. It is known as the US Department of Homeland Security. Not only can it be compared to the STASI, but Bolshevik NeoCon Zionist Micheal Chertoff employed Marcus Wolfe the former head of the Soviet East German STASI and others to consult in the creation of the DHS. This should at this point, solidly have your attention.
Sharing the truth of this information directly places my life at risk. This is no exaggeration. Just today I revived a text message from someone within the state that I live. A number I do not know assigned to a cell phone of someone who had no clue about the message that not only informed me that they knew specific very personal information regarding my current routine, but that they “were coming for me”.
Now I know that the information I share with all of you is the truth, but apparently I have some folks seriously worried about it. I never personally attack or threaten anyone. I have no actual personal “enemies” in daily life. There is only one probable explanation for such a threat by someone who has specific detailed intimate knowledge of my life. And that is :
There was no way for anyone who is not a part of my daily life to know that not only did I retrieve my Harley Davidson, (something many people know) but that I have not had it out for a ride in the 2 months it has been with me here. No one could have known that detail but someone who has been close enough to be engaged in surveillance of my home. I take this threat far more serious because of my wife and the good friends who live in a separate house on the property here. Response time for the Sheriff’s Dept would be beneficial to take a report and collect the bodies. And since the Federal Government sees me as some kind of right wing domestic terror threat (who has stopped 3 robberies, saved lives as a firefighter for years and who has never harmed anyone - ever) and they have seen fit to issue a cruel and unusual punishment for life. A life sentence of being a second class citizen, whose life is of lesser value than those the state has not deemed equivalent to others. While the government continues to pass laws granting collectivist groups special rights and privileges, my natural God given rights have been curtailed. As I sit in the desert on my porch, watching the glow of the moon, I ask myself... “self”, (as I am now talking to no one but me) self, does any corporation, body politic, collective, presumed alleged authority, or any political parasites have the authority to make a law that nullifies one’s ability to perform a duty one owes to the Republic? When one is directly engaged in a mission to accomplish what the Declaration of Independence provides for as remedy to a corrupt entity we call our government?
And furthermore, as a member of the press, and needing one’s life to be able to accomplish the task of publishing information, does not the 1st Amendment directly apply?
Think about it.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
So let us for a moment consider what free exercise means, beginning with the definition of “freedom” itself.
f: the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken answered with freedom
g: improper familiarity
h: boldness of conception or execution
2a: a political right
So, if someone is threatening the life, safety or well being of a member of the press, and as a result that of his family, I would consider that coercion to force silence, as well as retribution for producing, publishing and expressing news, analysis, truth and facts. And according to the 1st Amendment Congress is not permitted to write or enforce a law that would abridge it.
The moment this individual threatened my life, he altered the nature of my work. Without the ability to adequately defend myself, I would need to cease my work, and relocate to an undisclosed location. The relocation would be no guarantee as I am obviously being surveilled. Without any idea of whom is doing so, with the amount of property and with a camper trailer in tow, it is highly unlikely that I would be able to relocate while also eluding someone attempting to tail me.
Furthermore, as we all know the Supreme Court of the united States has repeatedly ruled that corporate law enforcement (the police) have absolutely NO DUTY and NO OBLIGATION to protect any of us non governmental personnel unless we are in their legal custody. Their duty according to SCOTUS is to protect the corporation and the assets and representatives of the corporation A.K.A. The US, and any and all subsidiaries and to enforce “the law”. Amazing that out of all the so called “Acts of Congress” not one of them ever introduced the “Duty to Protect Act”. We have seen the result of this in Parkland Florida. And while the government claims that the police need “more tools” to accomplish protecting the public which is not their job, the one law that could likely vastly improve this problem, the fact is that if government foot soldiers have no duty to protect us, then that responsibility falls upon us.
So while under normal circumstances I would be able to protect myself, circumstances have changed. There is a direct threat upon my life now as a member of the press.
I can not afford armed security.
And no law shall be made or to be held valid to abridge the freedom of the press. Therefore any law, rule, policy, or mandate that prevents me from protecting my ability to do my job, one being the ability to breathe, another the ability to accomplish my tasks without the fear and intimidation or coercion, is null and void, not applicable under the current circumstances.
So I have a question for the individual or group who chose to level that threat against me.
How do you think I interpret the Constitution regarding my right to keep and bare arms to protect the free exercise of “the press”? Nothing will stop me from performing my duties as a representative of the free press.
In my life, I have never harmed another individual, nor do I intend to start now. I disagree with a lot of people. That does not mean that I believe I have any right to forcefully prevent them from expressing themselves or in any way violate their unalienable rights. Of course this does not include actions that directly threaten the rights or lives of others.
When exactly did the English language become so complicated? Our founding fathers knew full well that the way to control and oppress began with disarming the people. This is why the 2nd Amendment was written. This was not a suggestion and this “right” was absolutely not granted via the 2nd, which is simply a reminder to government as to where they were not only restricted from tampering with, but for the very purpose that empowered the people to stand in opposition to the government if need be.
If you have noticed, for a long time now we have heard the term “anti-government used as to imply that anyone who opposes government corruption and is willing to take a hard stand is a “domestic terrorist”. This is in complete denial of what we were taught is the duty and obligation of any American. I keep hearing is compared to other nations as to gun violence, weapons owned etc. I have news for you. All of that is irrelevant noise. I don’t care how many non Americans .
The United States is so different than most countries. The size and scope, the differing terrain, the mountains, deserts, the border with a county that has banned guns placing the possession of arms squarely in the hands of government or of criminal cartels with citizens being caught in the crossfire and the murder rate, well let’s just say my position on immigration is not based on race, it really is based on crime and culture. Those who demand gun control while living in their gated communities don’t live on the Arizona border in the desert like I do. Yet these people think they have the right to deny others the ability to protect themselves. The same people who think that a few hundred deaths a year equals an “epidemic” yet drive their cars oblivious to the fact that 37,000 deaths a year is caused by the “assault car”. You don’t hear them screaming for car confiscation. You don’t hear them discussing “high capacity horse power”. You don’t hear them telling other car owners that every death caused by assault car crashes and the blood generated by them is on the hands of every car owner.
These people are indoctrinated fools. Every death that comes from especially violent means, is certainly tragic. And we should absolutely try to do all we can to try and deal with it
But the way to deal with it is opposite to what’s being done now. First is to stop giving more and more powerful authoritarian laws that violate more than just the 2nd Amendment. As well my readers know, I have made a number of suggestions. One of my favorites is the Educator Liberator - Classroom Gun Safe and a variety of potential non-lethal as well as lethal tools to defend what the gun free zones have created.. which is a huge targets of opportunity for those hell bent to destroy.
Instead of cowering in fear, a teacher can go to the safe, Arm up and put their back to the wall next to the door to the classroom. If bad guy enters - one right to the head.
I have been trying to tell people who say we are having a mass shooting epidemic, that if you reall believe that, then you have been successfully propagandized, or you are not using the word correctly. Heroin clamps 35,000 lives per year. Traffic fatalities claim 37,000 lives per year. School shootings? Not even remotely close. In fact, it’s so stark a difference, that when you apply the exact same logic to it when you consider traffic fatalities, you will have to give up your car. That’s right... give it to me, because if you don’t then every car wreck leaves you with blood on your hands.
Check out The Liberty Doll.. she will set the record straight.
You will need some very long waist level boots to get through the new-speak terminology that comes flying out of this man’s mouth. He is literally one of the most deceptive propagandists I have ever heard. Calling an AR-15 a “weapon of war”, while not only does this idiot have no clue about, but anyone who would intentionally take an AR-15 into a combat situation would be an idiot. If you don’t know why by now, you are lost. Listen to Brian deconstruct this authoritarian.
- FBI doesn’t explain why they took jurisdiction in a State case. The original traffic stop was performed by Texas State Police.
Eyewitness Video of Shooter and Police pursuit and takedown.
Republic Broadcasting Network - Austin Texas
These are articles as they came in regarding the man known as the “Odessa Shooter”. Original article will be in standard black print. My comments and observations will be in red print, as I have just a few. The following is from CNN. I have been monitoring all news sites but considering I expect the most amount of propaganda to come from CNN, I am watching them a bit more closely.
- As so far one of the most concerning details related to this case besides the AR-15 and ammo this essentially dirt poor man living in a box hobo managed to afford seems to be a call made to law enforcement by his neighbor when he had yelled at her with his rifle in hand and after killing random animals from the top of his shack.
The police FAILED to RESPOND or apparently even think to call the neighbor back. The neighbor said she thought it was due to the fact that GPS did not work out there. This should not be a factor in law enforcement when it is in your jurisdiction. I know asa firefighter there were areas that GPS either did not work or was incorrect. We had maps, county dispatch, and we would have the 911 call center make contact with the original caller if all else failed. And that was when it had nothing to do with a gun. So I reject the GPS explanation.
Someone needs to get to the bottom of that very quickly. You have to be pretty powerful to call off a 9/11 “man with a gun” report. I do not buy that they “just didn’t bother” to show. Sometimes when the Feds are operating in an area or have a location under surveillance they put the address into local county dispatch to be called before any other units roll. I’m not saying that this is what happened here, but just considering all possibilities. Can you imagine someone making this call, the police just blowing it off and something happening? It just makes no sense.
You don’t defeat criminals by disarming those who do not commit crimes.
8:07 p.m. ET, September 1, 2019
FBI agents are searching a shack connected to the shooter
From CNN’s David Shortell
Members of the FBI Evidence Response Team Unit are walking in and out of a small shack here in West Odessa, carrying out bags of what appear to be evidence collected from a scene connected to the shooter.
I don’t know if it is standard in this specific area for the Federal Government to get involved immediately in what is a local, at most a state jurisdictional case. How is this FBI jurisdiction, and why are they gaining entry to this man’s property? Where was the local Sheriff or State Police?
The property — a small tan structure made of metal — has had its door busted through, and authorities have taped off the area around it.
A law enforcement official told CNN earlier that the FBI was executing a search warrant at a property here believed to be connected to the shooter.
The property is off a dirt road in a rural community about 15 miles west of the movie theater where the gunman was taken down after the Saturday shooting spree.
7:38 p.m. ET, September 1, 2019
Police still don't have a motive for the shootings, source says
From CNN's Josh Campbell
A law enforcement official tells CNN authorities have not yet been unable to identify a motive in the Midland-Odessa shootings.
The source noted their investigation continues to try to determine what triggered the shootings.
What we do know is that this began with a motor vehicle stop allegedly. I have been searching for warrants and records - I will update when I find something.
The official indicated authorities expect to execute additional search warrants associated with the shooter.
7:22 p.m. ET, September 1, 2019
Odessa shooter's neighbor says he threatened her with a rifle
From CNN’s David Shortell
A neighbor of the west Texas shooter says the 36-year-old came up to her house last month with a big rifle and yelled at her for leaving trash in a nearby dumpster.
Harassing someone while brandishing a rifle - a fine line when it comes to legality if he never threatened her, or pointed it at her, this is of course an issue, but honestly for Texas not completely crazy.
Veronica Alonzo also described how her neighbor would frequently shoot out of a structure on top of his house at night into his yard, often going to retrieve dead animals afterwards.
The indiscriminate killing of animals that are not pests is a sign of a demented mind. Most serial killers begin early with torturing and killing or just killing animals for no apparent reason to anyone else.
Investigators at the gunman’s home Sunday were seen placing dozens of small red flags in locations outside his property, around locations that Alonzo indicated he would shoot at.
No doubt collecting spent casings if ammunition.
Alonzo said she called police after the incident last month, but that they had never responded because the location of the property does not show up on GPS and is difficult to find.
This explanation for the police NEVER RESPONDING to a call regarding a man with a gun acting oddly, is beyond unacceptable. A property should not have to “show up on GPS for law enforcement to be able to locate it in their jurisdiction. They are not pizza delivery men. I find this excuse unacceptable. We will be inquiring as to why there was no attempt to make contact after this report and call was made. This woman living out there near this guy is a prime example as to why people should not be disarmed. Regardless off shootings that occur, good people do not deserve to be made helpless by politicians because others could care less about their self protection .
Alonzo said that the shooter’s home had no running water or electricity. She said she saw him sitting in his gold Toyota Camry with the heat on when the weather was cold.
If he had no money, no electricity, and no water, just out of curiosity I wonder where he got the money to continue purchasing ammunition or where he got the AR-15 he was reported to have allegedly used? Not impossible, but in another report we are told that he recently failed a background check to purchase a gun. We are still looking into that as well. As I stated above I find the jurisdiction of the FBI to be very interesting in this case.
Ator, 36, was arrested in 2001 for criminal trespassing and evading arrest, both misdemeanors, according to public records. Adjudication was deferred, though the details of the case are not immediately available.
Ator’s record also includes a 2018 traffic citation for a federal motor carrier safety violation, according to Ector County court records.
A LinkedIn account under Ator’s name said he was a truck driver. A Facebook page under his name contained only one publicly visible photo of the shooter posted in 2012, and the account has since been removed.
The FBI executed a search warrant Sunday at a rural property in West Odessa believed to be connected to the alleged shooter, according to a law enforcement official.
FBI Special Agent in Charge Christopher Combs said at an earlier news conference Sunday that investigators were conducting "searches at this exact moment in time to make sure that there is nobody else (is) even possibly connected to this."
Combs affirmed the assessment by local police that authorities believe the shooter acted alone Saturday.
FBI says that shooting has no connection to terrorism
The FBI said they do not believe there is any connection to domestic or international terrorism in the Odessa and Midland shootings from Saturday.
“At this point I can tell you we do not believe — we do not believe, there's any connection to any domestic or international terrorism,” FBI Special Agent in Charge Christopher Combs said.
Police say AR-15 “type” rifle was used.
This will no doubt have people freaking out. “BAN THE AR-15!!! What most of these gun control folks have no clue about, is that they have no clue. It is only a style. Like wearing a dress. If I showed them a semi auto with a wood stock, no handle grip, no barrel shroud, etc, they would likely think much differently about it. I try and explain it to liberal women like a dress. Imagine there was just this one dressmaker, and everyone just had to have one of her dresses if it was the only dress you had. All it is is fashion, and they think that because it is the most popular style, that “it” should be banned. It’s just stupid. Unless of course you are taking to those who want to ban all weapons. But those folks if they tried would be committing treason. We should start prosecuting for that. If they can advocate the use of force and the threat of violence to demand confiscation, I have no sympathy.
FBI explains why they were “Johnny on the Spot”
The suspect in the Odessa and Midland, Texas, shooting used an AR-type weapon according to Odessa Police Chief Michael Gerke, so it will be no shock to anyone that reporters were trying to make that the subject during the governors press conference at which the governor says “I have seen too many of these”. And while I see this unfolding I can not help but think that a lot of this just seems in-natural to me. All at the same time that Red Flag Laws and the TAPS Pre-Crime Act are being pushed through. “Preventative law enforcement is Bolshevism not American. Some say that the times have changed and so we may have to change with them. Um - no. Worst case scenario, hold public classes and start having regular citizens attend some training as volunteer militia peace officers. No law enforcement duties. The only responsibility assumed is that of preservation of life. That sounds to me like a far better idea than disarming people or implementing pre-crime programs. Think about it. If every able bodied individual, who has a clean record and never harmed anyone goes and gets trained in the shoot-don’t shoot program, and they are armed everywhere including these stupid Gun Free Zones, we would have a far safer world.
So now to the Johnny on the spot FBI -
FBI Special Agent in Charge Christopher Combs said his agency responds to Texas frequently. The FBI is “here now almost every other week supporting our local and state partners on active shooters. We're almost every two weeks an active shooter in this country," he said.
Combs did say they are serving a federal search warrant in the area, but added there are numerous incident scenes across the area.
- So it appears that we have our answer as to why the FBI was there... although this sounds rather strange that this shooter began with a motor vehicle stop by the Texas State Police, and the MRAPS and FBI were not only ready to go, but that the Texas State Police relinquished jurisdiction in a case of a guy who tried to kill their own. Still seeming odd to me.
Resurrect the Republic Radio Show
Republic Broadcasting Network - Austin TEXAS - Sunday’s at 10AM tune in to the show. You can go to for tuning in instructions and to click the LISTEN LIVE function, as well as many other methods. To call in - 1(800)313-9443
Two of my good friends and hard core truth tellers, Brian Young of High Impact Flix, and Adam Green of Know More News come together for a live stream to discuss the most recent confrontation between Adam and Alex Jones of InfoWars.
Adam essentially fried
Alex’s hind quarters until crispified. Alex Jones for a very long time has taken part in the ideological subversion and the manipulation of the masses via Psychological Operations. But in this even he could not evade Adam’s onslaught. He tried with the left right paradigm tactic, by trying to make a false equivalent... oh so “I’m the bad guy and you’re with AOC and Omar... and when Adam attempted to respond to that he was cut off.
After watching the video above, check out Adams video nailing Jones
There you have it. The proof is in the pudding. Jonestown is a cult, one that Adam and I at one time followed. I have to give him some credit though. Joes did wake me up to the threat of the United Nations.
Many everyday people hear the term PsyOps and they automatically think “conspiracy theory” which to them has become a term synonymous with “not real” or deceptive content. YouTube has only solidified this incorrect assumption. It was by fact the Central Intelligence Agency that demonized this term not long after the assassination of who I consider to be one of our last actual “real” Presidents, and by real I mean in terms of his willingness to try and break free from the extremely well oiled political machine being controlled by a conglomerate of criminally predisposed international bankers and powerful corporate bodies. This term, as we know still pervades corporate media today who try to shun the independent journalists and researchers out there as their credibility slips they cling to desperation. I hope you enjoy this presentation as much as I did.
Don’t be fooled by those in power and who wield political and influential control. The same people who would have you falsely believe that the recent TV sensationalized mass shootings can be stopped if more laws that only those who care about laws will follow, are passed. At the same time they virtue signal showing images of children allegedly killed by these criminals. But you know what they fail to compare it to?
37,000 people died in 2016
(last stats I had available) in motor vehicle accidents.
That is not only far more than by the evil black “assault STYLE” rifles, but if you were to apply the same logic they brainwash the masses with about this it would require that either everyone “turn in their cars tomorrow” or be complicit with the death of every innocent child killed in traffic accidents every year. Folks, you are being played by a corporate media that has perfected the mass sensationalism that modern technology can deliver. It is a tragedy when anyone loses their lives, for any reason. But this is simply a part of living and being free to pursue your everyday happiness or the necessities of life.
In a recent discussion I had on twitter I had a young man of about 24 years, who was in college, tell me that I was a baby killing murderer because I defend the right of an individual to keep and bear arms. Me. Complicit in murder.
I don’t want to have to say this as I am not trying to glorify myself, but in all honesty, as a firefighter I have not only assisted in the saving of more lives than I can count, but I have risked my life on many occasions to accomplish that. I never cared about race, gender, religion, background, if they used drugs, if they were a saint or a sinner. Whenever the call came, I stood ready to answer it. For a brief time while staying the weekend at my mothers home to visit I got a call and headed out. While I was gone several intruders attempted to do a home invasion. My mother was armed and just pulling her gun chased them away.
Back to twitter boy... this insanely indoctrinated fool, who called me a baby killer, etc, not only has never taken any personal responsibility for his life, but has never placed himself in the position of sacrificing his safety or life for another, has the balls to make this statements to me while being fully willing to have me, as well as my mother disarmed because of his virtue signaling mentality likely programmed into him by his gender fluidity pushing cultural Marxist who has all but destroyed this young man. One day it just may be that a very normal individual may have legal trouble and an emergency room calling for the resident proctologist to remove the foot that is planted past the ankle in this boys anus. But one thing is for sure, the more of these brain dead stick eating granola heads these universities pump out, the less and less likely that our country will be able to survive. During WW2 if people had not had some grit, and character, many may not have survived the peaceful conditions here in the states. I could not possibly imagine a room full of these morons even trying to figure out how to open a can of food without an opener. They would likely starve to death staring at it.
So to me, listening to these two guys above here talk about anything is refreshing, especially after that.
My my my ..... these are the days that try men’s souls.
I have been following this bloke from down under for some time. He has investigated the “stuff they don’t want you to know” sort of topics. The actual true nature of the police that I believe most police officers as the public is oblivious to. There has been a vocation in America since nearly the very beginning. That vocation was known as a “peace officer”. Mostly the Sheriffs assumes this role. Then in more metropolitan areas you had the creation of private police officers. The sort similar to that of Wells Fargo to protect the railroads. But also was created “corporate, or “commercial” law enforcement. This is what we have come to know as “policing for profit”. Most departments have become a hybrid of both. I believe that within this fusion, and especially after the 14th Amendment was forced upon us unlawfully by means of absolute subversion of the American Republic, we know have a very serious problem.
You, by now, no doubt know that the US Supreme Court has determined that corporate law enforcement have no duty to protect you. That has come to a blazing shock to many people. To this day it causes arguments with people who suffer from cognitive dissonance because they have been lied to and propagandized for so long they just can’t handle the truth. Well in this video a bit of the veil is removed. We will be walking down this road together in upcoming articles and video presentations. Start with our Patriot Manifesto, and by reading the research that is at the bottom of every article we post on the Reconstruction Replacement Government.
It is so hard listening to this authoritarian newspeak manipulator, but it’s almost like one just can not believe how many people buy into the hypocrites like him that one must confirm that they actually exist. Almost like a moth to a flame, I watch while scratching my head.
Brian Young of the High Impact Flix channel decimated the hypocrisy in short order. While “Beta male” O’Rourke consistently champions a form of government we were supposed to completely avoid. This notion that defending “Democracy”, being so important that some political overlords feel the need to resort to dropping bombs on people, is the hallmark of a great idea. Oh yes, Democracy is so great you will either love it or lose your life. It reminds me of the scene from “The Godfather” when Micheal Corleone explains to his soon to be wife a contract his father wanted a Hollywood mogul to sign where mob enforcer Luca holds a gun to his head while his father explains that either his brains or his signature will be on the contact.
As Brian points out, Ben Franklin had some words to explain “Democracy” in its essence..
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what’s for dinner”!
A word of thanks to a good man, with courage and integrity, with a big heart, but the common sense to keep it in balance. Brian Young has caused me to pause on many occasions and literally stop and think. Many people have had really interesting comments on his content. Some admitted to disagreeing with on some things but admitted that he had positively challenged them, and in many situations. I attribute this to the mind control of government propaganda. In fact, If you asked me after watching his content to give a short few words to relay his message I would say ...
#PrinciplesOverParty and #FreedomFromTyranny
He has helped many content creators on YouTube who have been censored and wrongfully accused. I would like to publicly state my appreciation. It is an honor to call Brian Young my friend. Life seldomly provides the opportunity to have good friends. My father was a very wise. He said “you can count good friends on one hand, and usually have fingers to spare. How true.
A Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department deputy was making it all up when he claimed he’d been shot in the shoulder by a sniper last week, officials say.
Los Angeles Sheriff's Deputy Angel Reinosa lied about being shot by a sniper last week. (AP)
Deputy Angel Reinosa, 21, reported Wednesday he’d been hit with a bullet around 3 p.m. as he was walking to the parking lot, launching a manhunt and evacuation at a local apartment complex where a sniper supposedly fired off two shots. Is Reinosa just bat sh!t crazy, was he trying to play a joke? Or is he one of those folks being used by some clandestine compartment of government like the CIA, or the Mossad? But seriously.
Officials said late Saturday that Reinosa wasn’t actually shot.
“There was no sniper, no shots fired and no gunshot injury sustained to his shoulder. Completely fabricated,” Capt. Kent Wegener said at a press conference, according to ABC 7.
But one of the most disturbing things that occurred to me... the news reporters were telling it as if it were all absolutely true. No fact checking, no phone calls... just absorb, and regurgitate. Think about that for a few moments.
Completely fabricated. No information on his medical history, or any familial mental health issues
After investigators found no evidence of injury to Reinosa’s shoulder, he admitted he hadn’t been shot — and that he had cut holes in his own shirt.
“Must of his statement was self-serving, didn’t make a whole lot of sense, but he didn’t get into detail as to why he cut the holes or why he fabricated this story. No motivation,” Wegener said. Who does something like
this? I’ll be keeping a close eye on him. But I can’t make any sense of this. Unless he really really wanted to be fired so there was no disputable workman’s comp? Maybe, just maybe, I didn’t really write this. It was Elvis Costello.
I do find it extremely humorous that a few main stream news folks jumped on this story. They opened up wide and ate a total “you got played” sandwich !
Reinosa has been fired and is expected to face criminal charges for filling a false report of an emergency, according to ABC 7. The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office could also file more charges if prosecutors see fit. But personally I do not understand their reaction at all. There has hardly been enough time for them to do a thourough and detailed mental health evaluation. I was talking to one of my staff and ran this by them and the first response I got was -
“C’mon Tom, the guy likely got the date of their upcoming false flag incorrect. It’s not as if anyone will putthat together.” Were there any Homeland Security exercises going on?
No, but seriously. He seems to me perhaps a Section 8 either way. So the reaction of the department is what is curious to me. I would have expected something like, “Angel not we are sure what made him do this. These are NOT the actions or the behavior of a sane deputy would just decide one day, “Hey I want to be the biggest jerk I can be, get fired and lose my benefits, health care and pension from a really well paying job. Yeah - that’s exactly what I want to do.
I am curious to see the results of any testing they may run him through.
Today on RTR Truth Media LIVE
Resurrect The Republic Dirty Uncle Sam - High Impact Coalition
On Today's Show we will be discussing Representative Crenshaw and an interview that was recorded by Joseph Walker AKA on other social media platforms as Johnny Furbashar. The discussion was about Red Flag Law Legislation, some details, etc. We will have a video copy of the interview uploaded here some time this afternoon. All you have to do if you don't feel like checking back is to subscribe to our RTR Truth Media YouTube Channel or our RTR Truth Media Bitchute Channel ARCHIVES of TODAY'S SHOW Will be placed in the Facebook message, in our video description, in this article and in our Spreaker Podcast that you can also go and sub to RTR TruthMedia Spreaker Podcast
Superintendent - The Heat of Inaction - Why did Cruz Slip Through the Cracks? He didn’t.
Had to reduce those arrest statistics to keep the Federal Grant Program money rolling in.
Nicolas Cruz had serious problems. There is a documentary I will be posting at the bottom. It is interesting.
Superintendent Runcie Caught Lying About Cruz & the Promise Grant Program
Nikolas Cruz - Revealed to “Have Been In the Promise Grant Program - Runcie Caught in the Lie!
Runcie and the School Board Both Caught in the Lie!
The truth... Cruz was not arrested for (in my opinion) 2 major reasons.
1 - The actual intentional and in all probability very intentionally, Nikolas Crus was not arrested when in fact the SRO’s has more than enough justification to intervene.
2 - He could have either been brought back into the program by actually “being proactive”, Or, of course what is far more likely, that there were instructions as we hear in the video “not to arrest him”. This can also be for 2 different or combined possibilities.
- He was a “targeted individual”. He clearly “heard voices”, and not only governments get into this activity. Along with intelligence agencies also private corporations, ideologues, perhaps corporate structure much like the SPLC, or any hard core cult like believing anti-gun group, or coordinated effort, these operations have long taken place. Denying this is to deny reality itself.
I’m not accusing. But with what we know for fact in the past about that history, it is more than a reasonable consideration. Some may call it “Conspiracy Theory” all they like. I have hard evidence of the things I That I articulate my ponderings. And I want people to understand, I make no solid “this is it” theory, unless I have an overwhelming amount of evidence to present.
He was compliant, and shows signs and symptoms of psychological manipulation trauma. I would be willing to bet they also did not test his blood for some common but slightly exotic mind control drugs. The Devil’s Breath comes to mind. What I am putting forward is perfectly scientifically reasonably possible. Drugs like concentrated Scopolomine from a tree in South America has flowers that grow on it. Concentrated they make the intoxicated extremely suggestive. Some people become total slaves to a handler. But all inhibition is completely removed. And this is just one such drug. There are literally dozens known to those in spycraft, governmental or corporate espionage, and Black Ops. There is a serious agenda being pushed hard out there. What a better way than to pave the way with “it bleeds it leads”, and complete ignorance as to the fraud being comitted when millions of dollars are flowing just from one Grant program alone. There are quotes about this planned process of subversion of the U.S Constitution, of the ruin of Individual Natural Rights for that of collectivism.
Dana Ashlie explains how the government targets individuals (TI or Targeted Individuals) with "energy weapons" (think this could be related to MK-Ultra?), basically tormenting them and causing them to hear voices in their heads by transmitting spoken sentences into their minds. The interesting thing is, nearly every mass shooter reported of hearing voices in their heads including Nik Cruz so Dana speculated the government is heavily involved and how this is related to Project Bluebeam which will basically fake the Second Coming. it's also interesting to note that many TIs who heard voices in their minds were misdiagnosed as schizophrenic and I remember reading about one article about this shooter in Florida who was diagnosed as such and heard voices.
Thoughts, views, analysis, research, observation, expression, opinion, presentation are that of the author and the author alone. All assertions are theories based reasonably on available factual information.