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Friday, November 8, 2019
Sunday, March 3, 2019
The Secret Life of Timothy McVeigh - Operation PATCON - Sheep Dipped - Waco & the ATF's Huge Blunder of 2019

The following posts below the video Brian Young ( and I did by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms lead me to delve back into a subject of great concern to many of us. Waco Texas Massacre that again leads me to share relevant information regarding Oklahoma City Bombing of the Murrah Federal Building. In this post, no mention of the men women and children who were incinerated or the military psychological torture they were forced to endure for still unsubstantiated claims. The result was a dumpster fire of mass proportions. I am shocked the posts are still up.
This is my breakdown of the WACO post situation and Waco the Raid
Brian's Shorter Report
Please comment on these posts and tell them RTR said hi.
A fresh and in-depth look at the circumstances surrounding the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.
But instead of accepting at face value the Federal Government’s deeply-flawed investigation, A NOBLE LIE features ground breaking information and eyewitness testimonies that refute the official story.
The April 19, 1995 bombing that destroyed much of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building involved far more revealing evidence than the FBI maintains.
A NOBLE LIE presents interviews with police officers, first responders, victims, journalists and investigators whose evidence demonstrates that not all the perpetrators were brought to justice.
Among the interview subjects are General Benton Partin, former head of weapons development for the Air Force, State Representative Charles Key, members of the Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee and Jesse Trentadue, whose brother Kenneth was tortured and murdered in Federal custody in the days following the bombing.
A NOBLE LIE is the only full-length documentary that addresses and answers many of the questions people have asked about the bombing. Details as to what really happened regarding this horrific event, taking the lives of 168 people, have been summarily covered up by the Federal Government. A NOBLE LIE re-examines the tragedy in a measured, informative and scholarly way, and in the process exposes the treachery that has gone unpunished.
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A Noble Lie Watch or Purchase on Amazon |
Other relevant links:
Sunday, September 30, 2018
A local to Bunkerville Nevada approached me with information regarding his neighbor - a Fed Ex driver who had been stopped by the Federal Bureau of Investigation seeking to inspect his logs to obtain information of what they said was alleged "illegal ammunition" that was delivered to the Bundy Ranch. As the Ranch was receiving thousands of packages and the head of security was Booda... I took it to him. He told me not to worry about it, and he never investigated. As the son of a Judge I knew that if the package was signed for it could be grounds for a raid having nothing to do with the cattle operation and even potentially involve the ATF. We all know how that has turned out in the past. I became persistent to investigate the matter and Booda had me escorted off the ranch at gunpoint. I did not give up. I made it known that we knew, and I went and got the local and brought him directly to Cliven. At that time forward I stayed in the yard until departing back home. This is the testimony from that local.
This was previously terminated and censored. Thanks to Rudy and Erin Davis who preserved my channel I finally now have my files back in my possession.
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Friday, February 16, 2018
Rodney Stich : DOJ Sabotaging DEA Contract Pilot
CIA And Mossad Drug Involvement
The "mainstream" media in the United States continue to cover up the considerable role played by the CIA and its longtime allies in Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, in the international illicit drug trade.
For over a decade The SPOTLIGHT has been the only national weekly newspaper to dare to report the facts about this dark secret suppressed by the national media.
The now widely-known CIA involvement in drug-and-arms smuggling through the tiny Mena, Ark., airport as part of the Iran-contra affair involving Lt. Colonel Ollie North and Barry Seal are just the tip of the iceberg.
The latest twist in the media cover-up came during the week of May 12 when a nationally-distributed Asso ciated Press (AP) report announced that the intelligence committee of the U.S. House of Representatives had exonerated the CIA of charges that it had been "involved in the supply or sale of drugs in the Los Angeles area."
The AP quoted committee chairman Rep. Porter Goss (R-Fla.) as saying: "Bot tom line: The allegations were false."
What AP did not mention was that Goss had been a former career CIA official involved in the agency's so-called "clandestine services division," the branch of the CIA that has been pinpointed as the prime mover in the agency's long-standing ties to the drug racket.
AP hailed the House report as "the latest in a series by investigatory bodies to exonerate the CIA" pointing out that "the committee noted that similar conclusions had been reached in previous inquiries by the CIA's inspector general, the Justice Department and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department."
The "investigation" by ex-CIA operative Goss had focused specifically on a story -- reported by Gary Webb in the San Jose Mercury News in August 1996 -- that alleged that the crack epidemic in California could be traced to two CIA-connected Nicaraguan cocaine dealers who used at least part of their profits to finance the Nicaraguan contra forces during the 1980s.
AP blurred the issue by saying that "allegations of CIA links to drug dealers surfaced" with the 1996 reports in the Mercury News. This is a lie.
In fact, detailed charges of CIA involvement in drug smuggling were first unveiled in a book published 28 years ago, the findings of which have never been publicized by any publication other than The SPOTLIGHT.
In 1972, Alfred W. McCoy, then a graduate student, at Yale, released his book, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia issued by no less a "mainstream" publisher than Harper & Row.
The book outlined the role of the CIA in the drug trade, from its origins in Southeast Asia, to the smuggling routes of the Sicilian and Corsican Mafias in Europe on to the streets of New York and Los Angeles. The drug profits were then sent back to the money laundering banks of the Meyer Lansky Crime Syndicate in the Caribbean and in Switzerland.
Despite energetic efforts spearheaded by veteran CIA official Cord Meyer, the CIA failed to prevent the book from being published.
However, the CIA then launched a campaign to suppress distribution of the book, a scheme which largely succeeded.
In 1991 McCoy, by then a professor of history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, re-issued his book in an up-dated edition under the title The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade.
McCoy's book never mentioned the role of the Mossad in all of this, which is not surprising. In fact, The Mercury News reporter Gary Webb told a veteran international correspondent -- at a private deli lunch in Manhattan -- that he (Webb) could "never" write about Mossad in volvement with the CIA in the drug racket or he would lose his job. Webb fled the deli, refusing to discuss the matter further.
In short, in America today, it's "safe" to expose the CIA to a certain degree, but the Mossad's part in the drug trade is strictly "off limits."
However, The SPOTLIGHT has consistently unmasked the joint role of the CIA and the Mossad in the drug trade.
For example, 10 years ago in its issue No. 23 for 1990 (June 4) The SPOTLIGHT reported that Israeli arms dealers had supplied a vast array of weapons to Colombian drug kingpin Jose Rod riguez Gacha.
The Israeli government claimed the arms were sold to the island nation of Antigua and that Israel had no idea how the guns got into the hands of the Colombian drug traffickers.
However, Antigua's ambassador to the United States told SPOTLIGHT correspondent Mike Blair in an exclusive interview that his government never ordered weapons from Israel.
An inquiry by the Antiguan government determined that two Israelis, Yair G. Klein and Maurice R. Sarfati, were running the operation which was funded by the New York branch of the Bank Hap oalim, owned by Israel's government-spon sored labor bund, the His tadrut.
Klein, a former Israeli army officer, had previously been identified as training Rodriguez Gacha's forces.
When this was leaked in September 1989, Rafael Eitan, a former chief of staff of the Israeli Army, frankly told the Israeli press:
Someday, perhaps, if it's decided that the stories can be told, you'll see that [the government of Israel] has been involved in acts that are a thousand times more dirty than anything going on in Colombia. These things were decided by the government, in cabinet meetings. As long as the government decides to do something, something that the national interest demanded, then it is legitimate.
On June 5, 1989, The SPOTLIGHT reported flatly, citing intelligence sources, that the infamous Medellin cartel of Colombia was, in reality, "an Israeli-directed organization which nets Israel billions of dollars every year in illegal drug profits."
In addition, Blair reported in The SPOTLIGHT on May 13, Oct. 14 and Nov. 11, 1991, about the strange death of Special Forces Col. Edward P. Cutolo, commander of the 10th Special Forces based at Ft. Devens, Mass.
Cutolo had detailed a covert joint CIA-Mossad ma chin a tion known as "Opera tion Watch tower" in a 15-page affidavit which he prepared in 1980, fearful that his life was in danger because of his knowledge about the operation.
Cutolo died in what was described as an alcohol-related traffic accident, although Cutolo was not known to be a heavy drinker.
Cutolo was one of four Special Forces colonels linked to Operation Watch tower who died under mysterious circumstances. Another was famed Viet nam hero, Col. Nick Rowe, who launched an effort to investigate Cutolo's death. Rowe was assassinated in the Philippines in 1989, ostensibly by "communists," al though his friends believe his death was a Mossad-ordered "executive action."
According to Cutolo's affidavit, under Operation Watchtower, beginning in 1976, the CIA and the Mossad utilized U.S. Army Special Forces troops to set up an electronics system which allowed drugs to be shuttled by air from Colombia to Albrook Air Station in Panama, without being detected by aerial surveillance. The money derived from the drug operation was used to fund clandestine CIA and Mossad secret operations.
Cutolo specifically cited veteran Mos sad clandestine services operative Mi chael Harari as a key figure in the operation, charging that then-former CIA director George Bush and other high-ranking U.S. government figures had "gone to great lengths to keep the activities of Michael Harari a secret."
According to Cutolo, Col. Manuel Nor iega, then head of the Panamanian Defense Forces and soon-to-be dictator of Panama, was involved in the CIA-Mossad activities.
During the Noriega regime, Harari emerged as the power behind Noriega. Harari managed to slip out of Panama on an Israeli jet after U.S. forces invaded the country and arrested him.
After Noriega was taken into custody and tried on drug charges in a widely-publicized trial in Miami, The SPOTLIGHT was the only publication anywhere to reveal that Noriega's defense attorney, Frank Rubino, tried to introduce evidence that Noriega's activities were conducted under joint CIA and Mossad sponsorship. The information was suppressed for reasons of "national security."
The SPOTLIGHT actually put ex-Special Forces hero, Col. James (Bo) Gritz, "on the map" on July 13, 1987. It was the only newspaper at the time to report his discovery that longtime U.S. diplomat Richard Armitage had been a key figure in the CIA's role in drug smuggling out of Southeast Asia, beginning during the Vietnam War and for years thereafter. In fact, Armitage emerged during the 1980s as part of a Defense Department clique known for its affinity for the interests of Israel.
Along with their superior, Undersecretary of Defense Fred Iklè, Armitage and his colleagues, Richard Perle and Stephen Bryen, were masters of covert intrigue conducted jointly with the Mos sad in areas as broad-ranging as Burma, Afghanistan, Iran, Nicaragua and Cam bodia.
(One of the low-level operatives for their ventures in Burma and Afghanistan was Andrew E. Allen, who has played a key role in a long-standing effort to undermine The SPOTLIGHT, precisely because of this newspaper's continuing exposure of CIA-Mossad drug operations and of the activities of Iklè and company.)
The Swiss-born Iklè was the cousin of Elizabeth Iklè Kopp, Switzerland's minister of police and justice, ousted from office in 1989 amid accusations that she and her husband Hans were using their private law firm as a front for international drug traffickers.
At the time, Swiss Vice President Achille Casanova admitted at a press conference that the drug money laundering circles around Hans and Elizabeth Iklè were linked to "secret American authorities" involved in the financing of covert operations, clearly referring to the Iklè-Armitage-Perle-Bryan intrigue.
Get the scoop on the media blackout of CIA drug running by getting your copy of Whiteout: the CIA, Drugs and the Press (hardback, 408 pages, $27, item # 224).
For more The CIA-Operated A “Drug Smuggling Airline” For Heroin & The 9/11 Connection
If you’re familiar with the American war on drugs, then it may not surprise you to learn that the CIA represents one of the largest drug dealing organizations in history. The CIA originally designed LSD with the help of a Swiss manufacturer as a “mind control drug” as part of their MK Ultra program, hoping that it would allow patients under the influence to commit unspeakable acts commanded by the government and then forget they ever happened. Of course, this plan backfired, and then the CIA introduced LSD to the American population.
The CIA has played a crucial role in producing, trafficking, and/or selling numerous drugs both in the U.S. and all over the world. The CIA is no stranger to money laundering, performing dangerous tests on unwilling patients, and even committing murder over drugs. One of the drugs the CIA has focused on for decades is heroin, which is created using opium. The CIA actually owned and operated a covert drug smuggling airline, referred to as Air America, which was used to transport numerous goods, including heroin.
The CIA’s involvement with the opium industry doesn’t just stop there. The CIA consciously turned a blind eye to the opium trade in Afghanistan in the 1980s, until the Taliban took control and attempted to put an end to production. The opium industry in Afghanistan, which represented 90% of the world’s opium production, then plummeted. 9/11 occurred only a year later, giving the U.S. a perfect “reason” to invade Afghanistan. Well, shortly afterwards, the U.S. seized the opium fields and took control of them, and then we witnessed opium production in Afghanistan skyrocketing again.
It’s clear that the U.S. government has an opium problem, one that’s likely making them a lot of money in the process.
What Is Air America?
No, I’m not referring to the hit 1990 movie starring Mel Gibson and Robert Downey Jr., though that movie arguably contained more fact than fiction. The movie was centred around the CIA’s private airline, Air America, which was used during the Vietnam War to transport food, supplies, and other items, which happened to include opium.
Those parts of the movie were actually correct, and it seems that the CIA-operated airline was in fact used to smuggle drugs. In Southeast Asia (SEA), during the Vietnam War, the CIA worked alongside Laotian general Vang Pao in an effort to help make Laos the world’s largest exporter of heroin. The CIA then flew drugs all over SEA, allowing the Golden Triangle (parts of Burma, Thailand, and Laos) to become the world hub for heroin.
Agents from the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs managed to seize an Air America aircraft that contained large amounts of heroin, but the CIA ordered the agents to release the plane and halt any further investigations.
The CIA wasn’t just involved with the transportation of the drugs, however. The heroin was refined in a laboratory built at the CIA headquarters in Northern Laos. After about a decade of U.S. military intervention, SEA represented 70% of the world’s opium supplier. Unfortunately, many of the operatives became addicted to the heroin themselves. At the same time, SEA also became the main supplier of raw materials for the U.S. heroin industry. Though Air America apparently stopped operations in 1976, the CIA’s involvement in the opium and heroin industries continued in other parts of the world.
Though the CIA’s website still denies that Air America was used to transport drugs, this is no longer a conspiracy theory. Mainstream media has even addressed this issue, as the History Channel just came out with a new series titled America’s War on Drugs, which so far has addressed fairly accurate information regarding the war on drugs, including Air America’s role in transporting heroin (at least within the first two episodes that were released this week).
According to a New York Times article written in 1993, the CIA’s involvement with the heroin industry began slightly before the Vietnam War. During the Korean War, in 1950, the CIA allegedly traded weapons and heroin in exchange for intelligence.
Well, it seems the CIA’s “heroin problem” didn’t start nor end in SEA.
The U.S. Government’s Role in the Afghan Heroin Trade
Afghanistan is another country with a complicated history of involvement in the opium and heroin industries, much of which implicates the CIA. In the 1980s, CIA-supported Moujahedeen rebels were heavily involved in drug trafficking heroin. The CIA supplied trucks and mules, which were used to transport opium.
Despite the fact that Afghanistan supplied approximately 50% of the heroin used by Americans, the U.S. failed to intervene or investigate the Afghan drug industry for years. Instead, many of the individuals trafficking the drugs in Afghanistan were actually trained, armed, and funded by the CIA at the time.
Opium production came to a gradual halt thanks to Taliban rule. By 2000, the Taliban had completely banned opium production, practically eradicating 90% of the world’s heroin. The following UN diagram outlines the history of opium production in Afghanistan:
After 9/11 occurred and the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, opium production suddenly skyrocketed. There have been tons of photos of U.S. soldiers guarding the opium fields, yet today, more than a decade later, they still have not destroyed them (view some of the photos here).
Meanwhile, a propaganda campaign by the Bush administration promised to destroy all drugs and assured zero drug tolerance, as the American war on drugs continued. Throughout the Nixon, Reagan, and Clinton eras, the public had already witnessed multiple presidents promising to crack down on drug use, which turned out to be a giant sham to mass incarcerate Americans, primarily blacks and hippies (read more about that here).
While these presidents were promising to put an end to different drug epidemics, they were actually fuelling them, as the CIA and other forms of law enforcement were heavily involved in the drug trade.
It’s no secret that 9/11 was an inside job, otherwise referred to as a false-flag terrorist attack. If you didn’t know that, please read this CE article.
So, this begs the question: Given that Afghan opium production skyrocketed once the U.S. invaded the country…
CONFIRMED: The DEA Struck A Deal With Mexico's Most Notorious Drug Cartel
Jan. 13, 2014

Sinaloa, led by Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, supplies 80% of the drugs entering the Chicago area and has a presence in cities across the U.S.
There have long been allegations that Guzman, considered to be "the world's most powerful drug trafficker," coordinates with American authorities.
But the El Universal investigation is the first to publish court documents that include corroborating testimony from a DEA agent and a Justice Department official.
The written statements were made to the U.S. District Court in Chicago in relation to the arrest of Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla, the son of Sinaloa leader Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada and allegedly the Sinaloa cartel's "logistics coordinator."
Here's what DEA agent Manuel Castanon told the Chicago court:
"On March 17, 2009, I met for approximately 30 minutes in a hotel room in Mexico City with Vincente Zambada-Niebla and two other individuals — DEA agent David Herrod and a cooperating source [Sinaloa lawyer Loya Castro] with whom I had worked since 2005. ... I did all of the talking on behalf of [the] DEA."
A few hours later, Mexican Marines arrested Zambada-Niebla (a.k.a. "El Vicentillo") on charges of trafficking more than a billion dollars in cocaine and heroin. Castanon and three other agents then visited Zambada-Niebla in prison, where the Sinaloa officer "reiterated his desire to cooperate," according to Castanon.
El Universal, citing court documents, reports that DEA agents met with high-level Sinaloa officials such as Castro more than 50 times since 2000.
Then-Justice Department prosecutor Patrick Hearn told the Chicago court that, according to DEA special agent Steve Fraga, Castro "provided information leading to a 23-ton cocaine seizure, other seizures related to" various drug trafficking organizations, and that "El Mayo" Zambada wanted his son to cooperate with the U.S.
"The DEA agents met with members of the cartel in Mexico to obtain information about their rivals and simultaneously built a network of informants who sign drug cooperation agreements, subject to results, to enable them to obtain future benefits, including cancellation of charges in the U.S.," reports El Universal, which also interviewed more than one hundred active and retired police officers as well as prisoners and experts.
Zambada-Niebla's lawyer claimed to the court that in the late 1990s, Castro struck a deal with U.S. agents in which Sinaloa would provide information about rival drug trafficking organizations while the U.S. would dismiss its case against the Sinaloa lawyer and refrain from interfering with Sinaloa drug trafficking activities or actively prosecuting Sinaloa leadership.
"The agents stated that this arrangement had been approved by high-ranking officials and federal prosecutors," Zambada-Niebla lawyer wrote.
After being extradited to Chicago in February 2010, Zambada-Niebla arguedthat he was also "immune from arrest or prosecution" because he actively provided information to U.S. federal agents.
Zambada-Niebla also alleged that Operation Fast and Furious was part of an agreement to finance and arm the cartel in exchange for information used to take down its rivals. (If true, that re-raises the issue regarding what Attorney General Eric Holder knew about the gun-running arrangements.)
A Mexican foreign service officer told Stratfor in April 2010 that the U.S. seemed to have sided with the Sinaloa cartel in an attempt to limit the violence in Mexico.
El Universal reported that the coordination between the U.S. and Sinaloa, as well as other cartels, peaked between 2006 and 2012, which is when drug traffickers consolidated their grip on Mexico. The paper concluded by saying that it is unclear whether the arrangements continue.
The DEA and other U.S. agencies declined to comment to El Universal.
[UPDATE 1/14] This post has caused many to interpret that the U.S. government is actively supporting Sinaloa. That has not been established, despite claims by Zambada-Niebla's lawyer and Stratfor's source. What El Universal's investigation and the newly published court documents reveal is that there was a strong correlation from 2005 and 2009 between the rise of the Sinaloa cartel and the DEA's relatively regular contact with a top Sinaloa lawyer.