Showing posts with label Fascism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fascism. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

PAPERS PLEASE - NYC FASCISM HAS UNVACCINATED TEACHERS FLAGGED by the FBI - But it's Going Nationwide to Spite the Obvious Harm Caused

RTR Truth Media - Tom Lacovara - When is it okay to allow the state to use fascism to control its people, to label them, to seek them out to make life harder, to get a job, to buy, to sell? All of these things cause red flags especially for Christians. It's almost like the government is intentionally gaslighting Christians and labeling them. Actually it's more than it's almost like it's exactly like that. This is a report from "Facts Matter" with Roman Belkanov

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The FBI - Inexcusable , Unconstitutional Law Breaking American STASI

I've been for a very long time trying to inform my audience of the obvious. From the Federal Bureau of Investigation to the Department of Homeland Security, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, to the Bureau of Land Management, we have allowed slowly year after year, tragedy after tragedy, the excuse of increased needed security to be used to justify the erosion of rights and our freedom. This is Ron Pauls take on it. I agree with him.
RTR Truth Media

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


At least ten bills are working their way through the California state legislature that would expand the state’s “red flag” law, according to the Los Angeles Times. The bills would, among other things, expand the list of people who could request gun confiscation orders and extend the duration of the orders from one to five years. We have truly entered dangerous waters. American states are one by one becoming little Communitarian / Bolshevik strongholds.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is ready and willing to sign whatever gun confiscation schemes the legislature cooks up.

The governor signaled his support at a press conference touting the new ammunition background check law set to take effect July 1. He said he hoped a number of legislative efforts “to expand the scope of the red flag laws” would get to his desk. “I expect they will be supported overwhelmingly upstairs,” he added, referring to the legislature.

Of the ten bills that would expand and/or modify the state’s red flag law, two have the most serious potential to affect California gun owners. AB-61, introduced by Assembly Members Philip Ting, Al Muratsuchi, and Eloise Gómez Reyez, would expand the list of people authorized to ask a judge for a gun confiscation order.

Under current state law, an immediate family member or a law enforcement officer can request a judge to confiscate a person’s firearms if there is a “substantial likelihood” that the person poses an immediate danger to self or others. AB-61 would further allow an employer or a coworker who has “substantial and regular interactions with the person and approval of their employer” to request the order. It would also permit an employee or teacher of a secondary or postsecondary school, with approval of the school administration staff, to request a student’s firearms be removed, provided the student has been attending the school for at least six months. This is reminiscent of the Soviet Union. In Bolshevik Russia the citizens were used as weapons of the state in a similar campaign as if you “see something say something” style. Citizens in Bolshevik Russia would also use the state as a weapon against people who they had issues with or did not like. They would use this process to get even. And the government did not mind this as it kept everyone divided, controlled and in fear of government. In other words misuse of the process still served government interests. 

The second bill, AB-12, would expand the maximum length of a gun confiscation order from one year to five years. In determining the duration of the order, the court would consider how long a person is “likely to continue” to be a danger to self or others. The bill allows the person under the order to request every year that the order be lifted, but they must prove that there is “no longer clear and convincing evidence” that they present a danger.

Other bills affecting red flag laws would require police departments to standardize their gun confiscation procedures and allow gun owners to voluntarily surrender their firearms to a court.

News of the expanded red flag laws comes the same week that California gun owners will be required to pass a background check for ammunition purchases. 

America - we have been trying to warn you. What we were told about what they would never do 15 years ago by gun control advocates they are not only doing, but going way beyond. 

Thursday, July 5, 2018


Over the last couple of years major social media, news and video platforms have been actively engaged in the censorship of what they believe to be fake news and information. Often spearheaded by third-party review organizations known to have biased views, there have been countless examples of unpopular speech and commentary that has seen its distribution suppressed or outright banned.

While there is most certainly a human element involved in the review and flagging of information, mega Silicon Valley conglomerates have also implemented automated systems to identify potentially hateful and repulsive content.
To give you an idea of the kind of automation in play and what words and ideas are being identified as running contrary to the principles of media aggregators and distributors, consider that Facebook recently banned America’s founding document from being posted.
Since June 24, the Liberty County Vindicator of Liberty County, Texas, has been sharing daily excerpts from the Declaration of Independence in the run up to July Fourth. The idea was to encourage historical literacy among the Vindicator‘s readers.
The first nine such posts of the project went up without incident.
“But part 10,” writes Vindicator managing editor Casey Stinnett, “did not appear. Instead, The Vindicator received a notice from Facebook saying that the post ‘goes against our standards on hate speech.’”
The post in question contained paragraphs 27 through 31 of the Declaration of Independence, the grievance section of the document wherein the put-upon colonists detail all the irreconcilable differences they have with King George III.
Stinnett says that he cannot be sure which exact grievance ran afoul of Facebook’s policy, but he assumes that it’s paragraph 31, which excoriates the King for inciting “domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages.”
The removal of the post was an automated action, and Stinnett sent a “feedback message” to Facebook with the hopes of reaching a human being who could then exempt the Declaration of Independence from its hate speech restrictions.
The Vindicator took a screenshot of the post’s removal.
According to the Vindicator, the post was eventually restored after it was manually reviewed.
Reprinted with permission from

Thursday, January 18, 2018


Gary Gileno, a pro-Liberty activist also known as Grindall61 on YouTube joins the show to reveal serious issues going on in California that is going widely unreported in the Main Stream fake News media. From a complete takeover by those who are flying Nazi flags on behalf of a Chicano Marxist takeover to the total control of the water supply, cap and trade and environmental scams that fleeces the people, this show will blow your mind. We will be updating this article periodically to add links as we are not in our studio at the moment.

Grindall61 YouTube channel -

Grindall61 Twitter -

Grindall61 facebook -

Monday, December 25, 2017


This very well may be one of the strongest presentations of evidence illustrating why the courts often threaten people who mention the Constitution in their courts, ever presented. Please do not pass this by. make the time to listen to it fully without dismissing it as just another presentation. They altered the oath that Judges take to uphold the Constitution.

A federal government which does not derive its lawful and limited authority from the Constitution of the United States is by definition an occupation government and criminal regime.  Its authority is null and void and no one is bound by any rule of law to obey it.
–Donald L. Cline

We The People, in order to bring forward the solution to Constitutional usurpation, must realize that #ItMattersHowYouStand      -   Thomas Lacovara-Stewart

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Folks, we always knew things were getting bad. Everyone who is so proud of their country also better be proud enough to accept Corporate Fascism and the spying on us through venues we never really look for or know. Utility and communications companies. Private corporations that do not wear the insignia nor identity of the government. Would your local Sheriff employ such tactics to spy on all of us. Some say that the so called occupies should have been spied on. The problem is not what you believe with or about that. The problem is "by whom and under what authority". I hope everyone is all warm and fuzzy over the TPP. Because this is a little look inside as to "everyone might just get what we tried to stop" kind of time.     Here is where we can see that our failure to stop this coming back to bite us in the butt.     Anyone comfortable with what LaVoy uncovered, needs a special apartment in North Korea. I do not care how far technology has advanced, nor the excuses given to justify and warrant it. And armed American public can protect our Union, better than all of the "eyes in the sky" combined. We are the government. That is what I was raised to believe. Well, "we are not these corporations", so how are we then "the government", if we do not have any say with how we are spied upon?

Those behind this need to be tossed !     This is disgusting, and treason against the American people. Our framers would be sickened .    There is not one person that with a straight face could tell me that they would have accepted any of this.  And that is my test whenever I look at something related to government.      "What would Patrick Henry say"?     

If the answer to that question is......he would go get rope, we stand against it.
Read the revelation below and see what your government has been doing without your knowledge. Then tell me how proud you are of a Corporation !

Last night, a video came out showing the Malheur Occupiers carefully removing surveillance cameras that were installed on utility poles near an electric substation. There were two locations for cameras probably one pointed at the road and one pointed towards the substation.    Those devices are components of the Smart Grid. The Smart Grid is a computerized control system that is being built over the top of our electric grid.


Notice on the box, it says SCADA. SCADA is the acronym for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition device. SCADA systems are the interface devices between hardware and software systems.



But the Malheur Occupiers were not entirely correct in thinking this was a government installation. It was a utility company installation but that’s kind of a distinction without a difference because the government and utility companies have a “public-private partnership” for surveillance of the citizenry as well as the electric transmission grid. Public-private partnership is just a warm and fuzzy way to say Fascist. General Benito Mussolini is said to have described fascism this way:

“Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism as it is a merger of state and corporate power”.

There couldn’t be a more clear example of a merger of state and corporate power than the Smart Grid. Below is a graphic of the systems feeding into command and control central – a Fusion Center. You’ll notice on the right, the EOC includes the utility systems.


        Click to enlarge

Fusion Centers are collection and command and control centers.  At the national level, the Total Information Awareness System (TIA) brought to you by DARPA (ARPA or whatever the hell they are calling themselves now) is the “System of Systems” that was designed to provide government access to the data in all of the systems in the above graphic. Collectively, the systems above are the dreams come true for the STASI, KGB, SAVAK, etc. Once these systems are all in place, you won’t be able to scratch your nose without it being recorded and the appropriate authorities notified.


Ironically, the technology for these systems was the result of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Act of 1993. Since there was no longer a threat from the Soviet Union, the DOD contractors were re-purposed to develop technologies for peaceful use. The systems above and system below were some of the systems they came up with.


                                        NAFTA Superhighway Memory Hole

The “peaceful use” was to turn the American people into the enemy and our civilian landscape into the battlespace because you can’t retrain a wolf to be a sheep dog.  Surveillance cameras everywhere are components of Total Domain Awareness which is the location component of Total Information Awareness.


       Click to enlarge

Military Data Fusion Center


Lockheed - Insights Volume 3, Number 2, 2006, Page 8

                   Lockheed – Insights Volume 3, Number 2, 2006, Page 8


Civilian Data Fusion Center

Point, Click and Disable Your Breaks



The systems are the same. The only thing that’s different is that the guy at the civilian console doesn’t wear a uniform – yet.

Human ID at a Distance

Smart Meters attached to Smart Grid

The objective of the Smart Grid is to be able to control our electric infrastructure which includes the electricity usage in our homes using the Smart Meter control device.   Our electric usage provides a data map of our daily activities within the walls of our homes and ultimately, it will allow the utility company to control the electric devices in our homes. The utility company of course, says they won’t do that, but they are liars as a retrospective analysis of my smart meter case will prove.

When Idaho Power first tried to install this surveillance and control device on my home, I did not give my permission. I filed a complaint with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and went through the process for what ultimately became a meaningless exercise because Idaho Power simply brought a Deputy Sheriff to my home to intimidate me while they illegally installed the smart meter surveillance and control device over my objections. I pursued the complaint to the point of next step being a hearing in front of the Idaho Supreme Court but because I didn’t have a lawyer, I thought it best not to poison the well by allowing them to set a precedent based on my incompetence as a lawyer in a court of law.

Regulatory Structure

A significant amount of the research that I’ve done on the systems of the Technocratic Tyranny included the deregulation of our utilities and the establishment of a “self-regulatory” structure that is NOT American.   I used the Brain software to map the organizational structure but unfortunately, I couldn’t afford to keep online access to it available so I’m using screen prints of the structure instead. I won’t go through all of it – just enough for you to see who is really controlling the electric transmission grid and smart grid.


High Level Organizational Structure


Click to enlarge

FERC – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, is an independent agency that regulates the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil.


         Click to enlarge

NERC – North American Electric Reliability Corporation

“The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) is a not-for-profit international regulatory authority whose mission is to assure the reliability of the bulk power system in North America. NERC develops and enforces Reliability Standards; annually assesses seasonal and long‐term reliability; monitors the bulk power system through system awareness; and educates, trains, and certifies industry personnel. NERC’s area of responsibility spans the continental United States, Canada, and the northern portion of Baja California, Mexico. NERC is the electric reliability organization (ERO) for North America, subject to oversight by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and governmental authorities in Canada. NERC’s jurisdiction includes users, owners, and operators of the bulk power system, which serves more than 334 million people.”

utility_ Nerc

Click to enlarge


You’ll notice that the description above says that NERC is subject to the oversight of FERC. Baloney. That’s not how the dynamics of organizational control works. NERC develops and enforces regulations for the transmission grid and they are in control of the regional command and control centers for the  transmission grid so NERC is the regulatory organization and FERC is subservient to NERC.   And NERC is NOT an American organization and it is not a government organization so what’s been done here is that a key component of our critical infrastructure has been turned over to a private organization that is not even American. In my book, that’s treason.

One other thing – smart meters were designed to monitor inputs of electricity (renewable energy) to the electric grid as well as outputs (usage of electricity). Because of that, smart meters are a component of the electric transmission grid subject to the regulatory control of NERC despite the fact that electric service to residential consumers is part of the electric distribution system theoretically under state regulatory authority. When we start having brown-outs due to electricity “shortages”, it will be due to the regulatory authority of NERC – not FERC.

Bottom Line

To sum it up, what the Occupiers of Malheur did is a far greater service for the American people than they even knew. By the removal of those surveillance cameras, they provided the opportunity for me to explain at least partially why I don’t believe that we have an American government at the federal level anymore. Governing authority has been transferred to non-governmental, North American and/or United Nations Organizations.  Our only hope of reclaiming the Republic with an American government for the American people is to begin by reclaiming local government at the county level where we still have a lawful, Constitutional structure from which to rebuild.

Thank You Occupiers!   You are true American Patriots!

Vicky Davis

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Ex CIA agent reveals the way to delete the elite ....using TRUTH's Ammunition - TRUTH and writing....through MEDIA ! The pen (or keyboard) can and is mightier than the sword of used properly. He goes on to explain how we csn take back the nation highjacked from us by the power elite. They are not a representation of free market Capitalism, but Corporate Fascism being implemented by a Totalitarian mindset......moving into full National Socialism, and slowly morphing into Global Communist rule.

An excellent link to go with this video would be from Cryptome -

Tom Lacovara-Stewart - Bruce Ray Riggs - RTR TRUTH MEDIA

Resurrect the Republic | Dirty Uncle Sam Radio Show / Articles / Videos / Print Media

News / Op-Eds / Historical - Constitutional Research & Investigation

We air on the Republic Broadcasting Network

Terrestrial Radio - Satellite - Short Wave - Internet

To schedule a presentation by video link or in person by Tom & Bruce please contact our staff of TRUTH WARRIORS at and we will try to accomidate.

Presentations on the Secret Constitution, the Emergency War Powers, the Lieber Codes or "General Orders 100, the Trading With the Enemy Act,

Intro to the US Constitutions

Advanced Constitution

14th Amendment

Original 13th Amendment

The Horrors of World Slavery - not just confined to American Slavery, but as a Global Economic For e that drove the economies of the African Nations that Conquered their enemies and sold them, their own people, quite wrongfully, into slavery...... Which shows there were both White and Black Captains of Industrial Slavery, not limited to the "White Privledge" Cultural Marxists would have the country's disenfranchised to believe.

Come help us spread the TRUTH - Unite races and classes and all demographics....

Our research is based on the War Between the States primarily and the real and true history of the united States. Slavery was abhorrent. No man or woman should ever know its yoke....but it os to this day and minute being used to feed a narrative and bring about Race and class wars. The Marxists and Corporate Fascists are in place and they are ready to divide.....ready to start the next....

COMMUNIST REVOLUTION !!!!     #AllLivesMatter

Tag Cloud:

Constitution, Articles of Confederation, 14th Amendment, Title of Nobility Amendment, 13th Amendment, Federal Reserve, Communist Central Bank, Cultural Marxism, Karl Marx, Paul Warburg, Nathan Rothschild, Carnegie Endowment, Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, Smithsonian Institution, Federalized Education, Charlotte Iserbyt, Alice Linahan, Women on the Wall, Reese Committee Investigation into the Tax Exempt Foundations