Showing posts with label New World Order. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New World Order. Show all posts

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Frustrating Are The Times When You See the Gay Rights Movement Saturated by Marxism - The Tool of Those Who Use All Their Victims to Sow Division

Thomas Lacovara - Resurrect the Republic 
RTR Truth Media 
Republic Broadcasting Network

I’m always looking to see more content produced by Fleccas and this “man on the street” style interview ... wait I mean “person on the street... oh hell, whatever. It’s no big secret that I see anything that I do not condone the hedonistic lifestyles that the majority of the most flamboyant, thus more noticed are seen. What absolutely blows my mind is how Fleccas asks them what the movement is all about and immediately most respond “it’s all about inclusivity and equality, and diversity... for accepting people for who and what they are, but then when they are asked what they think about Trump or those who  their entire demeanor changes, and it was like you dumped battery acid on them. 

They are completely “as KGB self described defector Yuri Bezmanov said about those whose lives have been programmed by Soviet “Active Measures”, that they are simply unable to come to a sensible conclusion. They can not see that their reaction is the utter example of everything they say they “actually hate” which is bigotry. There are no greater bigots than those who try to smear others while doing to others what they don’t what have done to themselves. There is no room for ...

“diversity of thought. 

I pray they awaken from their slumber before it’s too late and they go the way that many like them have gone in the past.”

The brilliance of Flecccas

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

We’ve Had Just About Enough of Bill Gates Ideas on Behavior Modification - Now Hes Gone Too Far

This is no theory of a conspiracy. This is Bill Gates being a total control freak. I for one I’ve had just about enough of Bill Gates ideas of behavior modification and moving us towards veggie burgers instead of cattle he’s buying up farmland in attempt to control not to enhance commerce and I do believe the commerce clause of the US Constitution has something to say about regulating commerce. The purpose for the regulation of commerce is to keep it fair and equitable and flowing. It is not to allow oligarchs to put others out of business intentionally because of a ideology. In fact doing so if it isn’t criminal should be. Every rancher and cattle operation in the United States should file lawsuits against this bastard simultaneously. Check out Brian Young‘s report on this it’ll leave your jaw dropped.

Here is the Bill Gates 60 Minutes interview -

Sunday, February 11, 2018

CLUB of ROME - the New World Order is Fact - The Reality of an Ongoing Struggle Against Collectivist Totalitarianism

The "Club of Rome" the Committee of 300 and the global socialist takeover of the United States and of the world. That is the goal of the Progressive Democrat and Republicans - two wings of the same bird. If you lean toward Conservatism as I do, you will find that 85% of what Republicans do you may agree and support, while the complains are fewer than the positives, what you will find is that the goals of the both that remain the same are more or less obscured by the division created by the opposites in both parties, both of which have been thoroughly infiltrated by these Collectivists. People like Ron Paul were exceptions to this elite standard. Just as an example, Dr. Paul was a true Conservative. No Wars, true equality of opportunity, a sound currency based on gold and silver, the complete respect of natural inherent and unalienable rights. That is why the establishment left and right opposed him so harshly.

The Club of Rome Presented by Michael Black - A highly respectable presentation....

The following are a series of links and much content that supports the content of the videos presented above. Many Collectivists on both the faux right as well as the radical left have denounced much of this under the famously concocted term of "Conspiracy Theory". Allow me to shed some light upon this term with the following presentation -

More on this presentation above -

Back to the subject at hand :


Find out why the cover-up of U.N. architect's betrayal continues

WASHINGTON – Former U.S. State Department official Alger Hiss was the darling of the Franklin Roosevelt Democrats and the architect of the United Nations.
That he was also a Soviet spy remains one of the most well-guarded secrets of the 20th century.


But a new book, “Alger Hiss: Why He Chose Treason,” shatters the veil of secrecy so well maintained by “progressives” in the Democratic Party and a complicit media establishment.

It all began unraveling in 1948, when Hiss was accused of being a Soviet spy. Because the statute of limitations on espionage had run out, he was convicted only of perjury. Decades later – after the Hiss trial had been long forgotten by most – archival evidence surfaced confirming the accusations: a public servant with access to classified documents had indeed passed crucial information to the Soviets for more than a decade.
Yet many on the American Left still consider Hiss an iconic figure – an innocent victim accused of unsubstantiated crimes. They prefer to focus on the collectivist ideals Hiss stood for, rather than confront the reality of a man who systematically and methodically betrayed his country.

Excerpts from Hearings of the House Un-American Activities Committee Relating to the Alger Hiss Case -

The "Pumpkin papers" -
Four images of Pumpkin Papers are included below. To see a larger image, click on the thumbnail photo.      
Why the name "Pumpkin Papers"?

Club of RomeFounded in 1968 by Italian industrialist, Aurelio Peccei, the Club of Rome is a global think tank that deals with a variety of international political issues. Originally, the Club of Rome had defined the three major concepts that have formed the Club’s thinking ever since: a global perspective, the long term, and the cluster of intertwined problems they called “the problematique”.
Some would say they specialize in “crisis creation,” using the Hegelian Dialectic to accomplish their goals.
According to its website, the Club of Rome is composed of “scientists, economists, businessmen, international high civil servants, heads of state and former heads of state from all five continents who are convinced that the future of humankind is not determined once and for all and that each human being can contribute to the improvement of our societies.”
The Club of Rome is perhaps at the apex of the New World Order pyramid, a Neo-Malthusian organization with interlocking membership with European power elite groups such as the Committee of 300 (a secret society founded by the British aristocracy in 1727) and the Bilderberg Group.
Thomas Robert MalthusThomas Robert Malthus argued that population was held within resource limits by two types of checks: positive ones, which raised the death rate, and preventative ones, which lowered the birth rate. The positive checks included hunger, disease and war; the preventative checks, abortion, birth control, prostitution, homosexuality, postponement of marriage, and celibacy.
The Club of Rome’s members, including Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and Mikhail Gorbachev, believe humanity requires “a common motivation, namely a common adversary” in order to realize their world government.
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” – Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, 1991

World Depopulation

To facilitate the management of the New World Order agenda calls for the elimination of most of the worlds population through war, disease, abortion and famine. According to the Club of Rome’s publications, the common enemy of humanity is man. One of the major goals of the Club of Rome is to reduce the world’s population by 2 billion people through war, famine, disease and any other means necessary.
This video highlights the connection between the environmental movement and those who are striving to bring about a new system of control to the world.
Not only did the Club of Rome’s 1972 report, “Limits to Growth” call for a reduced level of consumption of resources, it also argued that humankind needs to re-evaluate its exploitative attitude towards humans and the earth itself. The failure to give more foreign aid is indicative of the increased selfishness of rich countries. Meanwhile, the world’s richest 20 per cent of the population consume 86 per cent of its goods and services, over half its energy and nearly half its meat and fish.
 In the Club of Rome book, The First Global Revolution, the group called for a “limit to growth” approach to solve the world’s problems, in fact a problem the global elite has with humanity. “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill,” the book states. “All these dangers are caused by human intervention,” and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”
It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or… one invented for the purpose.” In the process of struggling against this implacable enemy, democracy “will be made to seem responsible for the lagging economy, the scarcity and uncertainties. The very concept of democracy could then be brought into question and allow for the seizure of power.”

One World Government

Richard Haass, the current president of the Council on Foreign Relations, expanded on this topic in his article, State sovereignty must be altered in globalized era. According to Haass, a system of world government must be created and sovereignty eliminated in order to fight global warming and terrorism, both invented as the Club of Rome suggested. “Some governments are prepared to give up elements of sovereignty to address the threat of global climate change,” writes Haass. “The goal should be to redefine sovereignty for the era of globalization, to find a balance between a world of fully sovereign states and an international system of either world government or anarchy.”
In 1976, the United States Association of the Club of Rome (USACOR) was formed for the purpose of gradually shutting down the U.S. economy.
Since then, working in concert with their international counterparts, they have been pushing the junk science of climate change, fueled a global financial crisis triggered by the mortgage crisis in America resulting in $Trillions being transferred to globalist banks from countries around the world on the brink of default, and enciting revolutions throughout the Middle East that are spreading to the Western world. Our global rulers are systematically taking down the global economy in order to impose what Haass describes as “an international system of either world government or anarchy.”
The Club of Rome, headed by Maurice Strong, is THE group that takes the issue of global warming (whether real or imagined) as an excuse to institute a one world government, or new world order. Glenn Beck and guest discuss this in preparation for upcoming guest Lord Christopher Monckton.
Led by Progressives in the U.S. Congress, they have been able to pass a cap-and-trade system that will result in the largest transfer of wealth in U.S. history with relatively little opposition. In recent years, with the help of the corporate media, they have cranked up the propaganda about climate change and will eventually impose punitive carbon taxes on the American people, a scheme that may eventually lead to the near complete reversal of hundreds of years of technological progress and man’s return to the stone age.
“Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” — Barack Obama, January 17, 2008, San Francisco Chronicle

The Committee of 300

“There is no need to use ‘they’ or ‘the enemy’ except as shorthand. We know who ‘they,’ the enemy, is. The Committee of 300 with its Eastern Liberal Establishment ‘aristocracy,’ its banks, insurance companies, giant corporations, foundations, communications networks, presided over by a hierarchy of conspirators – this is the enemy.” – John Coleman, “Conspirators Hierarchy”
This Committee of 300 is modeled after the British East India Company’s Council of 300, founded by the British aristocracy in 1727. Most of its immense wealth arose out of the opium trade with China. This group is responsible for the phony drug wars here in the U.S. with the agenda of getting us to give away our constitutional rights. Asset forfeiture is a prime example, where huge assets can be seized without trial and no proof of guilt needed.
“Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, direct the economic destiny of Europe and choose their successors from among themselves.” -Walter Rathenau of General Electric, 1909
Some notable members of the Committee of 300 include: The British royal family, Dutch royal family, House of Hapsburg, House of Orange, Duke of Alba, Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, Lord Carrington, Lord Halifax, Lord Alfred Milner, John Jacob and Waldorf of the Astor Illuminati bloodline, Winston Churchill, Cecil Rhodes, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Juliana, Queen Beatrix, Queen Magreta, King Haakon of Norway, Colonel Mandel House, Aldous Huxley, John Forbes, Averill Harriman, William and McGeorge Bundy, George Bush, Prescott Bush, Henry Kissinger, J.P. Morgan, Maurice Strong, David Rockefeller, David and Evelyn Rothschild, Paul, Max and Felix Warburg, Ormsby and Al Gore, Bertrand Russell, Sir Earnest and Harry of the Oppenheimer Illuminati bloodline, Warren Buffet, Giuseppe Mazzini, Sir William Hesse, George Schultz, H.G. Wells, and Ted Turner.
The Committee of 300 looks to social convulsions on a global scale, followed by depressions, as a softening-up technique for bigger things to come, as its principal method of creating masses of people all over the world who will become its “welfare” recipients of the future.

Overpopulation: The Fallacy Behind The Fallacy Of Global Warming

Click for the book
Guest essay by Dr. Tim Ball
Global Warming was just one issue The Club of Rome (TCOR) targeted in its campaign to reduce world population. In 1993 the Club’s co-founder, Alexander King with Bertrand Schneider wrote The First Global Revolution stating,
“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”
see The Great Global Warming Fraud
Lenin restructured Russian society by starving millions of Kulaks. It would seem that the Club of Rome wish to achieve something similar using phony Global Warming scare. Wasting vast sums of money trying to cure a non existent problem to impoverish current human society. From the utter destruction to establish a super socialist society.
They believe all these problems are created by humans but exacerbated by a growing population using technology. Changed attitudes and behaviorbasically means what it has meant from the time Thomas Malthus raised the idea the world was overpopulated. He believed charity and laws to help the poor were a major cause of the problem and it was necessary to reduce population through rules and regulations. TCOR ideas all ended up in the political activities of the Rio 1992 conference organized by Maurice Strong (a TCOR member) under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
Please read more from this site and this article here :
Additional Reading:
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Thank you, 
Tom Lacovara-Stewart / Lorri Anderson and the rest of the folks at 
Resurrect the Republic Truth Radio Broadcast on the 
Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN)

Monday, December 4, 2017


The Creature from Jekyll Island G. Edward Griffin talked about his book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, which is a history of the creation of the Federal Reserve System. He was interviewed while attending FreedomFest, the libertarian conference held July 11-14, 2012, in Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel and Casino.  To see that video please click -  HERE 

For a better understanding of fractional reserve banking let us look to the Mises Institute:

Fractional-Reserve Banking and Money Creation

According to traditional economics textbooks, the current monetary system amplifies initial monetary injections of money. The popular story goes as follows: if the central bank injects $1 billion into the economy, and banks have to hold 10% in reserve against their deposits, this will allow the first bank to lend 90% of this $1 billion. The $900 million in turn will end up with the second bank, which will lend 90% of the $900 million. The $810 million will end up with a third bank, which in turn will lend out 90% of $810 million, and so on.
Consequently the initial injection of $1 billion will become $10 billion, i.e., money supply will expand by a multiple of 10. Note that in this example the central bank has actively initiated monetary pumping of $1 billion, which in turn banks have expanded to $10 billion.
But in a world where central banks don't target money supply but rather set targets for the overnight interest rate (e.g. the federal funds rate in the United States and the call rate in Japan) does this continue to make sense? Additionally, in some economies like Australia banks are not even compelled to hold reserves against their deposits. Surely then the entire multiplier model in the economics textbooks must be suspect.
Indeed, economists from the post-Keynesian school of economics (PK) have expressed doubt about the validity of the popular framework.
It is argued that the key source of money expansion is the demand for loans together with the willingness of banks to lend.
The supply of loans, in this way of thinking, is never independent of demand — banks supply loans only because someone is willing to borrow bank money by issuing an IOU to a bank.
Accordingly, the driving force of bank credit expansion and thus money supply expansion is the increase in the demand for loans and neither the money multiplier nor the central bank. Bank lending is not constrained here by reserves that are injected by the central bank, but by the demand for loans.
Is this objection valid?

Fractional-Reserve Banking and Creation of Money

Let us say that an increase in the demand for loans has taken place. How is a bank going to accommodate this increased demand? One way is by borrowing in financial markets or by raising equity funds. Another way of funding this increase is by using part of deposited money.
Note that banks are legally permitted to use some of the money that is placed in demand deposits. Banks treat this type of money as if it were lent to them.
For instance, if John places $100 in demand deposit he doesn't relinquish his claim over the deposited $100. He has an unlimited claim against his $100. This demand deposit should be properly regarded as not different from money in a safe deposit box. Hence, when a bank uses the deposited money as if it were lent to him the bank generates another claim on this deposited money.
Let us say that a bank lends $50 to Mike. By lending Mike $50, the bank creates a deposit for $50 that Mike can now use.
This in turn means that John will continue to have a claim against $100 while Mike will have a claim against $50. This type of lending is what fractional reserve banking is all about. The bank has $100 in cash against claims, or deposits, of $150. The bank therefore holds 66.7% reserves against demand deposits. The bank has created $50 out of "thin air" since the $50 is not supported by any genuine money.
A case could be made, however, that people who place their money in demand deposits do not mind banks using their money. Notwithstanding all this, as long as people trade, there will always be a demand for money, which will be held either in cash or in bank demand deposits.
Consequently, regardless of people's attitudes, once banks use deposited money, an expansion of money that is not backed by ‘real’ money is set in motion.
Although the law allows this type of practice, from an economic point of view it produces a similar outcome to that achieved by the counterfeiter. It results in money out of "thin air" which leads to consumption that is not supported by production i.e. the dilution of the pool of real wealth.
On this Mises wrote,
It is usual to reckon the acceptance of a deposit which can be drawn upon at any time by means of notes or checks as a type of credit transaction and juristically this view is, of course, justified; but economically, the case is not one of a credit transaction ... A depositor of a sum of money who acquires in exchange for it a claim convertible into money at any time which will perform exactly the same service for him as the sum it refers to, has exchanged no present good for a future good. The claim that he has acquired by his deposit is also a present good for him. The depositing of money in no way means that he has renounced immediate disposal over the utility that it commands.1
Similarly, Rothbard argued,
In this sense, a demand deposit, while legally designated as credit, is actually a present good — a warehouse claim to a present good that is similar to a bailment transaction, in which the warehouse pledges to redeem the ticket at any time on demand.2

Why the Existence of a Central Bank Permits Fractional-Reserve Banking

Let us say that for whatever reason banks are experiencing an increase in the demand for loans. Also, let us assume that the supply of loanable funds is unchanged. According to PK, banks will facilitate this increase. The demand-deposit accounts of the new borrowers will now increase.
Obviously the new deposits are likely to be employed in various transactions. After some time elapses, banks will be required to clear their checks and this is where problems might occur.
Some banks will find that to clear checks they are forced either to sell assets or to borrow the money from other banks (remember the pool of loanable funds stays unchanged).
Obviously, all this will put an upward pressure on money market interest rates and in turn on the entire interest-rate structure. To prevent banks bankruptcy the central bank will be forced to pump money e.g. through open market purchases of securities. Once the central bank starts pumping money it in fact gives the green light to the money multiplier process (the creation of credit out of "thin air"). So the conceptual outcome as depicted by the multiplier model remains intact here. The only difference is that banks initiate the lending process, which is then accommodated by the central bank.
If the multiplier process requires the support of the central bank then one can infer that, in a free market without the central bank, the likelihood of such a process emerging is not very high.
In a free market, if a particular bank tries to expand credit without backup from a genuine lender — i.e., by practicing fractional-reserve banking — it runs the risk of not being able to honor its checks, which raises the risk of bankruptcy.
  • 1. Ludwig von Mises 1980, The Theory of Money and Credit. Indianopolis, Ind: Libery Classics( pp300-01).
  • 2.Murray N. Rothbard 1978, Austrian definitions of the supply of money, in New Directions in Austrian Economics p 148.
For more we at RTR highly recommend you go and frequent the site : 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Folks, we always knew things were getting bad. Everyone who is so proud of their country also better be proud enough to accept Corporate Fascism and the spying on us through venues we never really look for or know. Utility and communications companies. Private corporations that do not wear the insignia nor identity of the government. Would your local Sheriff employ such tactics to spy on all of us. Some say that the so called occupies should have been spied on. The problem is not what you believe with or about that. The problem is "by whom and under what authority". I hope everyone is all warm and fuzzy over the TPP. Because this is a little look inside as to "everyone might just get what we tried to stop" kind of time.     Here is where we can see that our failure to stop this coming back to bite us in the butt.     Anyone comfortable with what LaVoy uncovered, needs a special apartment in North Korea. I do not care how far technology has advanced, nor the excuses given to justify and warrant it. And armed American public can protect our Union, better than all of the "eyes in the sky" combined. We are the government. That is what I was raised to believe. Well, "we are not these corporations", so how are we then "the government", if we do not have any say with how we are spied upon?

Those behind this need to be tossed !     This is disgusting, and treason against the American people. Our framers would be sickened .    There is not one person that with a straight face could tell me that they would have accepted any of this.  And that is my test whenever I look at something related to government.      "What would Patrick Henry say"?     

If the answer to that question is......he would go get rope, we stand against it.
Read the revelation below and see what your government has been doing without your knowledge. Then tell me how proud you are of a Corporation !

Last night, a video came out showing the Malheur Occupiers carefully removing surveillance cameras that were installed on utility poles near an electric substation. There were two locations for cameras probably one pointed at the road and one pointed towards the substation.    Those devices are components of the Smart Grid. The Smart Grid is a computerized control system that is being built over the top of our electric grid.


Notice on the box, it says SCADA. SCADA is the acronym for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition device. SCADA systems are the interface devices between hardware and software systems.



But the Malheur Occupiers were not entirely correct in thinking this was a government installation. It was a utility company installation but that’s kind of a distinction without a difference because the government and utility companies have a “public-private partnership” for surveillance of the citizenry as well as the electric transmission grid. Public-private partnership is just a warm and fuzzy way to say Fascist. General Benito Mussolini is said to have described fascism this way:

“Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism as it is a merger of state and corporate power”.

There couldn’t be a more clear example of a merger of state and corporate power than the Smart Grid. Below is a graphic of the systems feeding into command and control central – a Fusion Center. You’ll notice on the right, the EOC includes the utility systems.


        Click to enlarge

Fusion Centers are collection and command and control centers.  At the national level, the Total Information Awareness System (TIA) brought to you by DARPA (ARPA or whatever the hell they are calling themselves now) is the “System of Systems” that was designed to provide government access to the data in all of the systems in the above graphic. Collectively, the systems above are the dreams come true for the STASI, KGB, SAVAK, etc. Once these systems are all in place, you won’t be able to scratch your nose without it being recorded and the appropriate authorities notified.


Ironically, the technology for these systems was the result of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Act of 1993. Since there was no longer a threat from the Soviet Union, the DOD contractors were re-purposed to develop technologies for peaceful use. The systems above and system below were some of the systems they came up with.


                                        NAFTA Superhighway Memory Hole

The “peaceful use” was to turn the American people into the enemy and our civilian landscape into the battlespace because you can’t retrain a wolf to be a sheep dog.  Surveillance cameras everywhere are components of Total Domain Awareness which is the location component of Total Information Awareness.


       Click to enlarge

Military Data Fusion Center


Lockheed - Insights Volume 3, Number 2, 2006, Page 8

                   Lockheed – Insights Volume 3, Number 2, 2006, Page 8


Civilian Data Fusion Center

Point, Click and Disable Your Breaks



The systems are the same. The only thing that’s different is that the guy at the civilian console doesn’t wear a uniform – yet.

Human ID at a Distance

Smart Meters attached to Smart Grid

The objective of the Smart Grid is to be able to control our electric infrastructure which includes the electricity usage in our homes using the Smart Meter control device.   Our electric usage provides a data map of our daily activities within the walls of our homes and ultimately, it will allow the utility company to control the electric devices in our homes. The utility company of course, says they won’t do that, but they are liars as a retrospective analysis of my smart meter case will prove.

When Idaho Power first tried to install this surveillance and control device on my home, I did not give my permission. I filed a complaint with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and went through the process for what ultimately became a meaningless exercise because Idaho Power simply brought a Deputy Sheriff to my home to intimidate me while they illegally installed the smart meter surveillance and control device over my objections. I pursued the complaint to the point of next step being a hearing in front of the Idaho Supreme Court but because I didn’t have a lawyer, I thought it best not to poison the well by allowing them to set a precedent based on my incompetence as a lawyer in a court of law.

Regulatory Structure

A significant amount of the research that I’ve done on the systems of the Technocratic Tyranny included the deregulation of our utilities and the establishment of a “self-regulatory” structure that is NOT American.   I used the Brain software to map the organizational structure but unfortunately, I couldn’t afford to keep online access to it available so I’m using screen prints of the structure instead. I won’t go through all of it – just enough for you to see who is really controlling the electric transmission grid and smart grid.


High Level Organizational Structure


Click to enlarge

FERC – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, is an independent agency that regulates the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil.


         Click to enlarge

NERC – North American Electric Reliability Corporation

“The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) is a not-for-profit international regulatory authority whose mission is to assure the reliability of the bulk power system in North America. NERC develops and enforces Reliability Standards; annually assesses seasonal and long‐term reliability; monitors the bulk power system through system awareness; and educates, trains, and certifies industry personnel. NERC’s area of responsibility spans the continental United States, Canada, and the northern portion of Baja California, Mexico. NERC is the electric reliability organization (ERO) for North America, subject to oversight by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and governmental authorities in Canada. NERC’s jurisdiction includes users, owners, and operators of the bulk power system, which serves more than 334 million people.”

utility_ Nerc

Click to enlarge


You’ll notice that the description above says that NERC is subject to the oversight of FERC. Baloney. That’s not how the dynamics of organizational control works. NERC develops and enforces regulations for the transmission grid and they are in control of the regional command and control centers for the  transmission grid so NERC is the regulatory organization and FERC is subservient to NERC.   And NERC is NOT an American organization and it is not a government organization so what’s been done here is that a key component of our critical infrastructure has been turned over to a private organization that is not even American. In my book, that’s treason.

One other thing – smart meters were designed to monitor inputs of electricity (renewable energy) to the electric grid as well as outputs (usage of electricity). Because of that, smart meters are a component of the electric transmission grid subject to the regulatory control of NERC despite the fact that electric service to residential consumers is part of the electric distribution system theoretically under state regulatory authority. When we start having brown-outs due to electricity “shortages”, it will be due to the regulatory authority of NERC – not FERC.

Bottom Line

To sum it up, what the Occupiers of Malheur did is a far greater service for the American people than they even knew. By the removal of those surveillance cameras, they provided the opportunity for me to explain at least partially why I don’t believe that we have an American government at the federal level anymore. Governing authority has been transferred to non-governmental, North American and/or United Nations Organizations.  Our only hope of reclaiming the Republic with an American government for the American people is to begin by reclaiming local government at the county level where we still have a lawful, Constitutional structure from which to rebuild.

Thank You Occupiers!   You are true American Patriots!

Vicky Davis