Showing posts with label Marxism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marxism. Show all posts

Sunday, May 9, 2021


   I usually agree with what Tucker Carlson says. But Im also one to realize exactly how dangerous he can be by what he doesn't say, and by the Marxist expressions he uses without identifying them for what they are. Please help me bring it to the attention of the Fox News audience. 

I don’t believe in government handouts. Because the government produces nothing but bills and obligations for the American people. But if money is to be made available  to stimulate the economy or help businesses, then it should be made available for everyone. Equally. Only granting loans to “select races” is against the law. If this is allowed to continue there will be eventual unrest and bloodshed I fear. That is what history tells us. 


I am not a “white supremacist”. I am
Just an average American male. I have friends and family of all sorts of backgrounds and cultures. The natural ebb and flow of human interaction can become quite diverse. And that is fine when naturally occurs. But there is absolutely an agenda underway and this bill is just one small example at how racist those who are engaging in this replacement agenda actually are while trying to paint everyday people on that light.

It’s a dangerous and potentially deadly agenda that will absolutely cause some to violently react. They are however a mere symptom of the illness. The illness is this poisonous ideology. Marxism is dangerous. 


Thursday, March 25, 2021


It never ceases to amaze me the level of outright race baiting nonsense that passes for news these days. In a recent extremely covered castigation of a conservative politician many main stream media outlets covered the skin color of everyone involved. They covered the fact that Black Lives Matter a Marxist lead organization was mentioned and even seemed to support the castigation of who they identified not as simply an American politician but a “White” politician as if his skin tone had a thing to do with his opposition to the poisonous ideology that supports the still illegal World Communist Movement. Here is the video of this exchange 

For examples of pundits and yellow journalism, check out the following articles and video. The majority of the coverage of this incident didn’t give a perfectly well known fact that the founders of Black Lives Matter as an organization admitted to being, not naturally embracing, but to being “trained Marxists”. This is not the typical expression for college educated individuals. How many college grads to you hear saying “I am a trained Podiatrist? How about “I’m a trained “ accountant?


Forbes Video just shows the edited exchange with no background or commentary.

Monday, March 15, 2021


It never ceases to amaze me the level of outright race baiting nonsense that passes for news these days. In a recent extremely covered castigation of a conservative politician many main stream media outlets covered the skin color of everyone involved. They covered the fact that Black Lives Matter a Marxist lead organization was mentioned and even seemed to support the castigation of who they identified not as simply an American politician but a “White” politician as if his skin tone had a thing to do with his opposition to the poisonous ideology that supports the still illegal World Communist Movement. Here is the video of this exchange 

Thursday, January 10, 2019


Let’s begin by considering the corrosive work of thFrankfurt School: a group of German-American scholars, mostly Jewish, who developed highly provocative and original perspectives on contemporary society and culture, drawing on Hegel, Marx, Freud, and Weber.
Their idea of a “cultural revolution” was not particularly new. Joseph, Comte de Maistre (1753-1821), who for fifteen years had been a Freemason, had this to say: “Until now, nations were killed by conquest, that is by invasion. But here an important question arises: can a nation not die on its own soil, without resettlement or invasion, by allowing the flies of decomposition to corrupt to the very core those original and constituent principles which make it what it is?”

What was the Frankfurt School?

Well, in the days following the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, it was believed that a Workers’ Revolution would sweep into Europe and, eventually, into the United States. It failed to do so. Towards the end of 1922, the Communist International (Comintern) began to consider the reasons for this failure.
On Lenin’s initiative, a meeting was organized at the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow. The aim of the meeting was to throw light on the meaning of Marx’s Cultural Revolution. What did “cultural revolution” entail?  What was it all about?
First, among those present, was Georg Lukács, a Jewish Hungarian aristocrat and son of a banker. He had become a Communist during World War I. A good Marxist theoretician, he had developed the idea of “Revolution and Eros” — sexual instinct used as an instrument of destruction.
Then there was Willi Münzenberg, another revolutionary Jew whose proposed solution to the problems besetting society was to organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western civilization stink. Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.”
“It was”, said Ralph de Toledano (1916-2007), the conservative author and co-founder of the National Review, “a meeting more harmful to Western civilization than the Bolshevik Revolution itself.”
Lenin died in 1924, but by that time Stalin had risen to power and was beginning to look on Willi Munzenberg, George Lukács and other Jewish revolutionaries (like Trotsky) as dangerous Marxist “revisionists”, introducing concepts into Marxism that were alien to Marxism and which served only a Jewish agenda.
In June 1940, on Stalin’s orders, Münzenberg was hunted down to the south of France by a NKVD assassination squad and hanged from a tree.
In the summer of 1924, after being attacked for his writings by the Fifth Comintern Congress, Lukács moved to Germany. Here he chaired the first meeting of a group of Communist oriented sociologists. This gathering was to lead to the foundation of the Frankfurt School.
This “School”, designed to put flesh on their revolutionary program, was started at the University of Frankfurt in the Institut für Sozialforschung. To begin with, school and institute were indistinguishable. In 1923, the Institute had been officially established, and funded by Felix Weil (1898-1975). Weil, born in Argentina into a wealthy  Jewish family, was sent to attend school in Germany at the age of nine. He attended the universities in Tübingen and Frankfurt, where he graduated with a doctoral degree in political science. While at these universities he became increasingly interested in socialism and Marxism.
Carl Grünberg, the Institute’s Jewish director from 1923-1929, was an avowed Marxist, although the Institute did not have any official party affiliations. But in 1930 Max Horkheimer (also Jewish) assumed control. He believed that Marx’s theory should be the basis of the Institute’s research.
When Hitler came to power, the Institute was closed and its members, by various routes, fled to the United States and ended up as academics at major US universities: Columbia, Princeton, Brandeis, and California at Berkeley.
The fact that they spoke very poor English was no disqualification. They were Jewish, and so they managed to obtain prestigious academic appointments through Jewish influence, i.e., through networking — a system that works exceptionally well even today and which accounts for the huge and unfair preponderance of Jews in academia.
The School included among its members the 1960s guru of the New Left Herbert Marcuse — denounced by Pope Paul VI for his theory of liberation which “opens the way for [sexual] licence cloaked as liberty” — Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, the popular writer Erich Fromm, Leo Lowenthal, and Jurgen Habermas. All these individuals except Habermas were of Jewish origin.
Basically, the Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief — or even the hope of belief — that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke a socialist revolution.
Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the “Judaeo-Christian legacy.”
However,  “Judeo-Christian” is an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms, given that Judaism and Christianity are at opposite ends of the religious spectrum. Since most Jews are  actively hostile to Christianity, and since Talmudic Jews actually take pleasure in the thought of Christ being boiled in excrement in hell, to speak of the “Judeo-Christian legacy” is clearly nonsensical.
To undermine Western civilization, the Frankfurt School Jews called for the most negative and destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life. To de-stabilize society and bring it to its knees, to engineer collapse, to produce crisis and catastrophe — this became the aim of these maladjusted and mentally sick Jewish revolutionaries masquerading as high-powered intellectuals.
Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus — “continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means”, as one of their members noted.
To further the advance of their “quiet” cultural revolution, the Frankfurt School made the following twelve recommendations — all of them calculated to undermine the foundations of society and create the dystopia we now see all around us:
1.  The creation of racism offences and hate speech laws.
2.  Continual change to create confusion (e,g., in school curricula).
3.  Masturbation propaganda in schools, combined with the homosexualization of children and their corruption by exposing them to child porn in the classroom.
4.  The systematic undermining of parental and teachers’ authority.
5.  Huge immigration to destroy national identity and foment future race wars.
6.  The systematic promotion of excessive drinking and recreational drugs.
7.  The systematic promotion of sexual deviance in society.
8.  An unreliable legal system with bias against the victims of crime.
9.  Dependency on state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media. (Six Jewish companies now control 96 percent of the world’s media. LD).
11.  Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
12.  All all-out attack on Christianity and the emptying of churches.
In the Soviet Union, under Stalin and his Communist Jews, the emptying of churches was accomplished by the simple expedient of burning the churches down—thousands of them.
(See herehereherehere and here for more details on the systematic destruction of Christian churches and the persecution of Russian Christians under the Jewish leaders of the Russian Revolution. See also extended end-note.)
Coincidentally, most of the 12 aims and objectives mentioned above were set out prominently in the pages of that alleged  “forgery”, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The Jewish philosophers of the Frankfurt School, it seems, had been heavily influenced by the Protocols. They were clearly impressed by what they read there and decided to implement its recommendations in their own sinister agenda.
One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of “pansexualism”: the search for indiscriminate sexual pleasure, the promotion of “unisex”, the blurring of distinctions between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women, and, finally, the undermining of heterosexuality at the expense of homosexuality — as, for example, in the idea of “same-sex marriage” and the adoption of children by homosexual couples.
Willi Münzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus: “We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.”
“We must organise the intellectuals and use them TO MAKE WESTERN CIVILIZATION STINK! Only then, after they have CORRUPTED ALL ITS VALUES AND MADE LIFE IMPOSSIBLE, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.” 
According to Sean McMeekin’s The Red Millionaire: A political biography of Willi Münzenberg, Münzenberg was “the perpetrator of some of the most colossal lies of the modern age…. He helped unleash a plague of moral blindness upon the world from which we have still not recovered.”
The Frankfurt School believed there were two types of revolution: (a) Political revolution and (b) Cultural revolution. They were more concerned with cultural revolution, the demolition of the established order from within. “Modern forms of subjection are marked by mildness”, they taught. So-called “reforms” were to be made so slowly and subtly that these changes for the worse were barely perceptible. The School saw the undermining of the social order as a long-term project.
 The systematic erosion of Christian moral values and the promotion of sexual perversion is known as cultural Marxism. Today, thanks to the efforts of organized Jewry which controls 96 percent of the world’s media, cultural Marxism has largely triumphed and Christianity lies in ruins. To many dispassionate observers, society has now reached its rockbottom moral nadir — as Jewish Marxists such as Willi Munzenberg (see quote above) would have been only too happy to witness — had he been around today. 
These iconoclasts kept their sights firmly fixed on the family, education, media, sex and popular culture. Each of these would be their target. If things did not go from bad to worse, year after year, they were not succeeding. To these revolutionary Jewish thinkers, bad was good — and worse was better.
220px-Nachum_GoldmanNahum Goldmann lived his whole life as one of the top level international Zionists, he was the president of the World Jewish Congress from 1947 to 1978, and in his 1915 book “The Spirit Of Militarism” (page 37 – 38) he describes the Zionist method for destruction of Western Civilization which is required for transition into the New World Order:
“The historical mission of our world revolution is to rearrange a new culture of humanity to replace the previous social system. This conversion and re-organization of global society requires two essential steps: firstly, the destruction of the old established order, secondly, design and imposition of the new order. The first stage requires elimination of all frontier borders, nationhood and culture, public policy ethical barriers and social definitions, only then can the destroyed old system elements be replaced by the imposed system elements of our new order. The first task of our world revolution is Destruction.
All social strata and social formations created by traditional society must be annihilated, individual men and women must be uprooted from their ancestral environment, torn out of their native milieus, no tradition of any type shall be permitted to remain as sacrosanct, traditional social norms must only be viewed as a disease to be eradicated, the ruling dictum of the new order is; nothing is good so everything must be criticized and abolished, everything that was, must be gone. The forces preserving traditional society are “free market capitalism” in the social economic realm, and “democracy” in the mental political realm. The capitalist free market does not fight against the old economic order, nor does democracy lead a fierce hot battle against the forces of reaction which oppose the new order, therefore our transformative work will be imposed through the unifying principle of the militaristic spirit, the negative task of destroying the old established order will be completely solved and finished only when the all the human masses are all forcibly collectivized as uniformed soldiers under imposed mass-conformity of new order culturing. After destruction of the old order, construction of the new order is a larger and more difficult task. We will have torn out the old limbs from their ancient roots in deep layers, social norms will be lying disorganized and anarchic so they must be blocked against new cultural forms and social catagories naturally re-emerging. The general masses will have been first persuaded to join as equals in the first task of destroying their own traditional society and economic culture, but then the new order must be forcibly established through people again being divided and differentiated only in accordance with the new pyramidal hierarchical system of our imposed global monolithic new world order.”
-The spirit of militarism, Der Geist des Militarismus, Stuttgart, 1915, p.37 – 38
The Destruction of the Family and the Promotion of Feminism
The School’s Critical Theory preached that the “authoritarian personality” was a product of the patriarchal family — an idea directly linked to Engels’ Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State, which promoted matriarchy.
Already Karl Marx had written, in the Communist Manifesto (1848), about the radical notion of a “community of women”. In The German Ideology (1845), he had written disparagingly about the idea of the family as the basic unit of society. This was one of the basic tenets of the Critical Theory: the need to break down the family unit.
All families were essentially evil, these thinkers believed — even happy families — so they had to be destroyed. It was better if children had no parents, or did not know who their parents were. Or if they were orphans of the state. It was better if romantic love between the sexes, leading to stable long-term marriages, were destroyed in favor of short-term, unstable, promiscuous relationships. After all, the former might lead to happiness for all concerned, and that was clearly impermissible — for the whole point of the Cultural Revolution was “to create a culture of pessimism” (Lukács) and “to make life impossible for everyone.” (Münzenberg).

Georg Lukács (1885–1971):

“I want a culture of pessimism … a world abandoned by God”
The Institute scholars therefore preached that “Even a partial breakdown of parental authority in the family might tend to increase the readiness of a coming generation to accept social change.”
These neo-Freudian Marxist philosophers of the Frankfurt School were clearly out to create trouble: to drive a wedge between parent and child and sow division in the family. Whatever was good in human relationships simply had to be destroyed. If people didn’t have problems, then problems would have to be manufactured “to make life impossible.” (Munzenberg).
All this prepared the way for the warfare against the masculine gender promoted by Marcuse under the guise of “Women’s liberation” and by the New Left movement in the 1960s. They proposed transforming our culture into a female-dominated one.
The idea that women should run society and wear the trousers, telling men what to do, had an enormous appeal to certain bossy types of women with a surplus of testosterone, particularly to butch lesbians and man-hating matriarchs. Many of these misguided females were to become evangelists for radical  Feminism, some even proposing to cut themselves off from the male sex completely and live in communes of their own. Curiously enough, the number of Jewish feminists is huge—out of all proportion to their percentage in the population.
In 1933, Wilhelm Reich, an honored and adulated member of the Frankfurt School, wrote in The Mass Psychology of Fascism that matriarchy was the only genuine family type of “natural society.” He was, as such, to be an inspiration to the feminists.
Reich, incidentally, a compulsive masturbator and sexual pervert, had entertained incestuous longings for his own mother and practiced bestiality with horses while still a child. (See here).
This versatile sexual deviant, now a cult figure on the left, along with the equally sex-obsessed Herbert Marcuse—popularizer of the slogan MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR—were to be godfathers of the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s as well as the patron saints of the Feminist movement.

The Indoctrination of Children through Education

Bertrand Russell was to join the Frankfurt School in their efforts at mass social engineering. He spilled the beans in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society. He wrote:
“The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity.
But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray.
When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.”
The irony is unmistakable, but that is beside the point. Russell was all for turning the world upside down and ushering in Brave New World: atheism, feminism, and “sexual liberation” i.e., the green light to promiscuity, perversion, and abortion on demand.
The devaluation of values so sought after by the luminaries of the Frankfurt School  has now largely been achieved through sex education and media propaganda: in particular, by the promotion of masturbationpornography, and the systematic high pressure salesmanship of  homosexuality in schools.   
This, then, is the secret agenda of organized Jewry as represented by the Cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School: the destruction of traditional values, the destruction of the moral order, the destruction of the family unit, the destruction of religion, the destruction of meaning and purpose, and, finally, the destruction of happiness itself.
These are the people who now rule over us. They are in control. They create new wars with the same rapidity that a stage magician pulls rabbits from a hat. And they make sure that the people they rule over, their subject populations, are either demoralized debt slaves in insecure jobs or unemployed bums living on state benefits and a diet of junk food and sleazy junk entertainment laid on by the Jews.
Satan’s Secret Agents have been only too successful in creating a New World Order that bears a remarkable resemblance to hell.
American historian Edwin Schoonmaker writes:
Fifteen years after the Bolshevist Revolution was launched to carry out the Marxist program, the editor of the American Hebrew could write: “According to such information that the writer could secure while in Russia a few weeks ago, not one Jewish synagogue has been torn down, as have hundreds—perhaps thousands of the Greek Catholic Churches… In Moscow and other large cities one can see Christian churches in the process of destruction… the Government needs the location for a large building,” (American Hebrew, Nov. 18, 1932, p. 12) Apostate Jews, leading a revolution that was to destroy religion as the “opiate of the people” had somehow spared the synagogues of Russia.” (“Democracy and World Dominion,” 1939, p.211). 
Wikipedia tells us that the Communist state after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution  was “committed to the destruction of religion”, and destroyed churches, mosques and temples — no mention of synagogues being destroyed  and that it “ridiculed, harassed and executed [Christian] religious leaders, flood[ing] the schools and media with atheistic propaganda.”
Since the Russian Revolution was essentially a Jewish revolution, with an overwhelmingly high percentage of its leaders being Jewish, one can understand why synagogues were NOT destroyed. The animosity of the Jewish leadership was directed almost exclusively toward the Christian clergy and their churches. Monks, nuns and priests were put to death in large numbers, often after being cruelly tortured in the process, their eyes gouged out and in some instances being boiled alive. (For graphic details of the systematic torture of Christians under the Bolsheviks, see here and section 7, “Fiendish tortures devised by the Jewish cheka”, here).
According to the Atlantic, September 1991, p.14, “In 1919, three-quarters of the Cheka staff in Kiev were Jews, who were careful to spare fellow Jews. (See footnote 21, here)
For more on the specifically Jewish character of the Russian Revolution, see here and here.
Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the “historic sin of the Jews.” She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches. Moreover, she goes on, “The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition.”
In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:
“The exaggeratedly enthusiastic participation of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the subjugation and destruction of Russia is a sin that will be avenged. Soviet power will be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will become hatred against Jews.” (Cited here)
by Tobias B

Tobias was born in Sweden. He is a jack of all trades; a film producer, painter & author. Tobias is known as the producer of the epic historical documentary and book, ‘Europa – The Last Battle’. As a man amid the ruins of the modern world, he is most concerned with European heritage & culture - as well as history, philosophy, psychology & personal development. His mission is to redpill, inspire, energize & empower the people to stand tall in face of the globalist threat to mankind.

Monday, December 31, 2018


Vape shop worker is FIRED after going on furious expletive-filled rant and refusing to serve a customer because he was wearing MAGA hat and Trump T-shirt.

Everyone who knows us here at RTR TRUTH MEDIA knows that as a Paleo-Conservative I am not a big fan of what the modern day Presidency, not the individual, but what the office has become. Since 1861 and the initiation of Martial Law Executive Orders and National Emergencies that undermine the Constitution, I have to abstain from any support of Federal intervention in most areas. Call me an anti-Federalist. But the derangement I have seen that comes from the far left is quite literally akin to or in fact, "mental illness".

A Georgia vape shop worker launched an explosive rant against a Trump-supporting customer and refused to serve him in a shocking incident all caught on video.

Ian Furgeson, 36, walked into Xhale City in Tucker on Friday to buy some items but quickly bumped heads with the store employee who asked him to leave just minutes after he entered the shop.

Furgeson, sporting a MAGA hat and Trump shirt, then whipped out his phone and began to record the incident.

'I have just been asked to leave the store. He greeted me, that was nice. Until he spotted my T-Shirt and MAGA hat. I did find the item that I wanted and the next thing he said was he'd like me to leave,' Furgeson said. And when asked why the expletives, name calling and hissy fit began.

The entire ordeal can be witnessed above.

Furgeson posted the video to Facebook with the caption 'Trump derangement syndrome strikes again', where it went viral racking up over 200,000 shares and 7.5million views.

The video sparked outrage among Trump supporters, but some say that the clerk was justified to ask Furgeson to leave. But in fact he was not justified. For the following reasons.

1- He is the clerk, not the owner and he was violating several company policies.
2- You can not refuse service to customers based upon a violation of 1st Amendment protected activity. 
3- The selling of this product is not "artistic expression" that required this clerk to violate his personal beliefs.

 Now some have falsely compared this to the situation regarding the Christian baker who refused to decorate a cake with gay marriage art. The two situations can not be compared as the baker offered to sell the gay couple anything (including a cake) in the store. He merely refused to decorate the cake with his artwork (freedom of expression and religious beliefs). And the couple traveled over 150 miles, past dozens of secular run bakeries specifically to provoke the incident. In other words it was not an authentic organic incident, but a direct attack on the man's beliefs. 

That situation and this are not remotely comparable. The clerk had mass manufactured items that had no need for him to violate his "personal beliefs" to accomplish selling. In fact the Trump supporters rights were violated under the equal protection clause. And he was assaulted in this incident. A fact that many left leaning news sources are reporting as "an attempt to knock the phone out of the man's hand", neglecting to mention that by doing so it constitutes assault and attempted destruction of private property. 

The employee lost his temper and as I mentioned assaulted Furgeson while allegedly attempting to knock the phone out of his hand while saying: 'F*** off, f*** off dude. Get the f*** out of here. I f***ing can't stand y'all racist mother f***ers.'

Then he calls someone to complain about the customer and says: 'He's wearing some Trump bullsh*t...I'm not serving anyone that has to do with that f***er. I'm going to call the cops and have him leave.

The two go head to head, Furgeson ranting on about how he's not racist and how he wants to purchase a vape juice for his wife, speaking over the employee's plea for him to leave.

All the while a customer is waiting to be served looks on in amazement eventually telling the clerk, he man, this is about money not about you. Then the apparent racist according to the mental midget for a clerk looks to the black customer and says "I love ya man, I don't see race, I don't care about skin color". A fact the clerk completely ignores in his continuing delusion.

Eventually the employee hits a breaking point and starts to yell and roar: 'Leave the store! Leave the store! I don't give a f***! Get out! No!!! Get the f*** out!!!'

Furegson then says 'Just sell me the f***ing product so I can leave.'

The employee then gives in and fetches what he wants.

When Furgeson cheekily says 'God bless America. Capitalism wins again', the employee explodes and says 'F*** your capitalism. F*** your f***ing president. He's a racist stupid piece of sh*t. And thus shows his Communist colors of anti-Capitalism, while working in a for profit Capitalist store and while using an iPhone produced by a Capitalist corporation.....I could go on with the hypocrisy, but alas, I think you get the point.

Oh... and the clerk was fired. Big shocker right?

Friday, December 14, 2018


These are the findings of my research in the CIA reading room. What we were told about Israel and US recognition and support can now be seen through the eyes of what President Truman knew. We are working on a comprehensive article on the entire backstory, but wanted to share these images with the world to show that what we at RTR have been saying is not based on emotion or beliefs, but facts. We are anti-Communists anti-totalitarian. Israel has been the greatest redistribution of wealth scheme known to man and below you will see that this was anything but the authentic need of refugees.

- Jewish Immigrants reportedly Communist terrorists
- 80% of the Jewish emigrants shipped from Soviet controlled Black Sea Ports in a country that antisemitism is the death penalty and which leaving the country is illegal. This shows Moscow's direct agenda in sending.
- They were reported by the CIA to be Communists trained as terrorists

CIA reports
- Communist funded Paid Mercenaries  to head to Palestine with Irgun Z'vai Leumi
 The following is a mainstream account of the Irgun with comments by me in red.

Irgun Zvai Leumi

What is reported as "Right Wing" is only the right wing of the Communists. This has mentally trapped more American conservatives into supporting outright Bolshevik Communists for decades.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica so consider the source and what they leave out
See Article History
Alternative Titles: Etzel, National Military Organization

Irgun Zvai Leumi, (Hebrew: National Military Organization)byname Etzel, Jewish right-wing underground movement in Palestine, founded in 1931. At first supported by many nonsocialist Zionist parties, (but that didn't last long since Israel required massive redistribution of American wealth and was founded by Bolshevik Communists) in opposition to the Haganah, it became in 1936 an instrument of the Revisionist Party, an extreme nationalist group that had seceded from the World Zionist Organization and whose policies called for the use of force, if necessary, to establish a Jewish state on both sides of the Jordan.

Irgun committed acts of terrorism and assassination against the British, whom it regarded as illegal occupiers, (which is laughable as they stole and occupied land from others) and it was also violently anti-Arab. Irgun participated in the organization of illegal immigration into Palestine after the publication of the British White Paper on Palestine (1939), which severely limited immigration. Irgun’s violent activities led to execution of many of its members by the British; in retaliation, Irgun executed British army hostages.

Irgun’s members were extremely disciplined and daring, and their actions included the capture of ʿAkko (Acre) prison, a medieval fortress that not even Napoleon had succeeded in capturing. In the last days of the British mandate, it captured a large part of the city of Yafo (Jaffa).

On July 22, 1946, in a FALSE FLAG ATTACK to BLAME ARABS and INCITE HATRED Irgun blew up a wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 soldiers and civilians (British, Arab, and Jewish). On April 9, 1947, a group of Irgun commandos raided the Arab village of Dayr Yāsīn (modern Kefar Shaʾul), killing about 100 of its inhabitants. This is known as the Lavon Affair or Operation Susannah

After the creation of Israel in 1948 Irgun’s last units disbanded and took the oath of loyalty to the Israel Defense Forces on September 1, 1948. Politically, it was the precursor of the Ḥerut (Freedom) Party, one of Israel’s most militant right-wing (but still Bolshevik groups), which later merged with the Liberals into the Gaḥal Party. See also Stern Gang.

THE CIA reports state the Reason for Arab anger was the Communists
Was not the United States fighting World Communism?


Arabs arrest Jewish Communist saboteurs.
The Arabs were fighting Communism while the US was supporting and funding it.

The only potentially peaceful position, rejected by the Bolshevik Zionists.
And then the land theft and terrorism continued.

And here we see that not only was this a losing redistribution of wealth scheme placed upon the backs of America, but that even then and right away it was placing American lives and property in direct danger.
Please keep an eye out for our fully comprehensive report.
RTR Truth Media
Tom Lacovara-Stewart

Research Material Document Sources -

'The USSR Is Our Second Homeland,' Said One Kibbutznik When Stalin Died

Incredible as it may seem, Stalin's Soviet Union was once at the center of Israeli identity. -
And it still is. The real Russian collusion story that no one wants to talk about.
Questioning it is a crime. Now you know why Communists devised the terms antisemitic and hate speech. Stop using those terms. They put forth a slew of those who identify as Jewish to do their deeds because of that protective layer. And its a trick.

Israeli Minister "We always use the anti-Semitism trick or bring up the Holocaust"

Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli minister, admits that the holocaust and the "antisemite" accusation are used to manipulate those who criticize Zionists. This clip was from the 8/14/2002 democracy Now! broadcast.

Ex-Mossad agent explains the "anti-semite" trick

Victor Ostrovsky explains the "anti-Semite" trick -- how Jews conspire together to silence critics of Israel, Jews and Zionism. The Soviets were brilliant. Their agents can go forward using this layer of protection anywhere in the world. And it places the lives of Jews in grave danger as the progenitors of this agenda could care less if everyday people are in danger as they are well armed, and well prepared terrorists.

Monday, October 29, 2018


Resurrect the Republic - Ammon Bundy sits down to have a conversation with Tom Lacovara-Stewart and the subjects are many and the conversation awesome. The video is Part 1 of 3 - the others to be released in the coming days.
- Migrant Crisis
- Breaking Free of the Left Right Paradigm
- Placing Principles over Party
- Censorship
- Israel Palestine
- Weather Underground
- Socialism - Bolshevism - Communitarianism
- Cloward Piven Strategy
- George Soros, the so called Maga bomber and Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting
- How one mans evil act wrongfully justifies more censorship
- Marxist "Hate Speech" Legislation - Policing THOUGHT
and much more..... RTR TRUTH MEDIA

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