Friday, June 29, 2018

Bio-Warfare and Lyme Disease - The Uncomfortable But Real Connections


Just in case some are skeptical about RT, I can tell you that only the content I share is what I am attempting to present, I understand the Russian Government has reason to make America look bad, but at the same time the facts related to this case are more important. The truth is more important than anything. So while I do not trust ex-KGB President Putin, there is plenty of supporting evidence to make the presentation on RT valid.

As someone who has for most of my life suffered from what has been treated as a “ghost illness” called Lyme Disease, I can tell you that the effects upon quality of life, relationships, work and functionality has been hell. As a young man filled with potential, intelligence, and having come from an extremely well educated family I can tell you that the damage caused by this disease has nearly caused my death repeatedly. Often times I do not have the energy to keep going. Constant and relentless pain has lead to prescription medication, which when the government cracked down on doctors treating these symptoms was cut off cold turkey. This lead to self medication that was a disaster for obvious reasons. The entire course of my life has been constantly devastated. From friends and family who can rather easily put this out of their minds because no overt injury is seen, eventually they completely forget that the disease that is attacking is not as flippant as their ability to understand. Other friends of mine from that same North Eastern corridor are experiencing the same. This is a silent weapon. And government has likely created it, and continue to make matters worse and worse.


 When lethargy and pain wear me down, I have often been subject to insults, arguments, put downs, and a general complete lack of understanding. All I can say to those people is that they never did, and likely never will grasp the seriousness and reality of the illness. This disease has driven many I know into homelessness, depression and suicide. I contracted Lyme Disease when I was around 12 years old. By early college the short term memory loss and other symptoms derailed my attempt to continue. That was just the beginning.

LYME DISEASE and PLUM ISLAND Bio-Warfare Facility

No one knew what it was then. I was diagnosed with the elusive “Fibromyalgia”, and from there was told there was nothing wrong with me, it was “all in my head”, and it wasn’t until many many years later after years of absolute hell that a doctor had the tenacity to reject all the threats by the medical and governmental establishment and test me, this diagnosing me accordingly. Had I been given the truth from the beginning, I might have been cured. But advancing into the later stage of this disease has proven it extremely difficult to knock back, let alone be cured of.  Take this seriously. If there are friends and loved ones who suffer from this - don’t be that person who castigates them. Don’t be that person who fails to realize the depth of what they face. And if you attempt to hold them to the standards you place on those who are healthy and unaffected, the chances are you are doing far more damage to them psychologically than the disease is doing physically is a very real possibility.


. For this disease to be brought under control requires support, vigilance, understanding and compassion. To awaken the world to its probable cause is the real battle. For the US Government to ever acknowledge that Lyme is the effect of a Nazi Bio-Warfare program would likely take an act of God. But that is exactly what all the evidence points to. Regardless of it being intentional or accidental, at this point as Hillary Clinton said “What difference at this point does it make”?   If we ignore the problem, then as a people we are not only failing our own, but we are allowing the crime of the century to kill maim and destroy us from within.

Many believe that the purpose of Plum Island is to create viruses and test experimental vaccinations on infected human beings. Outbreaks of previously eradicated diseases such as Foot and Mouth, West Nile, and Avian Flu have only add to these suspicions. The healthcare industry brings in trillions of dollars every year. If a new superbug hit the masses and our government had the only cure that puts money directly into their pockets. Population control could also be achieved by wiping out the lower class who wouldn’t be able to afford the cost of these medications. Such scenarios may not be so far-fetched.

 Former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, once stated: “depopulation should be the highest priority” of America.

Is the House of Rockefeller Culpable/Responsible for the Lyme Pandemic?

It makes no sense that Lyme disease is a naturally occurring infection, at least not in the United States. Moreover, it would certainly not have been the kind of condition that could result in a pandemic, at least not on its own: not as an act of nature. It just wasn’t an issue. Never. People went outdoors all the time. There were plenty of deer, then, lots of mice and other rodents, too. Yet, no one in those prior eras got Lyme disease. There were no groups of people coming down with sudden onset joint inflammation, no pockets of children with rheumatoid arthritis: no children or adults with bull’s-eye rashes.

So, how could it after all these decades of non-existence suddenly occur and only in one or two areas, Lyme/Old Lyme, Connecticut and Long Island, New York? The only logical explanation involves bio-warfare research, conducted at New York State’s Plum Island.

In all likelihood experiments were conducted with diseased ticks on US soil, surely on the island at the minimum. The purpose was to determine if such ticks transmitted disease. Plum Island, a secretive entity which while technically listed as being under government supervision via the USDA, was, in fact, a biological warfare research center. What is most disconcerting is that the island facility rather than being a true, carefully monitored government entity was in all likelihood instead a facility of a secret government, that is the government of the rich and powerful. Who is the titular head of that government? It is none other than the arch-corrupt Rockefeller cabal in collaboration with other treacherous elements, including that other arena of corruption, the House of Rothschild.

According to J. Loftus, author of The Belarus Secret,”Plum Island appears to have been the site of experiments with disease-infected ticks conducted by Nazi scientists brought into the United States under Project Paperclip.” The Belarus Secret was first published in 1982, long before the Lyme pandemic was fully realized. Plum Island was still at that time off-limits. It was a military base, after all. In his article Blowing the Lid off of Lyme he quotes former lab director Jerry Callis, who ran cover for the actions at the facility, claiming that ticks never escaped:

…Jerry Callis confirms that there was indeed secret tick research on Plum Island, but he claims that none of the poisoned ticks ever escaped: “Plum Island experimented with ticks, but never outside of containment. We had a tick colony where you take them and feed them on the virus and breed ticks to see how many generations it would last, on and on, until it’s diluted.

He then stated that the growing of ticks since that specific time was re-instated. Yet, according to Loftus’ sources ticks were released, purposely, into open air and ground on the island.

So, there it is, this universal, commonly described connection, which is the bringing forth to the United States of biological agents. Yet, here is what is rarely stated. These agents were not produced necessarily within but rather originated from research in Europe but also possibly from Communist Russia.

One of the Nazi scientists who appears to have been involved with Plum Island was Dr. Erich Traub, who was in charge of the Third Reich’s virological and bacteriological warfare program in World War II.

It was Nelson Rockefeller who played a key role in attempting to disguise the role of his family in the treacherous acts. Though promoted as an actual accepted government, that is USDA, facility the Plum Island lab was seemingly only loosely connected to the federal government. In fact, rather than being under the control of local government officials “Plum Island was under” Rockefeller’s “command,” at least according to reports from a variety of people with top-secret US government clearance. Then, it was an entity of the secret, terminally vile Rockefeller cabal. Traub is Rockefeller, and therein lies the link of the corruption that is Lyme disease. Even so, what did Rockefeller have to cover-up other than the role of his family in the weaponization of Lyme ticks and therefore the initiation and spread of the disease?

The Rockefeller clique exerted vast control of the world at that time, and one of its purposes was the creation of biological warfare agents. Once again, there is no reason for the cover-up and the blocking of Congressional investigation unless the family was culpable for the disease outbreak. Again, according to Loftus:

So, the use of biological agents was not entirely a Nazi issue but involved all the great powers of the time, including the United States and Russia. The only known American power connected to the creation and weaponizing of these agents is not the government itself, nor the office of the presidency but, rather, the exceedingly corrupt and arrogant beyond belief Rockefeller cabal.

Proof of the involvement of this cabal is found not only in the role of Nelson Rockefeller but is also demonstrated by the key scientist associated with the origins of Lyme, former Nazi and Russian Communist scientist, Erich Traub. As demonstrated by P. Doyle it is Traub who was a clear agent of the Rockefellers demonstrated by the fact that he “spent the prewar period of his scientific career on a fellowship at the Rockefeller Institute in Princeton.” Here, he, along with American cohorts, perfected his skills with bacteria and viruses before returning to German on the eve of the war. Curiously, in the 1930s Traub was listed as a member of Amerika-Deutschewr Volksbund, a German-American club known as Camp Sigriend. The camp served as the national headquarters of the American Nazi movement.

Yet, as the war came to a close what happened? Incredibly, Traub was recruited by the US Navy, which stationed him at the Naval Medical Research Institute in Bethesda, Maryland. Eventually, he was taken to Plum Island where he coordinated experiments with diseased ticks, references to which are found in the National Archives.

He no doubt was there, and while there he conducted experiments with ticks which were maliciously infected. As further proof of his roles reports Doyle “Files about Tick Research and Erich Traub that have been purged” from various top-secret storehouses.

Even so, regarding Traub according to Loftus there is yet another degree of direct evidence.

As demonstrated by the actions of Nelson Rockefeller, as well as the purging of files, there is a major cover-up in existence. Great attempts at disinformation are being perpetrated, for instance, the attempt by Scientific American to dismiss the Rockefeller, that is Nazi, connection to the spread of tick-borne disease, as further confirmed by the Nazi, that is Zionist, heritage of the Von Holtzbrinck firm, which owns Scientific American.

There is also the connection of the formerly deep southern/Texas only arthropod the lone star tick, which was in the Plum Island research era suddenly resident in Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York.

Was, though, Traub really a Nazi scientist, or was this just a cover?

Regardless, he cannot be deemed an actual Nazi as the most correct description, because he worked at the behest of all the great powers of the time, the Nazi clique, the Russians, and, most importantly, the ultra-powerful Rockefeller cabal. He was a favored child, never pursued or prosecuted in the least but was, rather, put under the protective power of the great conquering powers.

During his stint under Nazi and also Russian command he conducted live germ trials using ticks and other insects as vectors. Like Plum Island, the lab from which he worked under Nazi and then later Russian control was an island, in this case the facility on Insel Riems, nestled in the Baltic Sea.

Regarding Plum Island tick research on the island dates back to the 1950s, a time when the infected athropods had been brought in from Europe. This was before it was even known as Plum Island. In this regard it has been absolutely proven that the researchers were working with the southern lone star tick.

Rockefeller Institute head, Richard E. Shope, M.D.

It was also during that time that every attempt was made to install Traub as lab director. Once again, Rockefeller entered the picture, in this case through Rockefeller Institute boss man, Richard Shope. It was Shope who did all that was possible to get his associate, Traub, installed as the head of the lab, stating he was one of the “world’s most outstanding virologists.” Though he ultimately declined taking on the role, notes Doyle, “There is considerable evidence that he was involved with biological warfare research at Plum Island.”They experimented with poison ticks dropped from planes to spread rare diseases. I have received some information suggesting that the U.S. tested some of these poison ticks on the Plum Island artillery range off the coast of Connecticut during the early 1950’s. . . .Most of the germ warfare records have been shredded, but there is a top-secret U.S. document confirming that ‘clandestine attacks on crops and animals’ took place at this time.”

It all ties back to Rockefeller. The world must know. In all likelihood Lyme is a creation of terminally criminal ones, who through their greed and treachery caused the creation and spread of this previously non-existent disease.

Clearly, Shope was a major player, as was Traub, in the creation of biological, disease-causing agents: infectious germs, which would be and were spread in order to artificially create disease. Those attacks, releases, and manipulations led to Lyme disease, and all these horrific attacks and corruptions point to solely one entity, and that is that ultra-billionaire source, the genocidal, criminally corrupt House of Rockefeller.

Lyme is a horror beyond belief. The responsible germ, Borrelia burgdoferi, was unknown in the American medical literature until its isolation from ticks in the early 1980s. The revelations about the Plum Island bio-weapon facility arose just at that time. The disease broke out a mere ten miles or less from the facility, and it was a facility which admittedly performed tick vector research. The connection is clear. By all evidence Lyme is a bioweapon.

So, thank you for that you genocidal elitist globalist scum bags. And ladies and gentlemen, did you expect this sort of thing to be done with our consent? The only way to bypass consent is to conceal the agenda. Cause the problem, to offer a solution. In doing so the established corrupt crime network, the activities they are engaged in, as well as the definitions, data, diagnostic testing, etc. are all in the hands of those part of that cabal and thus all can be can be hidden. But to their disadvantage, their actions can not be totally disappeared, but not for a lack of effort as can be seen in the presentations below.

As someone who suffered from un-diagnosed Lyme Disease for many years, Plum Island is a topic that hits very close to home. Innocent citizens have a right to know if deadly afflictions are purposely being manufactured. Our nation’s safety is being jeopardized by these potential bio-warfare tactics.

Watch Damage Control in Action - Fake News Propaganda

Lab 257

Nestled near the Hamptons, the fashionable summer playground of America's rich and famous, and in the shadow of New York City, lies an unimposing 840-acre island unidentified on most maps. On the few on which it can be found, Plum Island is marked red or yellow, and stamped U.S. government-restricted or dangerous animal diseases. Though many people live the good life within a scant mile or two from its shores, few know the name of this pork chop-shaped island. Even fewer can say whether it is inhabited, or why it doesn't exist on the map. That's all about to change. Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory a book by Christopher Carroll,  blows the lid off the stunning true nature and checkered history of Plum Island. It shows that the seemingly bucolic island on the edge of the largest population center in the United States is a ticking biological time bomb that none of us can safely ignore. Based on innumerable declassified government documents, scores of in-depth interviews, and access to Plum Island itself, this is an eye-opening, suspenseful account of a federal government germ laboratory gone terribly wrong. For the first time, Lab 257 takes you deep inside this secret world and presents startling revelations including virus outbreaks, biological meltdowns, infected workers who were denied assistance in diagnosis by Plum Island brass, the periodic flushing of contaminated raw sewage into area waters, and the insidious connections between Plum Island, Lyme disease, and the deadly 1999 West Nile virus outbreak. An exploration of the complex world of microbiology, viruses, and bacteria, Lab 257 also shows how the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which ran Plum Island for the last half century, is far more than wholesome grade-A eggs and the food pyramid. The book probes what's in store for Plum Island's new owner, the Department of Homeland Security, in this age of bioterrorism. And for those interested in questions of national security and safety, it is a call to action for those concerned with protecting present and future generations from preventable biological catastrophes. Lab 257 will change forever our current understanding of Plum Island-a place that is, in the words of one insider, "a biological Three Mile Island."

Mr. Carroll said he originally had the cooperation of the Agriculture and Homeland Security departments and was given permission to visit Plum Island six times in 2001 and 2002. ''When they discovered where I was going and that I was going to write the truth, they pulled the plug and cut me off on the grounds of national security,'' he said.

Sandy Miller Hays, a spokeswoman for the Agricultural Research Service, confirmed that the Agriculture Department ceased cooperating with Mr. Carroll, but would not discuss why. ''He was allowed on the island and subsequently denied access, but I don't think the issue of national security came up as far as A.R.S. is concerned,'' she said.

In his book, Mr. Carroll links Plum Island to Army research on offensive biological weapons in the first years after it opened in 1954 and writes that connections with an Army biowarfare laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland, have continued. He said he believed it was likely that research the public was unaware of was now in progress at the laboratory. ''The problem is that Plum Island is a kingdom unto itself,'' he said in an interview. ''There is zero public oversight.''

Representative Tim Bishop of Southampton, whose district includes Plum Island, disputed the assertion that the lab was out of control. ''I believe we have a fairly good handle on what's going on there and that the administrators are pretty open about it,'' he said. He said he rejected the view that the island was a biological ticking time bomb that should be feared.

Mr. Carroll argues that outbreaks of the Dutch duck plague virus that devastated duck farms on eastern Long Island in the 1960's, Lyme disease in 1975, West Nile virus in 1999 and the mysterious 1999 disease that killed most of the lobsters in Long Island Sound all occurred too suspiciously close to Plum Island to dismiss the possibility of a laboratory link.

''Every investigation is about connecting the dots,'' Mr. Carroll said. ''There are a lot of people who don't want to believe that there are these striking coincidences and at the very least these facts deserve some serious investigation.''

That the laboratory could be the source of viruses, Mr. Carroll asserts, was proven by an outbreak of foot and mouth disease at the laboratory in 1978 that infected animals in outdoor pens on the island. Mr. Carroll said he found government records reporting 3/4-inch gaps around roof pipes, allowing contaminated air to escape from -- or disease-transmitting insects to enter -- laboratories that were supposed to be sealed shut.

That the worst could happen, he wrote, was suggested by what one Plum Island worker described to him as a biological meltdown in August 1991, when Hurricane Bob knocked out power for more than a day to a laboratory building. Mr. Carroll writes that was long enough for viruses in freezers to thaw and for negative air pressure designed to keep air inside the building to fall off to nothing even as forced-air seals on lab doors went flat.

The Cryme of the Lyme

This following videos include an extremely important side story to the Lyme infection epidemic  itself. The following presentations show a far deeper and seemingly completely intentional obfuscation of the epidemic, as well as a clear attempt by individuals within the U.S. Government with direct ties to those attempting to profiteer of the disease while continuing to make people ill while profiting off of it. That is until real Investigative Journalists who care far more about real issues than just selling stories to the establishment media set to researching and calling out blatant hypocrisy, lies and crime via the medical establishment and the Medical Industrial Complex which appears to have ties to the Military Industrial Complex in the beginning.  --- "Lyme Cryme"

Published on Sep 2, 2016

Cryme Disease: The Lyme Cryme Against Humanity TRUTH from the LYMErix whistleblower LYMErix caused the same disease as "chronic Lyme." Therefore, the question to ask about "Lyme disease" is, WHAT WAS THE VACCINE? The vaccine(s) (one made it on the market; one didn't), were OspA--recombinant proteins from the DNA code (plasmid) spliced into E. coli. The gene product did not contain DNA and is not DNA. It is a highly toxic triacylated lipoprotein--a fungal-type antigen (TLR2/1 agonist) that causes septic shock. It caused the adverse events that the "vaccine" trial administrators sought to exclude from the trial data to say that OspA, which NEVER could have been a vaccine, actually was a vaccine. Tick bite sepsis victims often ask, "How does this apply to me? I never got the vaccine." OspA is on the blebs that are shed by spirochetes. They "stealth-bomb" (Alan Barbour) the immune system. So they took the absolute worst part of the Lyme spirochetes--the part that causes an AIDS-like, post-septic shock condition-- and said it was a vaccine. It was the unraveling of the LYME-rix fraud that showed us what "Lyme Disease "is and isn't"..


Secret agenda : the United States government, Nazi scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945-1990, Linda Hunt
Live Borrelia burgdorferi Spirochetes Elicit Inflammatory Mediators from Human Monocytes via the Toll-Like Receptor Signaling Pathway

Thursday, June 28, 2018

#FakeNews on Immigration KrisAnne Hall / Ammon Bundy on Schaeffer Cox - BLM Shoots Nurse Update

On today's Show - Education on Immigration from #KrisAnneHall, - BLM Shoots Unarmed Nurse / ATV Passenger, #FreeSchaefferCox with Ammon Bundy...

"Feds Admit Manipulating Americans With Propaganda"

Former State Department Official: The #FederalGovernment Using #Propaganda on Americans – And This is Why

By KrisAnne Hall, JD

KrisAnne on Immigration Policy

KrisAnne Hall Presidential Power over #Immigration

Free Range Report on #BLM Agent shooting Unarmed Nurse

Introduction by Ammon Bundy on the Set-Up of Schaeffer Cox, then sharing Schaeffer in his own words regarding what happened leading up to the FBI targeting him.

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Saturday, June 16, 2018

US Bureau of Land Management Shoots Unarmed Nurse - ATV Passenger

The Bureau of Land Management shoots an unarmed ATV Passenger, a nurse no less..... when will they be disarmed and demilitarized? Investigator gives insane rationale for BLM shooting of unarmed woman.

- Free Range Report -
- Woman shot by Bureau of Land Management officer in Sky Valley

An RTR TRUTH MEDIA - Resurrect the Republic Production
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Friday, June 15, 2018

Dr. Alan Sabrosky - Brendon O'Connell on Resurrect the Republic with Tom Lacovara-Stewart - Israeli High Tech Intelligence 9/11 to Talpiot

On Resurrect the Republic with Tom Lacovara-Stewart a long anticipated conversation with Brendon O'Connell and Dr. Alan Sabrosky joining the RTR TRUTH MEDIA group RELOADED to discuss Israeli Tech world dominance, the Talpiot program and getting together a world conference to discuss these issues.

Dr. Alan Sabrosky

Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a writer and consultant specializing in national and international security affairs. In December 1988, he received the Superior Civilian Service Award after more than five years of service at the U.S. Army War College as Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, and holder of the General of the Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research. He is listed in WHO'S WHO IN THE EAST (23rd ed.). A Marine Corps Vietnam veteran and a 1986 graduate of the U.S. Army War College, Dr. Sabrosky's teaching and research appointments have included the United States Military Academy, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Middlebury College and Catholic University; while in government service, he held concurrent adjunct professorships at Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Dr. Sabrosky has lectured widely on defense and foreign affairs in the United States and abroad.

Dr. Sabrosky lays out the truth -


Brendon O'Connell

  1. Born in a small country town in rural Western Australia famous for sheep and wheat in 1970.
  2. Worked in mining and gold assaying - furnace work. Explosives, shot-firing.
  3. Went to university when 21 and obtained a Nursing degree by June 1996. Worked till 2001 then left in some disgust.
  4. Drifted for many years. Had many interesting experiences.
  5. Came across Alex Jones and a video on FEMA Camps in 1999. Started his "conspiracy journey.
  6. 911 happened. The rabbit hole got deeper.
  7. By 2003 Brendon was onto the "Jewish Issue". But only saw them as a "part" of a larger power structure with their own "thing".
  8. By 2005 he recognized and understood "Zionism" and in fact "The Jews" wielded enormous power - for all practical purposes - all of it.
  9. Brendon began studying intently the specific history of it all.
  10. He had known about Palestine and the specifics of WW2 history for many years. Prior to my deep journey in to all things "Jewy".
  11. Brendon met Leon Wende in 2005 and first began putting together the specifics of Israeli subversion and spying after becoming conversant in the specifics of technology companies and their role in 911 - AMDOCS, VERINT, P-TECH, MITRE, and in 2007...The Talpiot Program. Leon had been installing the Israeli weapons and sensor system in the Collins Class submarine which has a long history in the Australian media as a over priced "dud".
  12. Brendon was heading back to Nursing via a "re-registration" course when Operation Caste Lead happened - 2008-2009.
  13. Brendon attended the Friends of Palestine rally on May 2, 2009 and had the confrontation with Stanley Keyser.
  14. Brendon posted the video to Vimeo originally on May 5. Then I posted to YouTube on May 7. I was raided and arrested on May12, 2009
  15. He laughed at the charges of "Racial Vilification". Brendon told police he would be raising matters of national security at the trial.
  16. Police confiscated everything - computers etc. They came back to him after two weeks lauding me for my amazing "You Tube" and "Google" skills and were very interested in the subject of Israeli spying. We fell out heavily. A war began. It lasted for 18 months. Incredible harassment.
  17. He was jailed for three years for hurting Jewish feelings and "inciting". Jan 2011, till January 2014.
  18. He completed a 79 day hunger strike in jail and was told I would be welcome in iran, "with open arms", from then president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
  19. After 2 1/2 years of post release harassment and waring with the W.A police and repeated police raids he left the state and flew to Malaysia. Brendon then went on to Iran.
  20. In late 2016 I was given political asylum in Iran, verbally.
  21. On January 30 2017 I left Iran in disgust. I was to work with Government analysts and have a show on Press TV. Iran seemed more interested in attacking Saudi Arabia then it did attacking Israel.
  22. Brendon returned to Malaysia and has been there ever since except a short stay in a N.Z jail when he flew to New Zealand for political asylum between October 2017 and December 2017.
Sample of Brendon's content -

NEVER FORGET - This is just for those not informed.....
How many of you have heard this?
How many who deny there are things you have not been told about 9/11
These men were Israelis who were deported after detonating a bomb rather
than being charged and convicted.  This was intended to take out
the George Washington Bridge.              Wake up !!!


Which Country Has Been Sharing Intel With Communist China?

A China-born MP for New Zealand’s ruling party has denied being a spy after it emerged that he had spent years studying and teaching in universities with links to Chinese intelligence services.

“I am not a spy,” Yang Jian, the National party’s first MP born in mainland China, told reporters on Wednesday after a joint investigation by the Financial Times and New Zealand’s Newsroom revealed what they described as his hidden past.


According to the New Zealand Herald the 55-year-old MP rejected the accusations as a racist “smear campaign” targeting him “just because I am Chinese”.

Yang emigrated to New Zealand from China in 1999 to take a job teaching international relations at Auckland University. Twelve years later he became an MP, quoting China’s former Communist party leader, Deng Xiaoping, in his debut speech to parliament.

“I don’t care if it is a white cat or a black cat,” the National party legislator said. “It’s a good cat as long as it catches mice.”

On Wednesday Yang was battling claims not that he was a black or a white cat, but a Trojan horse, after claims New Zealand’s security services had been investigating him for ties to China’s intelligence services.

Yang's statement:

“I refute any allegations that question my loyalty to New Zealand … Although I was not born here I am proud to call myself a New Zealander, obey our laws and contribute to this country,” he told a press conference. “I challenge those who are propagating these defamatory statements to front up and prove it.”
Yang Jian

The reported interest in Yang by New Zealand’s Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) stems from time he spent at two academic institutions in his native China between 1978 and 1994.

One is the Air Force Engineering Academy of China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA), where he studied English language as an undergraduate and subsequently taught.

The other is the Luoyang Foreign Language Institute in the central province of Henan. According to the Financial Times, that school is attached to the third department of the PLA’s general staff headquarters, which it described as China’s answer to the US National Security Agency (NSA) or the UK’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). The newspaper said the school specialised in training both “openly acknowledged military intelligence officers and ‘secret line’ deep cover agents”.

“Everyone I know who’s attended the Luoyang Foreign Language Institute has been in Chinese military intelligence or at least linked to that system,” Peter Mattis, a Jamestown Foundation expert on China’s military and intelligence, was quoted as saying.
On Wednesday, Yang admitted he had spent time at both institutions but insisted there had been nothing untoward about his work.
He released a CV which showed he had received a BA in English from the Air Force Engineering school in 1982 and an MA in American studies from the Luoyang school in 1990. 
The CV also showed that from 1982 to 1987 he worked as a “teaching assistant (associate lecturer)” at the former and a lecturer at the latter from 1990 until 1993 when he moved to Australia to study at the Australian National University.
According to, New Zealand’s biggest news website, Yang admitted that as a lecturer he had taught students how to intercept and decipher communications but not to engage in “the physical act of spying”.
Read more:

      Personally, I think that governments world wide have lost their collectivist minds, and have been for a very long time controlled by hidden powers that know full well what they are doing and keep it hidden from the public. This is why it appears to many to be so insane and also explains why this man has not been tried for treason jailed or deported back to Communist China. And if you think China is alone in this, no no no......keep tuned in to the Resurrect the Republic Radio Show..... you are about to have a serious red pill bonanza coming.


Newsroom Investigation: National MP trained by Chinese spies

Watch the video story in the player above

A National Party MP who studied at an elite Chinese spy school before moving to New Zealand has attracted the interest of our Security Intelligence Service.

The list MP Jian Yang did not mention in his work or political CVs a decade he spent in the People's Liberation Army-Air Force Engineering College or the Luoyang language institute run by China's equivalent of the United States National Security Agency.

That agency, the Third Department, conducts spying activities for China.

Newsroom has been told that to have taught at the Air Force Engineering College, Yang would have almost certainly been an officer in Chinese military intelligence and a member of the Communist Party, as other students and staff have been.

Yang studied and then taught there before moving to Australia where he attended the Australian National University in Canberra. He migrated to this country to teach international relations in the politics department at the University of Auckland.

He was hand-picked by National Party president Peter Goodfellow to become an MP on its list in 2011, wooed directly by the former Prime Minister John Key and has been a key fundraiser for National among the Chinese community in Auckland.

As an MP he variously served on Parliament's Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (from 2014 until last year), Commerce, Transport and Industrial Relations and Health and Science select committees and is prominent in New Zealand's interactions with the Chinese community and diplomatic and consular missions in Wellington and Auckland. He remains a Parliamentary Private Secretary for ethnic affairs.

Yang confirms

Newsroom has worked with the Financial Times in Hong Kong to investigate Yang's background.

We can reveal Yang confirmed in a recorded interview in Chinese with the Financial Times that he attended both military institutions.

In his comments to the FT researcher, Yang twice urged her to concentrate on the New Zealand election. "You don't need to write too much about myself," he said, adding later: "As for me myself, actually I don't feel it's necessary to include so many detailed things."

Interviewed today, by Newsroom, Yang refused to comment, saying repeatedly on camera: "Talk to my boss" and "I have nothing to hide". He then drove away.

Yang later released a statement saying he refuted "any allegations that question my loyalty to New Zealand".

The statement said he had been "nothing but upfront and transparent" about his education and employment.

Yang challenged those who were "propagating these defamatory statements" to front up and prove them.

"This is a smear campaign by nameless people who are out to damage me and the National Party 10 days from an election, just because I am Chinese."

An expert in Chinese intelligence Peter Mattis told Newsroom from the US that someone who attended and then taught at the Air Force Engineering College and attended the language institute would almost certainly have been an officer in China's PLA and member of the Communist Party.

SIS interest

Newsroom understands New Zealand's Security Intelligence Service has scrutinised him at times over three years, including interviewing one person about him last year.

The SIS said today it would not comment on operational matters, especially investigations involving individuals.

A hearing of Parliament's Privileges Committee into intelligence surveillance protocols for MPs occurred in late 2013. If an intelligence agency has cause to monitor an MP, the SIS director or Inspector-General of Intelligence is to brief the Speaker of the House. The Privileges Committee, chaired at the time by Attorney-General Chris Finlayson, polices contempts, which can include anything that could impede or restrict the rights of MPs to conduct their business unimpeded.

A Memorandum of Understanding between the SIS and Parliament's Speaker from 2010 says: "The only circumstances in which collection may be directed against a sitting MP is where a particular MP is suspected of undertaking activities relevant to security."
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Tom Lacovara-Stewart

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Thursday, June 14, 2018

DR ALAN SABROSKY on Resurrect the Republic with Tom Lacovara-Stewart

DR ALAN SABROSKY on Resurrect the Republic

Tom Lacovara-Stewart - interview with Dr. Alan Sabrosky

Born of Jewish descent, Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a writer and consultant specializing in national and international security affairs. In December 1988, he received the Superior Civilian Service Award after more than five years of service at the U.S. Army War College as Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, and holder of the General of the Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research. He is listed in WHO'S WHO IN THE EAST (23rd ed.). A Marine Corps Vietnam veteran and a 1986 graduate of the U.S. Army War College, Dr. Sabrosky's teaching and research appointments have included the United States Military Academy, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Middlebury College and Catholic University; while in government service, he held concurrent adjunct professorships at Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Dr. Sabrosky has lectured widely on defense and foreign affairs in the United States and abroad.

Tom Lacovara-Stewart - interview with Dr. Alan Sabrosky


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Tuesday, June 12, 2018


"Communist Soviet Era Penetration Operation" via "third party" country Israel.

Israel has always been a socialist Marxist state from day dot FOUNDED by Russian and Polish Communist/Zionist Jews. They are one in the same.

With over one million high level, highly educated Russians having immigrated post the collapse of the Soviet Union - who are in ALL the high places in government, technology and education - and most of them are proud Russians and not even "jewish", then we make the appropriate assumption - - - - Israel has FULL control of the United States. Therefore, Russia has full control of the United States.

  • Russian-speaking Jews who arrived over the past 20 years have integrated little, but influenced everything from culture to politics.
  • The million-plus citizens of the former Soviet Union who migrated to Israel in the past 20 years have not only made new lives of their own but they have transformed their adopted country. They have influenced the culture, hi-tech industry, language, education and, perhaps most significantly, Israeli politics.

  • The notion of the American government being infiltrated and substantially controlled by agents of a foreign power has been the stuff of endless Hollywood movies and television shows, but for various reasons such popular channels have never been employed to bring the true-life historical example to wide attention. I doubt if even one American in a hundred today is familiar with the name “Harry Dexter White” or dozens of similar agents.
  • Consider the fascinating perspective of the recently deceased Boris Berezovsky, once the most powerful of the Russian oligarchs and the puppet master behind President Boris Yeltsin during the late 1990s. After looting billions in national wealth and elevating Vladimir Putin to the presidency, he overreached himself and eventually went into exile. According to the New York Times, he had planned to transform Russia into a fake two-party state—one social-democratic and one neoconservative—in which heated public battles would be fought on divisive, symbolic issues, while behind the scenes both parties would actually be controlled by the same ruling elites. With the citizenry thus permanently divided and popular dissatisfaction safely channeled into meaningless dead-ends, Russia’s rulers could maintain unlimited wealth and power for themselves, with little threat to their reign. Given America’s history over the last couple of decades, perhaps we can guess where Berezovsky got his idea for such a clever political scheme.

Israel is a "technology juggernaught". All stolen from the US and others. Russia has a direct line into that technology. Elbit systems are servicing the F35, pulling it apart. They are ALL "Russian". Lockheed may as well have landed that technology in Red Square.

List of video's and more links below.

How Israel dominates the planets high technology sector.
VIMEO [Main Account] -
YOU TUBE [Backup Account] -

1. How Russia China & Israel work together for the One Belt One Road Project.
2. How Israel steals US technology and passes on to China, Russia and Iran.
3. How this is impacting on the Middle East.
4. I ring Homeland Security to make a complaint about Jewish Zionist spying in America - it a good one hour watch.
VIMEO [Main Account] -
YOU TUBE [Backup Account] -


Alex Jones states publicly Trump was recruited by US Army Intellignece to run for office. His regular high level guest Dr Steve Pieczenik - psychological warfare specialist for US State Department - admits this also. But who's army Intelligence? The US or Israel?
VIMEO  [Main Account] -
YOU TUBE [Backup Account] -

Brendon O'Connell's Vimeo Account

Greg and Jeremy give excellent analysis on their weekly show "The Antedote".

Trump announced sweeping new trade restrictions on China and made a big splash about stolen technology. There was a strong hint at attention now on Israel. Trump even dragged out Lockheed, maker of the F35 and got them to make a statement that they would not be losing any more technology.

Playlist - Israel Arming Enemies Of The USA - Stealing Technology - Costing Jobs

The American Awakening: Events leading to Brendon O’Connell arrest and experiences at his trial

The American Awakening: The Belt and Road Initiative… why do we hear nothing of it here in the U.S.?

The American Awakening: Israel’s Secret Weapon – The Talpiot Program

The American Awakening: Israeli Drones World Wide (Not Limited To Flying Objects)

The American Awakening: Trump Is A Product Of Army Intelligence? It Goes Much Deeper Than That

Soviet Russian Penetration Of Israel And The United States.
The greatest spy story in history by KGB spymaster Vladimir, Putin

KGB Infiltrated Highest Echelons of Israel’s Army, Business, and Political Leadership

While sifting through the notes of a former KGB archivist in England, Israeli investigative journalist Ronen Bergman realized that the Russian spy service’s penetration of Israel was far more extensive than previously known.
Despite the many successes of the Shin Bet in exposing spies, scores of Israelis in the political world, the military, and private industry spied for the Soviets for decades without ever being suspected, much less caught.

THe KGB In Israel

The KGB's Middle East Files: Palestinians in the service of Mother Russia
Secret KGB documents reveal just how deeply involved the Soviet Union was in the spilling of Israeli blood. The Russian spy agency provided Palestinian terror organizations with funds, training and arms, running agents like 'Krotov' - aka Mahmoud Abbas, 'Aref' - or Yasser Arafat, and 'Nationalist,' who was behind several plane hijackings long before 9/11.

The Kennedys vs Israel’s Lobby (The Kennedy's vs Soviet Lobby Via Israel)

The KGB's Middle East Files: An aliyah of agents
In 1992, Vasili Mitrokhin, a KGB archivist, defected to the West with a trove of top secret documents from the Soviet intelligence agency, which helped expose many Russian agents and assets in Israel and elsewhere. This series of articles explores these documents and brings to light the secrets they revealed. Part 5 of 5.

Will have it all together for you by Wednesday night your time.

Basic theme - Soviet long term strategic planning started in 197-1919 to infiltrate America via Israel. Also with direct Russian Jewish Bolshevik penetration immigration direct from Russia - Bronfmans etc...

One example, Mossad master spy, Russian Jewish immigrant to Palestine Rafi Eitan. Now retired in Cuba with vast company holdings. Friend of Castro. Dont worry...nothing to see here ;-)
Rafael "Rafi" Eitan (Hebrewרפי איתן‬; born 23 November 1926) is an Israeli politician and former intelligence officer. Today he leads Gil and is a former Minister of Pensioner Affairs. In the past, he was in charge of the Mossad operation that led to the kidnapping of Adolf Eichmann. He served as an advisor on terrorism to Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and in 1981 he was appointed to head the Bureau of Scientific Relations, then an intelligence entity on par with MossadAman and Shabak. Eitan assumed responsibility for and resigned over the Jonathan Pollard affair, and the Bureau was disbanded. From 1985 until 1993, he was head of the government's Chemicals company, which was expanded under his leadership. After 1993, he became a businessman, noted for several large scale agricultural and construction ventures in Cuba.

Rafi Eitan is ALSO the man who stole...PROMIS. The software that links them all. The software that became PRISM with the NSA Snowden revealed. ALL "backdoored" after being stolen and modied by...Israel. Sans...Talpiot Program...

It gets deeper...

Putin is running Israel. Putin is running the US. The greatest Soviet era master spy plan in history.

- - - Always In The Public Interest