Saturday, February 24, 2018


This should be one of the hottest topics in the country. A Federal Grant program intended that purported to do many great things, like many things controlled by government lead to absolute corruption in the Miami Dade and Broward County Sheriffs Department and among School Resource Officers supposed to do their jobs but who failed to, and often willfully suppressed criminal activity to reduce crime stats to commit fraud in the appearance of success in the program. 

It appears as though those trying to scream the loudest that "it's all about guns" are doing so because they have a whole lot to hide. Add to that the multi layers of issues with folks pushing for the Gun Control agenda and the ensconced progressives who have a base of gullible supporters who would naturally eat up the anti-gun rhetoric, and you have a location primed for major issues. 

While this was going on the students felt untouchable, and became more and more brazen... 
 - Treyvon Martin anyone?

As this program focused on students of color, it also artificially began a rise in minority youth crimes. Was someone attempting to foment a race war while attempting to get rich off of it at the same time? 
As the scandal began to break is when the Parkland shooting happened.


We began with investigating the CAFR (reports). You know, what my stepfather taught me long ago... ”follow the  money”. This lead me to find long boring and tedious reports of budgets the likes I never imagined would be funneled into a school district. Millions of dollars. And that is when my very close friend shared with me the following thread and then much of our research began to make sense. The following I share from the ”Last Refuge” / The Conservative Treehouse. 

 This is more than a report. This is the duty of the people to blow the lid off of corruption. Many have succeeded in making this shooting ”all about guns”. But this is about so much more. With the level of criminality and corruption involved at this point it would not be hard to believe that they went a few steps further to create a false flag to be used for a variety of purposes. 
1 - The mass coverage of this event is being used to enact gun control and drown out the actual financial incentives to skew the crime statistics. Overshadowing the real problem.
2- This events media coverage and complicity in the mainstream media for pushing this agenda would likely see to it that no real journalism would shine through.
3- This event has caused such a media storm that the rampant corruption and willful and deliberate failure to report crimes and Sheriff Israel getting out in front of the real problem, deflecting and attacking the NRA, was an effort to suppress the truth and incite his base to cause them to fight for the wrong cause for all the wrong reasons. 

But we will not allow it. 

This investigation will not be overshadowed by the political carnival sideshow surrounding the shooter and guns.
We provide the facts....
You be the judge.

Unrolled thread from



They did the majority of the investigative legwork - our research dating back to 2012 on confirms their findings.

1. Watch this video. People don't understand how Broward County School Sheriff Officers operate. I'll explain. 

2. I spent about 18 months in 2012, 2013 and 2014 investigating Broward and Miami-Dade school policies and how those policies transfer to law enforcement practices.
3. My interest was initially accidental. I discovered an untold story of massive scale and consequence as a result of initial research into Trayvon Martin and his High School life.
4. What I stumbled upon was a Broward County law enforcement system in a state of conflict. The Broward County School Board and District Superintendent, entered into a political agreement with Broward County Law enforcement officials to stop arresting students for crimes.
5. The motive was simple. The school system administrators wanted to "improve their statistics" and gain state and federal grant money for improvements therein.
6. So police officials, the very highest officials of law enforcement (Sheriff and Police Chiefs), entered into a plan. 
7. As soon as Miami-Dade began to receive the benefits (political and financial) from the scheme, Broward County joined on. The approach in Broward was identical as the approach in Miami-Dade. 
8. It's important to remember, this was not an arbitrary change - this was a well-planned fundamental shift in the entire dynamic of how teenagers would be treated when they engaged in criminal conduct. 
9. The primary problem was the policy conflicted with laws; and over time the policy began to create outcomes where illegal behavior by students was essentially unchecked by law enforcement. 
10. Initially the police were excusing misdemeanor behaviors. However, it didn't take long until felonies, even violent felonies (armed robberies, assaults and worse) were being excused. 
11. The need to continue lowering the arrests year-over-year meant that increasingly more severe unlawful behavior had to be ignored. Over time even the most severe of unlawful conduct was being filtered by responding police.
12. We found out about it, when six cops blew the whistle on severe criminal conduct they were being instructed to hide. The sheriff and police Chiefs were telling street cops and school cops to ignore ever worsening criminal conduct.
13. The police were in a bind. They were encountering evidence of criminal conduct and yet they had to hide the conduct. There were examples of burglary and robbery where the police had to hide the recovered evidence in order to let the kids get away without reports.
14. The police would take the stolen merchandise and intentionally falsify police records to record stolen merchandise *as if* they just found it on the side of the road.
15. They put drugs and stolen merchandise in bags, and sent it to storage rooms in the police department. Never assigning the recovery to criminal conduct. Stolen merchandise was just sitting in storage rooms gathering dust.
16. They couldn't get the stuff back to the victim because that would mean the police would have to explain how they took custody of it. So they just hid it. To prove this was happening one of the officers told me where to look, and who the victim was.
17. At first I didn't believe them. However, after getting information from detectives, cross referencing police reports, and looking at the "found merchandise", I realized they were telling the truth.
18. A massive internal investigation took place and the results were buried. Participating in the cover-up were people in the media who were connected to the entire political apparatus.
19. The sheriff and police chief could always deny the violent acts (assaults, rapes, beatings etc.) were being ignored; that's why the good guys in the police dept gave the evidence of the stolen merchandise. That physical evidence couldn't be ignored and proved the scheme.
20. From 2012 though 2018 it only got worse. In Broward and Miami-Dade it is almost impossible for a student to get arrested. The staff within the upper levels of LEO keep track of arrests and when a certain number is reached all else is excused.
21. Well it didn't take long for criminal gangs in Broward and Miami-Dade to realize the benefit of using students for their criminal activities. After all, the kids would be let go... so organized crime became easier to get away with if they enlisted high-school kids.
22. As criminals became more adept at the timing within the offices of the officials, they timed their biggest crimes to happen after the monthly maximum arrest quota was made.
23. The most serious of armed robberies etc. were timed for later in the month or quarter. The really serious crimes were timed in the latter phases of the data collection periods. This way the student criminals were almost guaranteed to get away with it.
24. Now. You can see how that entire process gets worse over time. Present corruption (the need to hide the policy) expands in direct relationship to the corruption before it. This is where the School Police come into play.
25. Understanding the risk behind the scheme, it became increasingly important to put the best corrupt cops in the schools. *BEST* as in *SMARTEST*. Those SRO's became the ones who were best at hiding the unlawful conduct.
26. Again, over time, the most corrupt police officers within the system became the police inside the schools. These officers were those who are best skilled at identifying the political objectives and instructions.
27. Those "School Cops" also have special privileges. It's a great gig. They get free "on campus" housing close to the schools they are assigned to etc. They're crooked as hell and the criminal kids how just how to play them. It's a game. Also an open secret.
28. A lot of it came out during an earlier *internal affairs* investigation. Unfortunately the behavior never changed because the politics never changed. It's still going on: 
29. For years this has been happening and no-one cared. Crimes happen; students excused; victims ignored; etc. The Broward County School and Law Enforcement system is designed to flow exactly this way. It's politics. 
30. Only then a Parkland school shooting happened. For Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel this had to be an "oh shit" moment; but not for the reasons the media initially thought. If people start digging, they'll discover the shooter was one of those previously excused students
31. The same sentiment applies for Sheriff Scott's partner, School Superintendent Robert Runcie (previously from Chicago),.... things are very risky if people start digging. 
32. Follow a simple timeline: 2011/2012 Broward County School administration made a policy decision to block the arrests of students in order to improve their education statistics. 
33. 2013/2014 - Praise for the program: 
34. 2017 - The program continues. Still chasing year-over-year reductions. Worse and worse crimes being excused. 
35. 2018 - Parkland School Shooting. 17 dead. Political cop (SRO) cowered from shooter; now retiring. School board wondering 'what went wrong'. 
Entirely predictable. 
36. I will give testimony, provide names, outline dates, and give all prior records to any lawyer for use in a wrongful death lawsuit – so long as their intent would be to financially ruin the entire system and personally bankrupt the participants. 
37. Now the story behind this tweet from Jake Tapper will make more sense: 

39. Here's some of the police affidavits, taken under oath, for the "doubters".

My heartfelt thanks to my partner Lorri Anderson, and to the folks at the "Last Refuge" who put many peices together while we were scratching our heads over financial reports of this county's schools and police budgets. We will be sharing much more about all of that in the future. Please share this with everyone you know. Comment on this blog, and on social media make it a firestorm that can not be suppressed.

Tom Lacovara-Stewart
Dedicated to A.S. - We all owe you too.
And my absolute heartfelt gratitude to the

Friday, February 23, 2018


Published on Feb 23, 2018

From her toddler years until her rescue at 15 years old, Teresa was subjected to inhuman abuse as part of ongoing satanic rituals. In this episode, we will watch clips from the Australian 60 minutes episode from 1989 in which Teresa tells her story. 

In the full sense of the phrase, #PizzaGate refers to the satanic ritual abuse and sexual exploitation of children - often as part of pedophile rings that service the rich and powerful.

Crowd funding makes my investigations possible! 




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Jake Morphonios
PO Box 1333
Kernersville, NC 27285

(You are also welcome to send personal letters to me here.) 


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Tom Lacovara-Stewart - Lorri Anderson
Resurrect the Republic Radio Show
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We have a personal and direct message to the families and the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. First let us say that all of us at RTR Truth Media do absolutely believe that what you have experienced is a tragic trauma, we do not believe your being terrorized was in any way a fake event, nor do we believe that David Hogg is a bad person. It is our belief that he is being used, and that his ideological views were likely programmed into him. We wish him no ill will. But our critique here is necessary. Please give him love and support. Our personal view is that "We The People" are being assailed by entities with a foreign agenda. The key to this agenda is the destruction of the Constitution. Students full well know what "Shall Not Be" means. It was for a time in the far off future when there would be those who would seek to take this pre-existing inherent right away. So allow me to ask you.....and I want you to think about this. What would make you feel safer..... new laws that will affect millions of law abiding Americans, causing chaos and discontent, or for your teachers to be armed and when an incident occurs, instead of cowering in a corner having someone standing ready to protect you? How about volunteer veterans in plain clothes and with concealed arms so as to maintain a normal environment?      I personally would protect all of you with my life if I was given the opportunity. So would my staff.  We do not seek to minimize what you have gone through. So please thoroughly read this article and you judge for yourselves if this event is being used as part of an agenda.

There has been a large amount of buzz surrounding David Hogg, a Majory Stoneman Souglas High School student who came out as the main stream media predominantly CNN "student talking head". So why is he being called a "crisis actor"? this term can be applied in several ways. First of all it requires common sense analysis and not emotionally based reaction. So for starters, there absolutely was a crisis at the High School. That is an established fact. Following said crisis came David's interviews that have been spread across the nation. While many students have given interviews, it is David Hogg who has seemed to dominate the field of main stream media. So now why is he being called an "actor"? This came after he tried on multiple occasions to give an interview in which he was clearly being coached and according to a good friend that I spoke to who studied drama at a prestigious performing arts school who will remain anonymous, they said, and I quote; "This young man clearly either took acting, or had at very least been recently instructed by professionals, and I have no doubt about this after watching a few interviews that went live before any edits were included".

David Hogg does not only appear to be a crisis actor in the sense we have described, but is ready and willing to look good for the cameras in times of trouble to push the lefts agenda. He also appears to be a puppet for the Podesta funded Center For American Progress. Looking back on his Tweets, we found that David Hogg’s alleged first posts were dedicated to the Podesta organization. Now while this is no real surprise we also must be truthful and say that the only connection so far is his support of this organization. 

Facts matter and in today's toxic environment of psychological manipulation and with what we know about Operation Mockingbird, the GSHQ revelations that have blown the lid off of online paid government trolls, we must be more careful what we see and choose to believe even if it seems to coincide with many truths we already know. Examples of this extremely important factor that can manipulate the masses can be found at the following links:


The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations


 David Hogg was ready to end sexual assault once and for all. Who could possibly support sexual assault? But the left has taken this virtue signaling witch hunt to radical campaign ruining destructive levels calling out people for alleged abuse from decades ago, and in many cases right before its time to vote for the accused.  Weaponized faux virtue in many but probably not all or Social Justice at its finest. You know, when you are guilty and shamed before being able to adequately defend with the American tenet of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. If you can find a court these days that is not corrupted with this Marxist nonsense.

 On the surface, an organization dedicated to stopping sexual assault sounds noble and appealing, but the fact that it’s a Podesta project tells me all I need to know. There is so much intended disinformation being spread that constant critical analysis is required. However, as we stated this young man's behavior has all the signs and symptoms of a trained actor. 
As we can see in this photo, Center For American Progress was founded by none other than John Podesta.
An Actor?

The many issues with the shooting itself : UPDATE: AND THE CENSORSHIP BEGINS....
This is evidence that the internet is not an environment of free speech and truthful journalism, but a cesspool of ideologically driven social engineering. I will leave this blank video up as evidence that speaks louder than words.


We will be doing an expose' on this in and of itself, but as related to this case, I can tell you that the public has been psychologically manipulated "Mockingbird Style" and spun into a frenzy. Emotion trumps common sense in this environment. How simple a solution it is to arm those who we task with the security of our children. Imagine something a little like this:
"A well regulated educational environment being necessary to the freedom and security of students, the right of the educators to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".
                  Thomas Lacovara-Stewart
Main Stream Media screams "Conspiracy Theory"

    First allow us to share with you an excerpt from a Global Research piece on this CIA created term, and then below you will be provided links to the main stream articles I am referring to.

 First published by Global Research in 2013, this pathbreaking analysis by Professor James Tracy shows how the term “conspiracy theory” is being used to label critical analysis and dissenting viewpoints.
“Conspiracy theory” is a term that at once strikes fear and anxiety in the hearts of most every public figure, particularly journalists and academics. Since the 1960s the label has become a disciplinary device that has been overwhelmingly effective in defining certain events off limits to inquiry or debate. Especially in the United States raising legitimate questions about dubious official narratives destined to inform public opinion (and thereby public policy) is a major thought crime that must be cauterized from the public psyche at all costs.
Conspiracy theory’s acutely negative connotations may be traced to liberal historian Richard Hofstadter’s well-known fusillades against the “New Right.” Yet it was the Central Intelligence Agency that likely played the greatest role in effectively “weaponizing” the term. In the groundswell of public skepticism toward the Warren Commission’s findings on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the CIA sent a detailed directive to all of its bureaus. Titled “Countering Criticism of the Warren Commission Report,” the dispatch played a definitive role in making the “conspiracy theory” term a weapon to be wielded against almost any individual or group calling the government’s increasingly clandestine programs and activities into question.
This important memorandum and its broad implications for American politics and public discourse are detailed in a forthcoming book by Florida State University political scientist Lance de-Haven-Smith, Conspiracy Theory in AmericaDr. de-Haven-Smith devised the  state crimes against democracyconcept to interpret and explain potential government complicity in events such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the major political assassinations of the 1960s, and 9/11.
“CIA Document 1035-960” was released in response to a 1976 FOIA request by the New York Times. The directive is especially significant because it outlines the CIA’s concern regarding “the whole reputation of the American government” vis-à-vis the Warren Commission Report. The agency was especially interested in maintaining its own image and role as it “contributed information to the [Warren] investigation.”
The memorandum lays out a detailed series of actions and techniques for “countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries.” For example, approaching “friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors)” to remind them of the Warren Commission’s integrity and soundness should be prioritized. “[T]he charges of the critics are without serious foundation,” the document reads, and “further speculative discussion only plays in to the hands of the [Communist] opposition.”
The agency also directed its members “[t]o employ propaganda assets to [negate] and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose.”
1035-960 further delineates specific techniques for countering “conspiratorial” arguments centering on the Warren Commission’s findings. Such responses and their coupling with the pejorative label have been routinely wheeled out in various guises by corporate media outlets, commentators and political leaders to this day against those demanding truth and accountability about momentous public events
Read More here - Global Research - 

LINK - “Conspiracy Theory”: Foundations of a Weaponized Term Subtle and Deceptive Tactics to Discredit Truth in Media and Research

Other informative sources to show Central Intelligence Agency tactics -

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative

Links in MSM related to responses regarding "Conspiracy Theorists"

THE PURPOSEFUL DISINFORMATION ON THE WEB: The Destroying of Reputations by Seeding the Internet with Disinformation

Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums.


From CNN's scripted agenda, to Anderson Cooper the CIA intern turned "journalist", Ill let you do your own research to this Vanderbilt family's elitist. There was another famous elite Yale Skull and Bonesman no less that was CIA, and he became President of the United States. While Anderson Cooper was not a bones man, he was a member of another secret society at Yale. The CIA has a history of recruiting at Yale. 

David Hogg has yet another person claiming he was never a student at Parkland High School and this time, it’s an alleged member of Antifa. This came in the other night and we began FACT checking while others began spreading this all over the place. At this point we have found that it's origins are from a very scarcely used twitter account attributed to Antifa. We are still awaiting further confirmation of what we believe to be a hoax intended to discredit online investigators, journalists, the public in general and alternative media that whom now being aware of many of these nefarious real connections might be prone to believe in the disinformation. This is the screen shot of that tweet.
“David Hogg didn’t attend #Parkland high school. I went to school with him at Redondo Shores High School in California and he graduated in 2015. Here he is in our yearbook from 2015. He always wanted to work for CNN and be an actor.” #GunReformNow #NeverAgain
The Antifa account also posted a screenshot where they claim David actuallygraduated and where.
The Laguna Beach Antifa account owner is still being investigated by our team and has been submitted to a professional investigator we work with. 
Here is another photo that’s been circulating the internet: It’s a picture of what appears to be David Hogg in a CNN shirt getting ready for his next gig. 
The arguments for the Antifa claim, "just being a conspiracy theory", that David Hogg is indeed a student at Parkland High School are as follows: “This is bogus.” “I saw this on 4chan so it can’t possibly be true.” “All the liberals are telling me this theory is just a distraction from gun control debates.”   As so far this photo appears to be real, but again, we continue to investigate and will report on future findings.

More Video of the Florida Shooting and anaylisis by Jake Morphonios  <--------You know because "science" says so. lol

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Our mission is bring the activities of criminal networks out of the darkness and into the light, holding the conspirators accountable so that justice and peace can be restored.

We accomplish this mission by gathering intelligence through investigation and exposure of the crimes of the international banking cartels, the military industrial complex, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, rogue intelligence and paramilitary networks and global shadow governments.

Freedom Truth Justice and Peace

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Two hours after the Route 91 shooting in Las Vegas, the FBI sent a surveillance plane to intercept citizens' cell phone data at the Mandalay Bay hotel - likely without a warrant. This violation of privacy rights is one of a long string of abuses by the FBI.

Crowd funding makes my investigations possible! 


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Jake Morphonios
PO Box 1333
Kernersville, NC 27285

(You are also welcome to send personal letters to me here.) 


News tips or media inquiries:


Connect to Jake on Social Media:


Monday, February 19, 2018

JAKE MORPHONIOS of BLACKSTONE INTELLIGENCE on RTR - Las Vegas and Florida Shootings - Bundy Ranch - Oregon StandOff - Operation PatCon - SRA - MKUltra and more

Jake Morphonios of BLACKSTONE INTELLIGENCE on the Resurrect the Republic Radio Show

As Chief Investigator for the Blackstone Intelligence Network, Jake leads investigations into the shadowy world of the Deep State and Rothschild New World Order Syndicate.

Utilizing a vast global network of citizen informants and assets, Blackstone utilizes both open source intelligence (OSINT) as well as covert intel to assess clandestine operations, geopolitical strategies and criminal networking

Jake spent years in southeast Asia, during which he translated speeches for government officials, liaised with officials and visiting dignitaries and personally assisted hundreds of people - including victims of the notorious child sex trafficking industry in Thailand.  While working in Chiang Rai, Jake was targeted for kidnapping by Burmese drug warlord General Khun Sah.  The failed plot served to start Jake on a journey of investigation into illegal CIA black ops.

Back in the United States, Jake worked as a political strategist and operative for several candidates.  In 2000 he was a state campaign manager for presidential candidate Steve Forbes.  Jake was a writer for the Ron Paul presidential campaigns of 2008 and 2012.


Over the last two decades, Jake has worked as an investigator in various fields.  He was a lead financial crimes investigator for a Fortune 100 bank.  Supplementing his full time work, Jake freelanced as an investigative journalist. In 2012, Jake left the corporate world to start the End Times News Report.

Today, Jake has assembled the various sources, assets and informants he has used over the years into a global citizen information pool known as the Blackstone Intelligence Network.




Tom Lacovara-Stewart - Lorri Anderson
Resurrect the Republic 

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