Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Always hard hitting truth spitting reality from Brian Young at High Impact Flix . Please visit the website for incredible analysis and stellar presentations.

Oh my how much of a tangled web is weaved when practicing to deceive. Well an ABC anchor had a hot mic moment accusing the network of in all reality, becoming a part of a corrupt criminal organization and agenda for social collectivist change agent parasites whom are pushing the Communitarian Oligarchs plans forward.

Will anyone be held accountable?
At what point do we give up on big govt. ?
I see statism (trapped in the left right paradigm) as nothing more than the result of decades of state and corporate sponsored propaganda and indoctrination. The Constitution for the united States of America. 
It’s not that hard to understand, especially within it certain phrases. This revelation, or was it one? 

Epstein is dead! Epstein is dead... and while everyone argues over suicide or homicide good ole Jeff is likely on a beach sipping a Pina Colada with brown hair and brown eyes smiling while at least now most everyone knows that the Mossad has the goods on some of the most powerful elites in the world. 

The fact that most of them are sick devious pedophiles yet another revelation that 


What is a “Freeman” ?  That would take long to explain. But an even better question...

       What is a person who believes falsely that they are free but seemingly accepts all of the arbitrary and natural rights violating  laws from political parasites?

I’ll let you answer your way. 
I’ll answer mine - 

   Not a freedom fighting individual concerned with the rights of every individual to life, freedom, and the right to acquire property and to pursue happiness. 

Why do we need Washington DC’s crooks to continue pursuing what we watch them often freely destroy?

Friday, September 27, 2019

HILLARY “the Hypocrite” CLINTON and SEEMINGLY INTOXICATED PILOSI - Sink Each-other’s Battleship

The level of sheer hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton in the comments she made regarding a possible Trump Impeachment is so blatantly insane not even Democrat’s can ignore it. A woman who could have cared less about the cause of Benghazi (in an attempt to remove any personal accountability), to her husbands lying and his impeachment, his bombing of foreign nations in undeclared wars without Congressional approval, the Mena Arkansas CIA Cocaine trafficking, Whitewater, the corruption with the Clinton Foundation and Haiti... while calling Trump a dishonest businessman?  

Look, no one, especially other conservatives have been more critical of Trump than I have, but if this isn’t the pot calling the kettle black, I don’t know what in the heck is. 

And then enter Nancy Pilosi... oh good Lord - Mother of God this woman’s brain is so shot out she can’t put complete sentences together. These people make the United States a laughing stock all over the world. It’s insane.

Leave your thoughts below or on the video. 
Subscribe to High Impact Flix via the video link. 

Friday, November 30, 2018


Published by 

A wolf in sheep’s clothing – the Fabian Society’s coat of arms, via Wikipedia
A look back to October 2016 - Fabian Socialism, in its strictest sense refers to a group of Brits who sought to advance democratic socialism. The difference between the Fabians and other, less patient socialists, was that they were willing to wait while the movement moved toward their ends. The Fabians did not need armed revolution to succeed. The nefarious Fabians’ patience was their great strength. Like the frog in a boiling pot, by the time their targets had thrown away their freedoms, it would be too late to retreat. The terms “Fabian” and “Fabianism” in this piece refer more to slow socialist growth, rather than the original group, The Fabian Society, or its aims. And the author sees its current growth ensured by two poor, presidential, candidates.
This election is the quickest jump toward socialism, along with the least ability to avoid socialism, in the 21st century. Hillary Clinton reflects the most vindictive and dangerous candidate of our lives. Donald Trump reflects the most liberal and dangerous republican candidate of our lives. Her way is that of a European socialist – someone from a Soviet satellite – but with the Soviet chairman’s power. His way is a muddled, stumbling walk in the dark to find solutions.
While there were articulate, and better educated candidates in the republican field – Trump won the primary. For many, the choice is now between big government, or big government light. An entire movement has developed just to reject Trump. Conservatives especially feel abandoned. Hillary’s promised miseries speak for themselves. They listen to Trump’s words, and cringe at them, too.
Trump promises big government – although his is not flagrant as Hillary’s – his is through ignorance. He promises trade restrictions and tariffs to “protect American jobs”. What he neglects to consider, is its slow move toward big government (and central planning) that represents. Indeed, when has government installed trade restrictions, and made things more affordable?
How about Obamacare? Repealing or repairing it is still a pipe dream. Republicans in Congress just wring their hands. The naiveté that it takes to believe trade restrictions work, while maintaining freedoms at home, is stunning. Milton Friedman makes the claim that political freedoms and economic freedoms work hand in hand. When one ebbs, so does the other. Where markets expand, freedoms grow. Where the markets restrict, freedoms evaporate.
Image from
What about farm subsidies? They are further example of government meddling with free markets. Does the reader see what happens to Congressmen who dare toy with the idea of cutting them? The Congressman’s next elections tend to be rocky, and may force a career change. Those subsidies are there for good. Granted, the freedoms and profits lost are by overseas farmers, but they are gone. The foreign farmers have to grow something else, or give up farming, since it is no longer competitive.
The expectation of Hillary’s corrupt, train wreck, administration is as plain as day. The effect of protectionism that Trump promises means (unnecessarily) higher prices for Americans’ purchases. But it seems – the eight, Fabian, Obama years, taught us nothing. Make no mistake – Trump represents more of the same slide leftward for the GOP. The Reagan years are gone, but there is no excuse for continually embracing bigger government in the succeeding decades.
If you claim there is a certain amount of slow growth of socialism that is “acceptable” – you praise the light burn of the range element you sit atop. And it means a reduction in freedoms for Americans for ever. And that slow, methodical, boiling should have the smart frogs rejecting it, always. But some frogs will believe anything, and they likely think themselves more equal than other frogs…

Please go to JBrenn's blog for a wealth of information -

Monday, November 28, 2016


Finally some major Networks are discussing the surface of this, but as you will hear Joe Scarborough say openly....     "This is a bit of a blind spot for me..... Ive heard people talking about this for a year and a half"....                            Joe Scarborough MSNBC "Morning Joe" Show                      (Comment on the Clinton Epstein direct well documented connection                          that many on the left attempted to completely deny until the                               evidence was irrefutable, well documented, trips.) In the following video you will hear that quote and much more.  We would like to thank our former RBN host Ben Swann, who used to have a show right before mine on the Network. Ben and men like him is what we need running the free and independent media. The alternative needs to pick its best and place them front and center to #DrainTheSwamp , more accurately to #DrainTheCesspool of corruption and compkete Satanic moral degeneracy. Satanism is not a protected religion. It is the anti-religion of everything this union of Republics was founded upon which was the law of the Creator, not of His antithesis.    So while it truly saddens me to have to write this. I first have to point out one of the biggest problems right off. This man, who is on what we have been lead to believe is a "News Reporting Agency", just admitted to knowing all about this, but willfully sticking his head in the sand and refusing to onvestigate and report on it? Do we now see the bigger problem?       The PRESSTITUTES NEED TO GO! PROSECUTED MANY OF THEM! Many of us whom have been scorned and attacked, called all sorts of names. Now we have been proven to have been correct all along. That is the only comfort in any of this, as to then have to share this with you all is truly a sad state of affairs. But this must be done as sickening as it is continuing the research and investigation that I have been doing for many years. From the Franklin Coverup  to the Saville and Hampstead Pedo rings.  This is so big, so real, and so twisted, and not just being completely ignored anymore but now its so big they have to deny it or face the public now KNOWING, that most of the Main Stream Media entities are nothing more than traitors for their programmed ideology in defiance of truth, of Constitution.  The main stream media is now caught having protected, and aided and abetted in the most heinous crimes this world has ever seen. Amd the media has also attempted to plant disinformation and fear of prosecution in the hearts and minds of the public such as CNN did over the Wikileaks Podesta emails which have exposed far more than ever can be seen below.  The media is now fomenting exactly what General Albert Pike said would be, and need to happen, to achieve the 3rd World War and bring on a One World Government went the pure doctrine of Lucifer would be brought out into the light.  This has been steadily happening right in front of everyone's faces while the insanity is that many are still in complete denial about it. All caused by those whom have planned it for a few hundred years , and wrote about it, everything they said would come to pass is coming to pass exactly as Pike said it would; the same secret society linked underworld controlled network is responsible, and now that the media ignored the most obvious, most well known facts, now the backlash for the disclosure of all of this, and response coming from the Main Stream Media, is comparative to the behavior of a spoiled child who refuses to accept the reality that they have been caught red handed doing something, but will look right at you lying through their teeth to tell you that its not so. They, on one hand are required to tell us. This is some form of sick tenet that has those most closely paying attention knowing what is happening. People like myself, and all the people I work with to disclose this information as we have had to learn how to best educate and inform the public in repeated attempts at breaking through the mass mind control of televison, radio and film, the advertising agency of this Luciferian doctrine. It is one huge Hegelian Dialectic. Forgive me for perhaps being redundant and repeating much information I have already shared. This presentation is for all, and many who will awaken as a result of this latest Satanic scandal, will be doing so for the first time. For those of you who know exactly what the Hegelian Dialectic as well as cognitive dissonance is, please skip this next part. The Hegelian Dialectic defined Cognitive Dissonance defined Ideological Subversion defined With the power, money, corruption, the power and force of government, and what we all know as a result of the contlomeration of all of these factors, is a combination of Operation Mockingbird Effect,  combined with Council on Foreign Relations, Rockefeller, United Nations and Soros backed plan and coup against the Union of the united States, and any or all that would defend the Inalienable Rights "identified, but not given to us by the Constitution for this Union of States, and individual Sovereign and lawful governments of them all. They have not only been lying and propagandizing, but seeking to place in control International, borderless, Single world governanace, but controlled by the most crimnal of the worlds banking elites. Those who act behind the scenes steering public reality through deliberately donfusing advertising lies to steer public opinion to gain support, and now even violent resistence. We have evidence that, and everyone is well aware that George Soros has paid many people......that is to pose as true political protesters, but who exst to unnaturally cause chaos, looting, rioting making it appear to be genuine public backlash.   Hat this does is trigger many more people who respond to what they perceive is a real event, and as they see others rallying, they feel somehow morally drawn to do the same. It is a part of the human condition so well understood, and used by agent provoceteurs to benefit either a corrupt government agenda, such as the attack on the right to bear arms, or a Corporate / Federal Reserve Rothschild, Rockefeller, Carnegie Doundation, Gates Foundation, etc. etc. or perhaps Council on Foreign Relations based agenda. So to be honest, this is of absolutely no suprise to me, as I have known and spoken out against this absolute explosion of information and what leftists attempt to say "Conspiracy Theory" witch hunt or whatever #CriticalTheory based argument, Marxism 101 programming, from gender studdies to womens studies courses which while which partially exist on the notion that education itself is somehow gender oriented.  Leftist Marxist programming reduces the ability impairs or in some cases compartmentally seems to cause the brain to lose critical coparative ability. They also suffer from cognitive dissonance. The professors of the "social science" what I call Marxist constructed pseudo-science political ideological subversion and programming.  Those affected by it become little more than robots repeating rhetoric whole attacking everyone else calling them what they actually are repeatedly and innsessently repeating the same lies over and over to the point that you know that they really believe this complete departure from reqlity and it is nearly as if their group think has some way of creating energy that makes many around them immediately believe the lies they continue to repeat. This is growing seriously dangerous. People being pulled from their cars beating, carjacking people who vited for Trump, while calijng Trump the racist threat who causes violence and hate hate hate hate hate. Slogans which repeat themselves with cutsie phrases and when you ask any of these perhaps paid for protesters to specifically state which comment or action Trump did to be either a Racist or a Nazi, they have nothing but "Love Trumps Hate" he hates all immigrants. This logic coming from the man who martied a foreigner and who is a legal immigrant and soon to be first lady. The the same hypocrites who had no problem with Obamas giving himself power to commit to Constitution smashing operations like Operation Choke Point, or Operation Fast and Furious. Now is the most important time to lay it all on the table. And I am not against doing so exposing both sides politically, as a true career criminal...... someone who plans plots, conspires to and acts upon the cause of violating another person, or other people, towns groups, individuals, and most especially children.... Your days are now numbered. With all attempts by the main stream media to deny, or make light of dismissing as "Comspiracy Theories" or as a witch hunt, Here is the problem.  There is EVIDENCE !!!