Showing posts with label Collectivism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Collectivism. Show all posts

Friday, November 13, 2015


In a shocking revelation (not), many are awakening to the massive corruption within the Courts. What we once believed was that we had the best system on the face of the planet. I comparison to what? Every country seems to have what is called an elected bunch of so called "representatives", yet we are tasked with making our "choice" out of a group of the liars, cheaters, criminals, and every once in a while a very honest man who never has a chance at making it into the top tier, and when one does they are blacklisted by the Main Stream Corporate media. This is NOT what the founders ever intended. Not the real founders anyway. I am with Patrick Henry....I was long ago as I too...."smell a rat.    

I am the son of a New Jersey Judge. I grew up at my fathers feet, then by his side and have watched the utter deterioration of the entire Municipal to State Supreme Court turn into a madhouse and den of thieves. It disgusts me. And I must as a matter of what is right, stand up and speak out !

Please read the article at the following link. - America Wakes Up To Find Its Judicial Branch Consumed By Organized Crime

Saturday, November 7, 2015


Katy ISD Jordan Wooley with Texas Gov. Greg Abbot
Today Katy ISD 7th grader Jordan Wooley and her mom Chantel, were invited to the home of Texas Governor Greg Abbott, in Austin, to discuss what happened in her AP (Advanced Placement) reading class. Listen to my interview with Jordan's mom Chantel right after the visit. We applaud Gov. Abbott as he clearly has shown, the #IStandWithJordan movement is supported at the highest levels in Texas government.
Posted by Alice Linahan on Saturday, November 7, 2015
Alton Frailey Katy Texas, I.S.D. finally placed in a position where he "knows" that eyes are upon him. Lying and throwing a little girl who now has been proven to have been telling the truth in the "God is a Myth" scandal becoming known as Frailey Gate # who knows? As the amount of scandals and Constitutional violations by these anti-Constitution Tax Exempt Foundations, corporations, and public officials. We do not want nor will tolerate political agendas in the classroom. And the Bill of Rights will NOT be relinquished for any agenda, including but not limited to Agenda 21.

The Governor knows that Frailey is "covering his backside" says Chantel Wooley, mother of Jordan Wooley, who came forward and told the truth. She saw something, and she said something. The Katy I.S.D. press conference tried to allege that Jordan Wooley lied about what her teacher said. He was immediately corrected by Fox News reporter Andrea Watkins who took apart their lies in short order with evidence she uncovered during her investigation confirming the findings of our investigation. This is a peer reviewed slam dunk. Now all that needs to follow is who is going to represent Jordan and her friends in the lawsuit that surely must follow if for no other reason, to make an example.

#IStandWithJordan #Frailey #FraileyGate #SchoolOfficialLies #God #JesusChrist #Faith #1stAmendment #CivilRights #KatyISD #CommonCore #WomenOnTheWall

Thursday, October 29, 2015



After speaking to Jordan Wooley the first time she was rudely insulted by this school's staff, we had she and her mother on our radio show. But when I received a call from her again regarding this latest episode of Constitutional ignorance and the implementation of lessons that are intended to "smash a students perception of reality", while including "commonplace assertions" in regular language, what are considered widely accepted "myths", they of course had to place God in the mix, and although a government institution, they absolutely "did" take a specific position in violation of the students Constitutionally defined un-alienable rights. If the student chose to state that God's existence was fact, they were told they would have the answer, a "graded answer", marked wrong, and it would "effect" their grade on the assignment. This is the same as misusing their position of authority to force a child to believe as they do in regards to matters of Faith and religion. Everyone should not be suprised to know, the school held a press conference...... and set a wonderful example by lying their  proverbial hind quarters off, charging the difference in their position to "their belief", or lack there of, to spite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that the assignment was neither graded nor was the answer a mandatory answer. (Only if you care about your grade).

The following is a copy of that press conference included within are our responses to it.

While we have spoken to Jordan before, after speaking to her mother today, I can tell you that regardless of the excuses these so called educators make, they have accomplished the Collectivist goal of creating a "chilling effect" for students who wish to stand up for their beliefs. The actions of the school board and company paid minor lip service to Jordan's courage, while attacking her mother and trying to make it sound as if the Civil Rights violation against their students is somehow the fault of her social media posts. Disgusting "blame the victim" mentality. And again, Progressives have no problem thumbing their nose at our Constitution, the rule of law, but will be the first ones there to scream bloody murder if students wish to share their faith, regarless of the FACT that the students actions are not what is constrained by the Bill of Rights, but the actions of government. 

Apparently a fact ignorant politicos love to dismiss when it suits them, while embraces when it suits them. We will endeavor to bring accountability to government. Government is not our friend, but an enemy to freedom. That is unless you choose to disagree with Gen. George Washington, who stated as much. Criminals and governments are the natural enemy of the people, so let us chain down the latter with the Constitution to prevent them from more acting like the former. Or something to that exact effect....     Coming from a Federalist, that speaks volumes. I am more in line with Patrick Henry... "I smell a rat"!