Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Ryan Bundy FREELY SPEAKS out! 


Resurrect the Republic 
RTR Truth Media 
hosts of the Radio Show
Investigative Journalists
Tom Lacovara-Stewart / Lorri Anderson 

Monday, December 4, 2017


The Creature from Jekyll Island G. Edward Griffin talked about his book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, which is a history of the creation of the Federal Reserve System. He was interviewed while attending FreedomFest, the libertarian conference held July 11-14, 2012, in Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel and Casino.  To see that video please click -  HERE


For a better understanding of fractional reserve banking let us look to the Mises Institute:

Fractional-Reserve Banking and Money Creation

According to traditional economics textbooks, the current monetary system amplifies initial monetary injections of money. The popular story goes as follows: if the central bank injects $1 billion into the economy, and banks have to hold 10% in reserve against their deposits, this will allow the first bank to lend 90% of this $1 billion. The $900 million in turn will end up with the second bank, which will lend 90% of the $900 million. The $810 million will end up with a third bank, which in turn will lend out 90% of $810 million, and so on.
Consequently the initial injection of $1 billion will become $10 billion, i.e., money supply will expand by a multiple of 10. Note that in this example the central bank has actively initiated monetary pumping of $1 billion, which in turn banks have expanded to $10 billion.
But in a world where central banks don't target money supply but rather set targets for the overnight interest rate (e.g. the federal funds rate in the United States and the call rate in Japan) does this continue to make sense? Additionally, in some economies like Australia banks are not even compelled to hold reserves against their deposits. Surely then the entire multiplier model in the economics textbooks must be suspect.
Indeed, economists from the post-Keynesian school of economics (PK) have expressed doubt about the validity of the popular framework.
It is argued that the key source of money expansion is the demand for loans together with the willingness of banks to lend.
The supply of loans, in this way of thinking, is never independent of demand — banks supply loans only because someone is willing to borrow bank money by issuing an IOU to a bank.
Accordingly, the driving force of bank credit expansion and thus money supply expansion is the increase in the demand for loans and neither the money multiplier nor the central bank. Bank lending is not constrained here by reserves that are injected by the central bank, but by the demand for loans.
Is this objection valid?

Fractional-Reserve Banking and Creation of Money

Let us say that an increase in the demand for loans has taken place. How is a bank going to accommodate this increased demand? One way is by borrowing in financial markets or by raising equity funds. Another way of funding this increase is by using part of deposited money.
Note that banks are legally permitted to use some of the money that is placed in demand deposits. Banks treat this type of money as if it were lent to them.
For instance, if John places $100 in demand deposit he doesn't relinquish his claim over the deposited $100. He has an unlimited claim against his $100. This demand deposit should be properly regarded as not different from money in a safe deposit box. Hence, when a bank uses the deposited money as if it were lent to him the bank generates another claim on this deposited money.
Let us say that a bank lends $50 to Mike. By lending Mike $50, the bank creates a deposit for $50 that Mike can now use.
This in turn means that John will continue to have a claim against $100 while Mike will have a claim against $50. This type of lending is what fractional reserve banking is all about. The bank has $100 in cash against claims, or deposits, of $150. The bank therefore holds 66.7% reserves against demand deposits. The bank has created $50 out of "thin air" since the $50 is not supported by any genuine money.
A case could be made, however, that people who place their money in demand deposits do not mind banks using their money. Notwithstanding all this, as long as people trade, there will always be a demand for money, which will be held either in cash or in bank demand deposits.
Consequently, regardless of people's attitudes, once banks use deposited money, an expansion of money that is not backed by ‘real’ money is set in motion.
Although the law allows this type of practice, from an economic point of view it produces a similar outcome to that achieved by the counterfeiter. It results in money out of "thin air" which leads to consumption that is not supported by production i.e. the dilution of the pool of real wealth.
On this Mises wrote,
It is usual to reckon the acceptance of a deposit which can be drawn upon at any time by means of notes or checks as a type of credit transaction and juristically this view is, of course, justified; but economically, the case is not one of a credit transaction ... A depositor of a sum of money who acquires in exchange for it a claim convertible into money at any time which will perform exactly the same service for him as the sum it refers to, has exchanged no present good for a future good. The claim that he has acquired by his deposit is also a present good for him. The depositing of money in no way means that he has renounced immediate disposal over the utility that it commands.1
Similarly, Rothbard argued,
In this sense, a demand deposit, while legally designated as credit, is actually a present good — a warehouse claim to a present good that is similar to a bailment transaction, in which the warehouse pledges to redeem the ticket at any time on demand.2

Why the Existence of a Central Bank Permits Fractional-Reserve Banking

Let us say that for whatever reason banks are experiencing an increase in the demand for loans. Also, let us assume that the supply of loanable funds is unchanged. According to PK, banks will facilitate this increase. The demand-deposit accounts of the new borrowers will now increase.
Obviously the new deposits are likely to be employed in various transactions. After some time elapses, banks will be required to clear their checks and this is where problems might occur.
Some banks will find that to clear checks they are forced either to sell assets or to borrow the money from other banks (remember the pool of loanable funds stays unchanged).
Obviously, all this will put an upward pressure on money market interest rates and in turn on the entire interest-rate structure. To prevent banks bankruptcy the central bank will be forced to pump money e.g. through open market purchases of securities. Once the central bank starts pumping money it in fact gives the green light to the money multiplier process (the creation of credit out of "thin air"). So the conceptual outcome as depicted by the multiplier model remains intact here. The only difference is that banks initiate the lending process, which is then accommodated by the central bank.
If the multiplier process requires the support of the central bank then one can infer that, in a free market without the central bank, the likelihood of such a process emerging is not very high.
In a free market, if a particular bank tries to expand credit without backup from a genuine lender — i.e., by practicing fractional-reserve banking — it runs the risk of not being able to honor its checks, which raises the risk of bankruptcy.
  • 1. Ludwig von Mises 1980, The Theory of Money and Credit. Indianopolis, Ind: Libery Classics( pp300-01).
  • 2.Murray N. Rothbard 1978, Austrian definitions of the supply of money, in New Directions in Austrian Economics p 148.
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Sunday, December 3, 2017

FUTURE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS & PARENTS - Guide to Avoid a Marxist Infused College

The wide spread of Neo-Marxist ideology has been completely destructive to the universities across the nation. Within this video is a breakdown of this, and a proposed guide in how to avoid placing yourselves in an indoctrination center.


Resurrect the Republic


Tom Lacovara-Stewart

Lorri Anderson

Saturday, November 25, 2017


In true Marxist fashion of the Neo-Marxist or Cultural Marxist cancerous ideology being inflicted upon the senses of American youth, this absolute crazy ideologically mind twisted teacher tries to deny FBI crime statistics as a "cover up" in the making, and claims to be "smarter than Websters Dictionary" as the result of being a "highly intelligent woman" said the teacher. By doing so in such a way, she fits the textbook definition of a bigot. 

Below are some more examples of this pervasive leftist attack on freedom of thought and free speech.
Please submit to me more of your own examples of this insaniy and I will add them to this post.

Monday, November 28, 2016


RTR TRUTH MEDIA: D.C. ELITE - MAIN STREAM CONTROLLED MEDIA RUNNING ...: Finally some major Networks are discussing the surface of this, but as you will hear Joe Scarborough say openly....     "This is a...


Finally some major Networks are discussing the surface of this, but as you will hear Joe Scarborough say openly....     "This is a bit of a blind spot for me..... Ive heard people talking about this for a year and a half"....                            Joe Scarborough MSNBC "Morning Joe" Show                      (Comment on the Clinton Epstein direct well documented connection                          that many on the left attempted to completely deny until the                               evidence was irrefutable, well documented, trips.) In the following video you will hear that quote and much more.  We would like to thank our former RBN host Ben Swann, who used to have a show right before mine on the Network. Ben and men like him is what we need running the free and independent media. The alternative needs to pick its best and place them front and center to #DrainTheSwamp , more accurately to #DrainTheCesspool of corruption and compkete Satanic moral degeneracy. Satanism is not a protected religion. It is the anti-religion of everything this union of Republics was founded upon which was the law of the Creator, not of His antithesis.    So while it truly saddens me to have to write this. I first have to point out one of the biggest problems right off. This man, who is on what we have been lead to believe is a "News Reporting Agency", just admitted to knowing all about this, but willfully sticking his head in the sand and refusing to onvestigate and report on it? Do we now see the bigger problem?       The PRESSTITUTES NEED TO GO! PROSECUTED MANY OF THEM! Many of us whom have been scorned and attacked, called all sorts of names. Now we have been proven to have been correct all along. That is the only comfort in any of this, as to then have to share this with you all is truly a sad state of affairs. But this must be done as sickening as it is continuing the research and investigation that I have been doing for many years. From the Franklin Coverup  to the Saville and Hampstead Pedo rings.  This is so big, so real, and so twisted, and not just being completely ignored anymore but now its so big they have to deny it or face the public now KNOWING, that most of the Main Stream Media entities are nothing more than traitors for their programmed ideology in defiance of truth, of Constitution.  The main stream media is now caught having protected, and aided and abetted in the most heinous crimes this world has ever seen. Amd the media has also attempted to plant disinformation and fear of prosecution in the hearts and minds of the public such as CNN did over the Wikileaks Podesta emails which have exposed far more than ever before.as can be seen below.  The media is now fomenting exactly what General Albert Pike said would be, and need to happen, to achieve the 3rd World War and bring on a One World Government went the pure doctrine of Lucifer would be brought out into the light.  This has been steadily happening right in front of everyone's faces while the insanity is that many are still in complete denial about it. All caused by those whom have planned it for a few hundred years , and wrote about it, everything they said would come to pass is coming to pass exactly as Pike said it would; the same secret society linked underworld controlled network is responsible, and now that the media ignored the most obvious, most well known facts, now the backlash for the disclosure of all of this, and response coming from the Main Stream Media, is comparative to the behavior of a spoiled child who refuses to accept the reality that they have been caught red handed doing something, but will look right at you lying through their teeth to tell you that its not so. They, on one hand are required to tell us. This is some form of sick tenet that has those most closely paying attention knowing what is happening. People like myself, and all the people I work with to disclose this information as we have had to learn how to best educate and inform the public in repeated attempts at breaking through the mass mind control of televison, radio and film, the advertising agency of this Luciferian doctrine. It is one huge Hegelian Dialectic. Forgive me for perhaps being redundant and repeating much information I have already shared. This presentation is for all, and many who will awaken as a result of this latest Satanic scandal, will be doing so for the first time. For those of you who know exactly what the Hegelian Dialectic as well as cognitive dissonance is, please skip this next part. The Hegelian Dialectic defined Cognitive Dissonance defined Ideological Subversion defined With the power, money, corruption, the power and force of government, and what we all know as a result of the contlomeration of all of these factors, is a combination of Operation Mockingbird Effect,  combined with Council on Foreign Relations, Rockefeller, United Nations and Soros backed plan and coup against the Union of the united States, and any or all that would defend the Inalienable Rights "identified, but not given to us by the Constitution for this Union of States, and individual Sovereign and lawful governments of them all. They have not only been lying and propagandizing, but seeking to place in control International, borderless, Single world governanace, but controlled by the most crimnal of the worlds banking elites. Those who act behind the scenes steering public reality through deliberately donfusing advertising lies to steer public opinion to gain support, and now even violent resistence. We have evidence that, and everyone is well aware that George Soros has paid many people......that is to pose as true political protesters, but who exst to unnaturally cause chaos, looting, rioting making it appear to be genuine public backlash.   Hat this does is trigger many more people who respond to what they perceive is a real event, and as they see others rallying, they feel somehow morally drawn to do the same. It is a part of the human condition so well understood, and used by agent provoceteurs to benefit either a corrupt government agenda, such as the attack on the right to bear arms, or a Corporate / Federal Reserve Rothschild, Rockefeller, Carnegie Doundation, Gates Foundation, etc. etc. or perhaps Council on Foreign Relations based agenda. So to be honest, this is of absolutely no suprise to me, as I have known and spoken out against this absolute explosion of information and what leftists attempt to say "Conspiracy Theory" witch hunt or whatever #CriticalTheory based argument, Marxism 101 programming, from gender studdies to womens studies courses which while which partially exist on the notion that education itself is somehow gender oriented.  Leftist Marxist programming reduces the ability impairs or in some cases compartmentally seems to cause the brain to lose critical coparative ability. They also suffer from cognitive dissonance. The professors of the "social science" what I call Marxist constructed pseudo-science political ideological subversion and programming.  Those affected by it become little more than robots repeating rhetoric whole attacking everyone else calling them what they actually are repeatedly and innsessently repeating the same lies over and over to the point that you know that they really believe this complete departure from reqlity and it is nearly as if their group think has some way of creating energy that makes many around them immediately believe the lies they continue to repeat. This is growing seriously dangerous. People being pulled from their cars beating, carjacking people who vited for Trump, while calijng Trump the racist threat who causes violence and hate hate hate hate hate. Slogans which repeat themselves with cutsie phrases and when you ask any of these perhaps paid for protesters to specifically state which comment or action Trump did to be either a Racist or a Nazi, they have nothing but "Love Trumps Hate" he hates all immigrants. This logic coming from the man who martied a foreigner and who is a legal immigrant and soon to be first lady. The the same hypocrites who had no problem with Obamas giving himself power to commit to Constitution smashing operations like Operation Choke Point, or Operation Fast and Furious. Now is the most important time to lay it all on the table. And I am not against doing so exposing both sides politically, as a true career criminal...... someone who plans plots, conspires to and acts upon the cause of violating another person, or other people, towns groups, individuals, and most especially children.... Your days are now numbered. With all attempts by the main stream media to deny, or make light of dismissing as "Comspiracy Theories" or as a witch hunt, Here is the problem.  There is EVIDENCE !!!  


 Resurrect the Republic Radio Show on the Republic Broadcasting Network M-F 10PM Eastern



Saturday, November 19, 2016

Trey Gowdy Jason Chaffetz Ask Secret Service "Who Do You Think You Are"?

When an agency of government becomes so large and powerful that they believe their authority exceeds that of the body that created it, which was Congress, then the House Oversight Committee gets infuritaed. Much the same it is when We The People become infuriated with the Federal Government which we created, when they believe they have more authority than we do.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


In a new video released by Project Veritas Action, a top Democratic donor is caught on camera disparaging members of the African American community at a fundraiser for North Carolina U.S. Senate candidate Deborah Ross.

In the video, prominent Ross donor Benjamin Barber expresses his opinion about blacks who vote Republican by comparing them to Nazis.
“Have you heard of the Sonderkommandos? Jewish guards who helped murder Jews in the camps. So there were even Jews that were helping the Nazis murder Jews! So blacks who are helping the other side are seriously fucked in the head. They’re only helping the enemy who will destroy them. Maybe they think ‘if I help them we’ll get along okay; somehow I’ll save my race by working with the murderers,’” said Barber at a fundraiser for Ross on the Upper West Side of New York City on September 19, 2016.
Project Veritas Action thought it was important to share Barber’s words with African American Republicans in North Carolina. They expressed outrage over the comments that were made at the Ross fundraiser.
“I think that Deborah Ross has shown her true colors. If this is not a, if that…what you just showed me is not racism and condescending and basically calling blacks stupid and ignorant and saying that we are voting against our own self-interest if we support any republican.  I am appalled.  I am in incensed.  Deborah Ross should be called to task for something like that,” said Bishop Wooden, a black voter in North Carolina.
Project Veritas Action Fund (AKA Project Veritas Action) was founded by James O’Keefe to investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud and other misconduct.

Sunday, October 30, 2016


Allow me to clarify for some of the folks who may not understand why or how this is a violation and abuse of authority.......
1- There was no reasonable expectation that a crime had been comitted.
2- there was absolutely NO PROBABLE CAUSE for the stop
3- They used a PRIVATE LINE to communicate - thereby avoiding any ability for the "potential suspect/s to be able to subpeona record of the call
4- the officers by using a "PRIVATE PHONE LINE" violated the potential / actual suspects, (who was not actually suspected of anything) civil and or Constitutionally protected rights.
Summary - The officer/s acted outside the scope of their legitimate authority to attemp to go on a fishing expedition. Any such crime they may have encountered after the fact would have been "fruit of the poisoned tree" so to speak. But this does not stop them as most of the time when and if an infraction is observed and or discovered, the accused often as a result plea out, or are represented by ineefective counsel ( public defender) who by the ORIGINAL 13th Amendmentare in all actuality "officers of the court and of a private law society" who have gained an unfair and unConstitutional advantage as they have all secured "Titles of Nobility" by doing so in manifest ciolation of the US Constitution and of the ORIGINAL RATIFIED 13 th Amendment. As well they have had their 4th Amendment identified restriction upon government protected rights violated . This is (while rather a small case) a Civil Rights violation that must be arrested. These officers should in my opinion be fired never to work in law enforcement ever again. This will be the ONLY way to safeguard the rights of the people as well as send a message to any and all revenue generating parasites who use the color of law to violate the rights of the People of whom employ them and whom they are sworn to serve.

ORWELLIAN LEGISLATION GRIPS CANADA - CULTURAL MARXISM - Professor Jordan Peterson His Stance On Gender Pronouns

The insanity of Cultural Marxism has taken Canada by force. As I am not a Canadian, and am unfarmiliar with their status on what would be our Constitutional Law, it appears as though Canadians have no right to free speech or thought, or any protections there of.

In the United States, many misinterpret the U.S. Constitution as "giving or allowing" us rights. This is a common misunderstanding. What the Bill of Rights is more accurately is the Bill of Testrictions upon government. These restrictions are protections and are considered the "chains that bind the necsessary evil which our founders considered Federalism or government to be.

The Bill of rights restricts the government from interfering with the right of the people to the freedom of speech, or the press, of their own personal beliefs, and of Christian worship by restricting any establishment of a particular church or sect to be recognized as a state sanctioned faith. It has been for a very long time misinterpreted to protect the public worship of any and all religions. This is part of the encroaching Progressive and oftern Communist based subversion of our Constitutional Republic. This in no means suggests that people can not believe or worship as they see fit in the privacy of their own homes, but it does prevent them from openly and publicly subverting the nation with ideologies that would or could undermine the rule of law and or of the right of Americans to maintain their cultural heritage and moral code which is rooted in Magna Carta law, which is established upon the bedrock foundation of the Holy Bible. Many Americans today have been taught Progressive lies on both the right and left that does just that. It undermines the actual American Cultural heritage the founders sought to protect and to pass down to their proginy and to all Americans. If we ever did in fact return to those principles, we would see a drastic reduction in immoral behaviors, degeneracy, and indecency.  Many have sought to secularize the Republic. The introduction of Theocracies for instance which are not merely religions, but are religion and political ideologies fused. These are unlawful and have been so for a very long time.    Satanism is a good example. There is no protection and in fact it is unlawful for the public worship of an ideology that seeks to undermine the Protestant Christian faith. If people only knew and were made to understand that we have been in a battle with Rome and the Jesuits, as well as the King of England and our founding to free ourselves from the chains of the Papacy, they would understand far more deeply many of the wars details of the American Civil War.    That war was instigated and advised upon by top Jesuits.     The Jesuits have been the hidden hand of destruction along with their agents the Rothschilds and Rockefeelers and many more like them.    

Thursday, October 27, 2016