Independent media, news reporting, analysis, opinion, forensic historical research presentations. From a Libertarian to Anarcho-Libertarian Anti-Federalist perspective.
It should shock no one that the latest fabrication from the "Administration of Deception" would be a "Trump did it too" defense. The suggestion for starters is preposterous . But what we now know about Joe Biden and his brother and sons involvement with the Communist Chinese government just in Hunter receiving a billion dollars not that long ago from them should be enough of a red flag warning that sees their arrests for treason. The fact that Joe Biden still has national security clearance and his authority should send chills down the spines of all Americans. I'm afraid his apologists will have to either admit they were wrong for supporting him, or they can not be trusted either.
"I can refute it. Former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper refuted it yesterday. Former Secretary of State and CIA Director Mike Pompeo has refuted it."
WATCH: Former DNI John Ratcliffe debunks the claim that Chinese spy balloons occupied airspace during the Trump administration.
In this Fox news clip you can here former Sec. Of State Mike Pompeo, admittedly not the most truthful individual around, but he is saying what other top Intel and diplomatic officials have also stated on the record. There was no such incident that could remotely be compared to this under Trump's term.
“President Trump has suggested Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) should face “arrest for treason” after he “illegally made up a FAKE & terrible statement” that he read out in Congress in an attempt to frame the president.”
For the second time in days, President Trump has accused a Democratic member of Congress of treason, escalating his attacks on those leading an impeachment inquiry against him based on a complaint lodged by a “whistleblower” with no first-hand knowledge of events.
On Sunday, Trump tweeted that Schiff should be “questioned at the highest level” for “treason.”
Trump suggested in a tweet Monday that House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) should face “arrest for treason,” claiming Schiff “illegally made up a FAKE & terrible statement.”
President Trump was referring to Schiff’s “analysis” of Trump’s July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Schiff misrepresented the call as a gangster-like shakedown, with Trump blatantly threatening the Ukrainian president.
The U.S. Constitution defines treason as waging war on the U.S. or giving “aid and comfort” to American enemies. Punishment for the crime may include the death penalty.
During a House hearing Thursday, Schiff tried to ramp up criticism of President Trump portraying him as a mob boss.
“It reads like a classic organized crime shakedown,” Schiff said of Trump’s call. “Shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words, this is the essence of what the president communicates.”
He then parodied Trump’s call in wildly inaccurate terms.
“We’ve been very good to your country, very good. No other country has done as much as we have, but you know what? I don’t see much reciprocity here,” Schiff said, supposedly “parodying” Trump’s demands to the Ukrainian leader. “I have a favor I want from you, though, and I’m gonna say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand, lots of it.”
Schiff explained he was trying to make clear what the president “was trying to communicate with the president of Ukraine.”
“This is, in some character, what the president was trying to communicate with the president of Ukraine,” Schiff said. “It would be funny if it wasn’t such a graphic betrayal of the president’s oath of office.”
The Last American Vagabond - The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, from the last 24 hours.
The Last American Vagabond with Tom Lacovara-Stewart of RTR Truth Media
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What did President George Bush really mean when he promised ‘I will keep America moving forward, ever forward for an enduring dream and a thousand points of light?’ And later, during his State of the Union Address, when he mysteriously told the nation that our goal must be ‘the illumination of mankind by a thousand points of light?’
To any of us who have studied and researched the occult, Skull and Bones, Theosophy, Luciferianism, Moloch Worship such as takes place at Bohemian Grove, we know what the "thousand points of light is referring to" as well as the Communitarianism of the Bush Trotskyites.
To fully understand just how masterful the Brotherhood is in seeding men’s minds with illusion and magic, we need only turn to the coded, esoteric speeches of their chief public servant, President George Bush.
Alice Bailey, the Theosophist/Luciferian and co-founder of Lucis Trust and the Arcane School, in her 1957 book The Externalization of the Hierarchy tells us exactly what a Point of Light is. "...[T]he men who comprise the occult leadership group known as the New Group of World Servers. These individuals, she remarks are in service to 'the work of the Brotherhood...the Forces of Light.' They are the ones who are to usher all of mankind from the darkness of outmoded Christianity and faded nationalism into the bright and shining 'New World Order.'"(1)
In her book, Discipleship in a New Age, Bailey tells her occult followers to repeat, "I am a point of light within a greater light...I am a spark of sacrificial Fire, focused within the fiery will of (the Sun) God."(1) What these servants of Satan are attempting to do by blending their "points of light" is to usher in the New World Order - the Age of Aquarius.
For years, George Bush has been a primary messenger for the Brotherhood. His messages, though they appear to be full of light, and community volunteerism, convey special meanings which can be understood only by those trained in the black magical arts, alchemy, and ritual. The occult philosophy of this brand of the Masonic Secret Brotherhood teaches of the bright, radiant center within each individual. This bright center reflects the rays of the Great Central Sun, the Masonic deity, and is how man expresses the will to become awake, to become illumined. As Alice Bailey of the Lucis Trust explains in the veiled language so common to the advanced disciples of the secret societies:
When light illuminates the minds of men and stirs the secret light within all forms, then the One in Whom we live reveals His hidden secret lighted will.
When the purpose of the Lords of Karma can find no more to do and all the weaving and close-related plans are all worked out, then the One in Whom we live can say: ‘Well done! Naught but the beautiful remains.’
When the lowest of the low, the densest of the dense, and the highest of the high have all been lifted through the little wills of men, then can the One in Whom we live raise into radiating light the vivid lighted ball of Earth, and then another greater Voice can say to Him: ‘Well done! Move on. Light shines’.
According to the occult teachings of the Illuminati, at the bright center is found energy which, the occult philosophy says, is ‘God energy.’ This energy within, writes Alice Bailey, is ‘a point of focused fire, found in the center which permits radiation to penetrate to other centers and to other lives’.
The ‘bright center’ which is the individual god-force radiating out to others is also said to be likened to the sun rays that emanate from the secret societies, or Orders.
Focus: One World Government.
Focus: Free Trade Agreements
Focus: Religion
The New World Order will be Socialism! Read the United Nations declarations and treaties for proof. The individual will be subservient to the state.
Where are we now? In the religion aspect…think about it! The other two have been hammered into our heads….now their working on the religious aspect of it. Collectivism is what they seek! This I why you hear so much about being “ONE”.
Albert Pike, the most influential figure in Freemasonry history, openly declared Lucifer to be god.
The theological dogma of Albert Pike is explained in the 'Instructions' issued by him, on July 14, 1889, to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world and have been recorded by A.C. De La Rive in La Femme et l' Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle (page 588) from which book the following is quoted:
"That which we must say to the crowd is – We worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without superstition.
"To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees – The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.
"If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (The God of the Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy, and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests, calumniate him?
"Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods : darkness being necessary to light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive."
It is tragic that so many men, even professed Christians, think that Freemasonry is such a wonderful organization; when in reality their leaders at the 30th degree and higher have sold their souls to Lucifer (Satan) and worship him. Albert Pike's own words tell on Freemasons. Even a casual study on the subject will reveal that Albert Pike is still strongly revered amongst Freemason leadership.
Any minister or religion that is associated with the occult has departed from the faith.
As far back as 1933, Edith Starr Miller wrote:
Many authors have published books on Freemasonry, some printing the rituals, some their personal observations on certain facts, but few of these authors, having themselves passed into occult masonry, the real masonry of the Cabalistic degrees which is in touch with all secret societies, Masonic as well as non-Masonic, have been able to state that Luciferian Occultism controls Freemasonry.
In his book, The New World Order, A. Ralph Epperson states:
The Masons know that they must conceal their horrible secret from the people. That secret is simply the fact that certain of their members worship Lucifer. And that they keep that secret from the overwhelming majority of their own members. And certainly the public is not to know this fact.
Jesus stated in Luke 16:8 that the children of the world (i.e., the unsaved) in His generation were WISER than the children of light (i.e., the saved). Nothing has changed in 2,000 years! While our nation's top leaders faithfully attend Satanic mock human sacrifices at Bohemian Grove annually, woefully ignorant pastors across America continue to promote those same sinister leaders as good people, Christians, and worthy of our unquestioning support. Nothing could be further from the truth. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are supposed to refute all works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11).
Hitler was a known occultist. George W. Bush Sr. and Jr., Henry Kissinger, Ronald Reagan, and thousands of other top leaders attend the annual demonic Bohemian Grove just north of San Francisco, where a mock human-sacrifice is offered to a 40-foot owl. Former U.S. President Richard Nixon has openly stated that Bohemian Grove is saturated with homosexuals. Every U.S. president since Herbert Hoover has been a member of Bohemian Grove. Bohemian Groveis the tip of the iceberg.
All recent U.S. presidents have been occult Freemasons—including Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George H. Bush, and George W. Bush. Freemasonry's agenda is a New World Order, which means the end of free-speech, Christianity, and freedom. Washington D.C. is saturated with occult symbols. The Freemasons and the Illuminati are hand in glove. The Masonic temple at Alexandria, Virginia is a hotbed center in the Washington D.C. area for Illuminati scholarship and teaching. The Devil inspires the heathen members of occult organizations to do his bidding... "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience" (Ephesians 2:2).
The Lucis Trust is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United Nations material. It is a devastating indictment of the New Age and Pagan nature of the UN. Lucis Trust was established in 1922 as the "Lucifer Trust" by Alice Bailey as the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society.
Did you ever stop to think that the Illuminati could have quietly killed President John F. Kennedy with poison or some other silent way? Why did they execute him in high-visibility in front of all the public and cameras?
It's because the evil Banksters and criminal barons behind the New World Order wanted to send a message to everyone to either go along or die. Kennedy'sexecutive order 11110 was a major threat to the treasonous banking establishment and they murdered Kennedy to send a message to any other would be heroes. It is highly likely that F.B.I. director, J. Edgar Hoover, was instrumental in having Kenny assassinated for the criminal banking elite. The common denominator is Freemasonry, which controls America. Few Americans grasp this curse upon America. The true power in the United States does not abide at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue where The White House stands; but rather, at The Grand Orient Lodge in Washington D.C. just down the street.
To eliminate this type of political threat, the establishment begun to only put into power those candidates who were blackmailable, i.e., the Illuminati has some dirt on them to remove them from office immediately if they fail to be the puppet of the puppeteers behind the scenes in Washington D.C. It was the infamousJ. Edgar Hoover (unquestionable lifelong homosexual and 33rd degree Freemason who for 37-years founded and headed the F.B.I. between 1935 and 1972) who masterminded the illegal technique of spying and collecting dirt on thousands of politicians and other high-ranking officials. It worked like a charm and is the reason why Hoover was able to maintain his position for as long as he did. Hoover was a Luciferian worshipping criminal thug!
Presidents Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson each considered dismissing Hoover as FBI Director, but all of them ultimately concluded that the political cost of doing so would be too great (Hack, Richard Puppetmaster: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover; 2007; Phoenix Books; ISBN1597775126). Hoover was evil scum, a puppet of the New World Order, sold out to Satan! Hoover blackmailed hundreds of U.S. officials and effectively hi-jacked the U.S. government for Freemasonry.
High-ranking Freemasons are demonic, evil and a bunch of murderous Satan-worshipping trash; but the majority of low-level Freemasons; many who are completely decent and every day people who only sought a fraterity or group to commiserate with are used by the upper echelon and are a front for the organization, good and decent law-abiding men who are not aware and have only joined the organization to gain prestige and the benefits of belonging to the group. Of the low-level Freemasons I have met, they all boasted of their membership in Freemasonry. However, the Bible strongly condemns all such affiliations with unbelievers in 2nd Corinthians 6:14-17. Freemasonry is of the Devil.
George H.W. Bush was CIA Director.
Mike Ruppert (Former LAPD Narcotics Police Officer exposes how the CIA has been illegally smuggling drugs into America. He was fired when he spoke up. He was shot at, denied employment, forced into bankruptcy, lost his house, threatened repeatedly—all because he took a stand against corruption in the US government. Mr. Ruppert has been on many talk shows, etc. Every American should hear what this man has to say! I listened to a video of his speech as given at Portland University in November of 2001. After hearing Mike Ruppert's factual presentation, you will be awakened to many things. But one thing to note: while the "War on Drugs" marched on, Bush was the head of the same agency trafficking drugs into the United States. So excuse me to not get all choked up about his philanthropy.
Jesus Christ is the true Light. John 1:9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. 10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
It has been suggested by some on the internet that Ann Coulter made a comment that stated we should shoot border crossers and in light of the events in Gaza ......
Allow me to respond..... The United States is not "occupying" Mexico.
However many Mexicans are absolutely tring to "occupy" the United States. The 2 can not be conflated.
For all of you who share "Alternative Articles" and see YourNewsWire and other sources as "articles to share"...... please read the following article to the end.
YourNewsWire - Married Gay Couple, Bernie Supporting UK Residents
Now, as I have stated in the past.... while being gay should not cause one to be attacked or discriminated against, and neither really should supporting Bernie COMMIE Sanders any more than any other Socialist, to assume that these guys are putting out information (that Snopes I believe is working with just to make us look like idiots) PLEASE DO NOT BITE ON CLICKBAIT....their articles while holding a good amount of truth are seeded with falsehoods that can be under scrutiny easily debunked causing the entire message to be in the eyes of the public discredited. These are not conservatives, they are NOT Libertarians..... they are part of the information war.
Louis Fisher, a Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Academic Board member and United States Constitution scholar, is quoted, in a Thursday Washington Examiner article by Steven Nelson, declaring that a unilateral decision by President Donald Trump to use military force against Syria would be unconstitutional as well as not authorized under the War Powers Resolution. Yet, Trump taking such action, says Fisher, would also be in line with military actions regularly pursued by previous presidents.
RTR - Tom Lacovara-Stewart -
We agree with Louis Fisher. We agree when he made this statement, and we agree now that this attack on Syria is a Unconstitutional action but not outside the norm of CFR controlled globalists who seek Middle Eastern Balkanization and destabilization. This departs once again from the founding principles of the Republic.
I praised the following piece for what I had hoped would remain the agenda of the Trump Administration. But a read of this and a look into the events of this military action will show anyone capable of critical analysis that we have a serious problem at hand.
"The founders advised non-interventionism."
— Ron Paul on Sunday, October 21st, 2007 in Orlando
Read the following article by clicking on the title:
By implicitly criticizing U.S. interventionism, President Trump’s inaugural speech drew denunciations from the Washington establishment as a dangerous deviation, but his message actually fit with U.S. traditions, says Ivan Eland.
By Ivan Eland
Although the media trashed Donald Trump’s inaugural address as radical and scary to the United States and the world, his views on American security policy nevertheless may be closest to that of the nation’s founders than those of any U.S. president since the early 1800s.
An artist’s rendering of the Constitutional Convention in 1787
In his speech, the new president pledged that, “We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to follow.”
After George W. Bush’s disastrous invasion of Iraq for no good reason and Barack Obama’s military overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, which also resulted in chaos and an increase in terrorism, U.S. re-adoption of its long abandoned foreign policy of being a “shining city on a hill,” if put into practice, would be a refreshing return to the founders’ vision.
Thus, Trump seemed to pledge less U.S. military intervention abroad while still defending the United States. He noted that “we’ve defended other nation’s borders while refusing to defend our own.” And he complained that the United States has “spent trillions of dollars overseas,” including on the armies of other countries, “while America’s infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay.”
All of this factually true. For example, the United States alone accounts for 75 percent of the defense spending of the 28 mostly well-to-do countries of NATO, making it a very one-way street in terms of alliance costs and benefits.
Yet as the 9/11 attacks were occurring, the U.S. military — which has been geared to be an offensive force to project American power overseas to police the world rather than to be a force to defend the United States — scrambled jets and sent them ineffectually out over the ocean. In contrast, Trump promised to focus on eradicating the genuine threat to the United States of radical Islamic terrorism.
Founders’ Vision
Because the founders wanted to avoid the militarism of Europe’s monarchs, who continuously waged war with the costs in blood and treasure falling on their people, the U.S. Constitution authorizes the government only to “provide for the common defence.”
Donald Trump speaking at CPAC 2011 in Washington, D.C. (Flickr Gage Skidmore)
The founders correctly believed that unneeded overseas martial adventures undermined the republic at home, something our post-World War II interventionist foreign policy establishment has forgotten.
So maybe Trump’s inaugural address failed to unify the Western alliance and even scared the United States’ wealthy free-loading allies. So be it; the platitude of invoking the need to “unify” is often a way to beat back uncomfortable but necessary threats to reform the status quo.
Trump was correct when he earlier labeled NATO “obsolete,” because it wasn’t a very effective vehicle for addressing terrorism, and when he accused allied nations of not paying their fair share for Western security.
And nations around the world may be alarmed that the United States will no longer spend truckloads of money attempting to solve their problems — but usually abysmally failing — by using counterproductive military intervention or feckless foreign aid.
RTR - Tom Lacovara-Stewart
I have remained as positive as I could be regarding the Trump Administration. As a Conservative, I tried with many of my friends to hope for the best. The last remnants of this illusion has been now finally torn apart. To support this is to support the globalists. I will not in any way condone, commit, support or defend violators of the U.S. Constitution, no matter what letter stands after their name, no matter what party or ideological position they claim to represent. Moral consistency and the rule of law have been once again thrown into the ash-bin of history. I have heard all of the 4 D chess arguments and seen all of the psychological operations of the mysterious "Q" that I care to see. From compromising on the TPP to his comments on bypassing due process on gun control measures, how do we expect the swamp to be drained? All of the top pedophiles, perverts, and human traffickers still remain at large while some lower level pond scum are taken out. We have seen NOTHING of real substance. I now question all we see including the wall. With what I see now, I question.... "Is the wall to keep illegal immigrants out, (an agenda we support) or is it intended to keep us in" should the need ever come that full martial law be implemented in the wake of calls by the useful idiots to achive gun confiscation? The last few vestiges of hope I had in what purported to be an anti-establishment man has crumbled before me with the arrival of John (Neocon War-hawk) Bolton. The most likely scenario that has occurred is that the Jihadi rebel opposition to the Assad government, after being nearly destroyed, was the culprits behind this chemical attack considering the Syrian government tested and confirmed the use of Sarin
- "Why would the Syrian government use chemical weapons on August 21? To cross the red line drawn by Washington and invite a missile strike upon itself? Why would the opposition use chemical weapons? Exactly because of the red line. To provoke foreign military intervention in the Syrian conflict…The Russian team’s analysis concluded that ‘home-made’ sarin was used near Aleppo on March 19. It stated that the Sarin was likely delivered by a crudely made missile. The team also named the particular opposition group most likely behind the attack. At the time, the Syrian government immediately requested an international investigation of the March 19 incident, but then the United Kingdom and France all of a sudden recalled a Homs case, that had not bothered them for 3 preceding months, while the US started insisting on the need to investigate ‘all incidents.’ Why did those who accused the Syrian government of this act do their utmost to derail or at least delay such investigation?” The dragging UN probe was interfered with by the tragic events in Ghouta on August 21. “As our experts concluded, sarin used on August 21 was of approximately the same type as the one used on March 19, though of a slightly better quality. It means that over a few months, opposition chemists somewhat improved the quality of their product.”
According to Seymour Hersh,
“Theodore Postol, a professor of technology and national security at MIT, reviewed the UN photos with a group of his colleagues and concluded that the large calibre rocket was an improvised munition that was very likely manufactured locally.
After acting on some good gut feelings that a further US presence in Syria was not in this country’s best interest, president Trump has allowed himself to be fooled a second time into attacking Syria based upon false assurances from US intelligence that Syria ordered a chlorine attack on the city of Douma, which by some reports killed women and children. The city of Douma was, until yesterday, the last bastion of the “Army of Islam” terror group, supported by the US and Saudi Arabia. This week I will cover the extensive evidence that US backed terrorists once again falsified a chemical attack, upon orders from Deep State actors, in order to manipulate Trump into backing away from his determination to pull US troops out of Syria. - Joel Skousen
Resurrect the Republic - Immediately following US attack on Syria
In this memo to the White House, the Veteran Intelligence Professions for Sanity urge President Trump to get the evidence first before deciding to strike Syria.
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
SUBJECT: Evidence Required for Military Decision on Syria
Mr. President,
We the undersigned Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity join a number of other credible experts including former UK Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford (this recent interview on BBC Radio Scotland), former UN weapons inspectors and former military officers who are strongly recommending that you obtain and review actual evidence from the site of the alleged chemical attack in Douma, Syria, before ordering any military action. VIPS has previously reported credible evidence indicating that anti-government forces in Syria have themselves produced and used toxic chemical agents.
Contradictory indications exist given that the video and images of victims in the locations purportedly affected by chemical weapons came from rebel-affiliated entities known as the “Douma Revolution” and the “White Helmets” while Russian military units which later got physical access to the supposed sites and Syrian Red Crescent personnel working in the area reportedly found no indication of a chemical weapon attack.