Showing posts with label Agenda 21. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Agenda 21. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2020


This was sent to me yesterday. We have reached out to this rancher for an interview. This is so alarming - and you know we don’t do fear porn here - so for me to post this you know I consider it to be a major threat to all of us if this proves to be as it seems... truth.

This link was disabled by censorship I have it working again and underneath this video there will be a Bitchute link that should work.


We will be covering this more in the future. 
Tom Lacovara-Stewart
RTR Truth Media

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

WHO'LL STOP the RAIN TAX - New Jersey Destroys Property Rights by Taxing Nature

New Jersey is expected to enact a ‘rain tax’ enforced on property owners.
Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy is prepared to sign the bill that will allow the state’s 565 municipalities to literally tax the rain by charging property owners a fee for their parking lots and driveways, or any other surface rainwater can’t penetrate.
“Every time you think there’s nothing left to tax, we come up with something else,” said Assemblyman Hal Wirths (R-Morris-Sussex) during a debate on the bill. “It’s just never-ending down here.”
Lawmakers who supported the bill claim revenue generated by the new tax will be used to upgrade the state’s storm water runoff systems, although some are predicting the new revenues will be redirected to another, unrelated purpose.
For one thing, the state has already claimed 5% of the revenue.

“Under the law, the utilities can levy steep fees on properties with large parking lots, long driveways, or big buildings — which create the most runoff,” reported the New York Post.
The state is already prohibitively expensive for the middle class: more people have fled New Jersey than any other state in 2018, meaning that the tax could have the unintended consequence of lowering the tax base by forcing even more people to leave.
In fact, according to United Van Lines, 66.8% of New Jersey-related moves were outbound, and a good portion of movers were baby boomers with high incomes and accumulated wealth.
“The data collected by United Van Lines aligns with longer-term migration patterns to southern and western states, trends driven by factors like job growth, lower costs of living, state budgetary challenges and more temperate climates,” said UCLA economic Michael Stoll, with emphasis added.
Taxes in particular are a large factor in the reason to move from New Jersey, according to The Fiscal Times.
“The past few years have really put the squeeze on cash-strapped states to find new sources of revenue,” the paper reported. “This environment has generated a level of tax aggression from certain states, which in turn has resulted in a net loss of revenue instead of the intended gain.”
“Residents have begun voting with their feet, deciding to move out of the state instead of thinning their pocket through unwanted taxation.”

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


If you don't know him by now, you should. I found Gary through his source of video reports on YouTube. But it was far more than the average everyday YouTuber. This man is a dedicated warrior for freedom and the limited government that American values were founded upon. This man does not have a prejudiced bone in his body. After speaking to Gary on many occasions I find him to be an actually very compassionate and good man. His issues are with subversion and invasion, not race nor "identity".
Gary Gileno is an activist and freelance journalist in Southern California. Gary runs the youtube channel grindall61 which has nearly 50,000 subscribers and over 22 million views.
Gary and a team of activists take the battle to the front lines by attending city council meetings, town-halls, rallies, protests, and other political events. Their focus is on issues relating to Agenda 21 and illegal immigration. Illegal immigration has been used and promoted by the likes of Professors Cloward and Piven and countless others to overwhelm the economy and culture of the United States to bring about collapse and revolutionary change. Communism. The destruction of our way of life, of God, the family and the Republican form of government that is all Americans birthright. 
Please help us spread the work by this most amazing Patriot.

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To support this blog and our radio show, please click the PayPal button on the top right of our blog.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Meet SCAG goon Alan Wapner as he flaps around and calls Grindall61 names instead of looking in that huge mirror at that really big, dark reflection.

Just following orders…. Yes that is the excuse these lackey sellouts time and time again try to feed the lemmings.

Agenda 21 SCAG goon Alan Wapner (right) Gary Gileno (center)

Wonder why the toll lanes exist instead of more lanes for us? Wonder why they keep building taller and taller buildings while Camp pendleton is left open for the hanta virus carrying rats, squirrels and the military to shoot 50 calibers at old cars?


S.C.A.G. IS A GIANT UNITED NATIONS AGENDA 21 MASSIVE HIGH RISE DEVELOPMENT WRECKING BALL. SCAG uses false population growth estimates to ram massive Agenda 21 high density housing into places it has no business going and to get out us out of cars and onto their various forms of conveyer belts that will restrict our ability to travel freely as we do now. YES THIS WRECKING BALL IS BEING ROLLED AROUND AND SWUNG BACK AND FORTH IN FULLERTON and all over California. You just may be surprised who is letting it. It sure ain’t Joe Imbriano!

SCAG is an Unelected, Unconstitutional Regional Government. SCAG (Southern CA Assn. of Governments) is the largest regional government in the US covering 6 counties and 191 cities. SCAG has a $540 Billion plan to remake SoCal in the next 2 decades and operates in Near Darkness.

95 percent of the US is rural open space and SCAG wants all of you off the land and into the compact cities. Yes folks, they want you living crammed into stack and pack, out of your cars, and crammed into high density housing living like caged rats getting Wifi from all sides, blue light from the idiot box and a million smart meters on a million bedroom walls beaming into your heads with 5G microcells every 300 feet and cell towers everywhere as you dring fluoridated water and are restricted to 50 gallons a day with no way to grown any food. What is Alan Wapner who is the president of SCAG which oversees the 19 million people of 6 Calfornia Counties in terms of implementing Agenda 21 going to – yes do? Well, he is one of the honchos who will try to make sure you follow these immoral edicts designed to cull humanity. In case you forgot, his name is Alan Wapner Watch this total traitor and sellout as he is confronted by Gary Gileno of the Grindal61 you tube channel. No there was no belly bouncing and Alan didn’t eat him but Wapner’s behavior is shameful nonetheless.

Here is Alan Wapner after a big lunch as he poses with his crony pals for a photo op with none other than the most lawless politician to ever set foot in Sacramento, Kevin open border sancuary city la raza racist Kevin Deleon.

Alan Wapner (far right)-What do they feed these guys as they destroy California?

Wapner went to Sacramento with the SCAG delegation last year and met with Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De Leon to lobby on behalf of the half trillion dollar regional transportation plan. Not long after the SB1 gas tax passed which is in the SCAG document.

Wapner calls Gary Gileno a “loser” as he walks away.

SCAG, Agenda 21 operative Alan Wapner calls Gary Gileno a bum as Alan Wapner heads up a 6 county presidency of the largest unelected regional shadow government in The United States which seeks to through defacto leadership to implement the radical environmental policies and social re engineering components of Agenda 21.

Elitist and sellout Alan Wapner calls Gary Gileno a bum as he wants you out of your cars.
Alan Wapner for about 3 months was simultaneously the President of SCAG and SANBAG. SCAG is the largest metropolitan planning agency in the country. SANBAG now SBCTA is a transportation regulatory agency San Bernardino.

SCAG’s Wapner as he sells out California to the Agenda 21 controllers

Wapner went to Sacramento with the SCAG delegation last year and met with Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De Leon to lobby on behalf of the half trillion dollar regional transportation plan. Not long after the SB1 gas tax passed which is in the SCAG document.

Wapner calls Gary Gileno a fraud as he is confronted for selling Calfiornia down the river of Agenda 21 regional planning.

Wapner also chairs the Ontario Airport Board meetings and was instrumental in getting the airport back in possession of the city of Ontario. Since this has happened Wapner and SB Supervisor Curt Hagman have made deals with China to get flights into Ontario.

Wapner is SCAG’s appointed high priest presiding over the lives of 19 million people in California who are clueless as to his and his agency’s intentions to radically change our lives and against our will.

ALAN WAPNER IS A REPUBLICAN......a Communist Republican.

Wapner hands out awards to the lackeys who go along with Agenda 21

To support the work of Gary Gileno:

Thursday, January 18, 2018


Gary Gileno, a pro-Liberty activist also known as Grindall61 on YouTube joins the show to reveal serious issues going on in California that is going widely unreported in the Main Stream fake News media. From a complete takeover by those who are flying Nazi flags on behalf of a Chicano Marxist takeover to the total control of the water supply, cap and trade and environmental scams that fleeces the people, this show will blow your mind. We will be updating this article periodically to add links as we are not in our studio at the moment.

Grindall61 YouTube channel -

Grindall61 Twitter -

Grindall61 facebook -

Monday, February 15, 2016


          The term Sovereign Citizen is a contrived term utilized to...
Posted by Thomas Robert Lacovara-Stewart on Monday, February 15, 2016

Some refer to themselves as "Sovereign Citizens. Unfortunately for most of them this is due to the fact that they have only discovered and believe they have all the answers to the fraud that was committed when the 14th Amendment was forced after 11 States delegates were forced out of the ratification process of the 14th Amendment at gunpoint.  The term say the law enforcement memorandums, do not believe that the law applies to them. This is not only dangerous to misinform people with, but the argument that many Constitutional Historians are arguing is NOT that the law does not apply to them, merely laws derived from these many UnConstitutional usurpations and it is our Founders who said that any UnConstitutional law is null. This suggests that they were very well aware that there would be laws passed in the future that would be against the Constitution.

In fact, they all but told us that this is exactly what would happen if we allowed certain things to happen such as this warning.....

and this warning.......

....and that got J.F.K. killed. The truth about the Birth Certificate, a debt instrument, that pledged us as biological property of the Federal Reserve and the creation of the Federal Reserve Act unlawfully by the International bankers themselves which below, you will find G.Edward Griffitn explain it in detail. We must learn to listen from those who know.....

oh, and this message.....

oh yeah......and this....

The Reconstruction was then alleged to bring the 11 former rebel states back into compliance. Historically speaking that may sell now, but then, it was 2 years after they had already convened replaced lawful governments according to the President. But a rogue Secretary of State denied to many of the NON SOUTHERN STATES their due suffrage. This was confirmed by our research which contradicts the official record. The record is clear. The International bankers as they would do again in the future, cleverly created the 14th. 2 years prior Congress altered or changed the definitions of 2 words. PERSON and CITIZEN to be redefined to also include CORPORATION......hence CORPORATE PERSONHOOD was CREATED. Most liberals really have no idea that it was created then because they drool over the Administrative State the 14th created UnConstitutionally. It created a Communist style Citizenship. It took the future 10 mile square, again, before the fact which is backwards as to keep the public from being the wiser. But some legislators got it. One such state....mine of NJ, and another just of the top was OREGON. The 14th Amendment jurisdiction is what every alphabet soup agency uses. As I said, it took the 10 Mile square and placed it everywhere, or more accurately it took every US CITIZEN by their own consent as they are made US CITIZENS at birth when your parents consent to contract for you which is another fraud, via the Birth Certificate, when a legal fiction or corporate fiction is made in your name at that time. Colonel Mandell House and Woodrow Wilson were the leaders of this effort, a fact that made Woodrow Wilson very sad toward the end of his life as he expressed. From this, it paved the way for the future Federal Reserve Act, the Bankruptcy in 1933 that the so called Sovereign Citizen Document circulated by Fusion Centers states that Sovereign Citizens "BELIEVE" that the US went they even know our own history to make one of the historical facts as a warning that you might be dealing with a SC? Also the report states that most Sovereign Citizens are absolutely non violent. As with every other group there are always idiots in the crowd, so why does a primarily peaceful group of people who know the truth about our history need to be included as the number 1 threat ? TRUTH thats why. they saw the banks collapse of the Fiat currency..... they know and have known the truth is rising, and this in my opinion is their attempt to get ahead of it Critical Theory style. Anyone .....anytime, who wants to challenge our FACTS......I openly will debate them on the air without cutting them off and with giving them a chance to send me whatever documentation they have that is of the period and not just regurgitated government approved yext books......I mean PERIOD DOCUMENTS .....I can prove this fraud through and through. It is a peaceful and easy remedy. They do not have to vacate....all they need to do is assume their Constitutional duty, and once and for all tell the truth I will NOT hold my breath. And I have tried the ballot box, which is another trap if you sign anything admitting to US 14th AMendment Commu/Fascist Citizenship. Your nation is your state. Our founders called France a state, Germany a when you think of your STATE and you do not think have been indoctrinated by a Communist mindset and did not even know it. Time for truth America. We are all Americans....but there is NO COUNTRY called the United States. There is a Union, a Corporation....and even a nation by definition, but your sovereign country is again....your independent SOVEREIGN STATE Your citizenship is of your state Constitutionally. Even some of the framers who knew this agenda referred to the United States as a Country. But none of the Anti~Federalists did. They knew what time it was and they as I do today, as Patrick Henry stated.... "I smell a rat".

OUR RESEARCH and EVIDENCE on the 14th Amendment

History of the Creation of the Federal Reserve that so called Sovereign Citizens "BELIEVE".


The portion of the earth's surface occupied by an independent nation or people; or the inhabitants of such territory. In its primary meaning "country" signifies "place;" and. in a larger sense, the territory or dominions occupied by a community ; or even waste and unpeopled sections or regions of the earth. But its metaphorical meaning is no less definite and well understood; and in common parlance, in historical and geographical writings, in diplomacy, legislation, treaties, and international codes, the word is employed to denote the population, the nation, the state, or the government, having possession and dominion over a territory. Stairs v. Peaslee. 18 How. 521, 15 L. Ed. 474; U. S. v. Recorder, 1 Blatchf. 218. 225, 5 N. Y. Leg. Obs. 280, Fed. Cas. No. 16,129. In pleading and practice. The inhabitants of a district from which a jury is to be summoned ; pais ; a jury. 3 Bl. Comm. 349; Steph. PL 73, 78, 230.


body politic, or society of men united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage, by the joint efforts of their combined strength. Cooley, Const. Lim. 1. One of the component commonwealths or states of the United States of America. The people of a state, in their collective capacity, considered as the party wronged by a criminal deed; the public; as in the title of a cause. "The State vs. A. B." The section of territory occupied by one of the United States.


A people, or aggregation of men, existing in the form of an organized jural society, inhabiting a distinct portion of the earth, speaking the same language, using the same customs, possessing historic continuity, and distinguished from other like groups by their racial origin and characteristics, and generally, but not necessarily, living under the same government and sovereignty. See Montoya v. U. S., 180 U. S. 201, 21 Sup. Ct 358, 45 L. Ed. 521; Worcester v. Georgia, 6 Pet. 539, 8 L. Ed. 483; Republic of Honduras v. Soto, 112 N. Y. 310, 19 N. E. 845, 2 L. R. A. 042, 8 Am. St. Rep. 744. Besides the element of autonomy or self-government, that is, the independence of the community as a whole from the interference of any foreign power in its affairs or any subjection to such power, it is further necessary to the constitution of a nation that it should be an organized jural society, that is, both governing its own members by regular laws, and defining and protecting their rights, and respecting the rights and duties which attach to it as a constituent member of the family of nations. Such a society, says Vattel, has her affairs and her interests ; she deliberates and takes resolutions in common; thus becoming a moral person, who possesses an understanding and will peculiar to herself, and is susceptible of obligations and rights. Vattel.


In constitutional law. A term commonly used to express a league or compact between two or more states.In American lawBelonging to the general government or union of the states.Founded on or organized under the constitution or laws of the United States.The united States has been generally styled, in American political and judicial writings, a "federal government." The term has not been imposed by any specific constitutional authority. but only expresses the general sense and opinion upon the nature of the form of government. In recent years, there is observable a disposition to employ the term "national" in speaking of the government of the Union. Neither word settles anything as to the nature or powers of the government. "Federal" is somewhat more appropriate if the government is considered a union of the states; "national" is preferable if the view is adopted that the state governments and the Union are two distinct systems, each established by the people directly, one for local and the other for national purposes. See United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S.


In English poor-law. A union consists of two or more parishes which have been consolidated for the better administration of the poor-law therein. In ecclesiastical law. A union consists of two or more benefices which have been united into one benefice.  In publio law. A popular term in America for the United States; also, in Great Britain, for the consolidated governments of England and Scotland, or for the political tie between Great Britain and Ireland. In Scotch law. A "clause of union" is a clause in a feoffment by which two estates, separated or not adjacent, are united as one, for the purpose of making a single seisin suffice for both.

Law Dictionary: What is UNION? definition of UNION (Black's Law Dictionary) 
Law Dictionary: What is FEDERAL? definition of FEDERAL (Black's Law Dictionary) Law Dictionary: What is NATION? definition of NATION (Black's Law Dictionary) Law Dictionary: What is STATE, n? definition of STATE, n (Black's Law Dictionary) Law Dictionary: What is COUNTRY? definition of COUNTRY (Black's Law Dictionary) 

RTR TRUTH MEDIA ~ for the Oregon/Hammond Support ~ documented evidence of Constitutional Usurpation by the Reconstructed Replacement Corporate Fascist/Communist Government

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Bundy Ranch, Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Bundy Regulators, Bundy Law Men, Constitutional Sheriff, Committee of Safety, Founding Fathers, Patrick Henry, Original 13th Amendment, 14th UnConstitutional Amendment, T.O.N.A. Amendment, Titles of Nobility, Administrative Law, Admiralty Law, Common Law, Common Law Grand Jury, De Jure, De facto,

Saturday, February 6, 2016


BREAKING NEWS !! - Carl Pitman for Harris County TX Sheriff Bold and Brilliant Statement !!When I become Sheriff, with...
Posted by Thomas Robert Lacovara-Stewart on Saturday, February 6, 2016
A man on a mission who lives breathes and wants to absorb as much information and education, and seeks to establish a Constitutional College for Law Enforcement Officers and Sheriffs deputies as an ongoing never ending training to provide the protection of his constituents. He says he has no problem arresting Federal Agents and corrupt officials. It would be my job he said. All too often we see the Office of the Sheriff coordinate and team up with Federal Alphabet soup un~Constitutional agencies and actions that were never intended to be allowed by our Founding Fathers. Carl is a Constitutionalist, a Conservative who takes great issue with some Sheriffs for having disdain for the Constitution. He mentioned his own family being wrongfully targeted and assailed by an over zealous IRS Agent, as was this reporters grandfather. My Grandfather had his Kitchen Cabinet Business closed down just days before Christmas placing 40 workers out of work, and when he came up with the amount of extortion the agent demanded a few days early, he found his shop locked up.  

A Sheriff Carl Pittman would take the time to look into that situation and if he found wrong doing.....he said he would have no problem throwing the agent in his jail. He said that the law applies to everyone and no one is above the law in his eyes. This is the kind of man we need to lead our nation......we sure as well better make sure he is elected !



Posted by Thomas Robert Lacovara-Stewart on Saturday, February 6, 2016

Saturday, January 2, 2016


Dear Friends, 

Today we are marching in Oregon to stand up for the Hammonds, it is bitter cold with plenty of snow on the ground but we will not waiver.

We wish you were here, but if not could we ask a small favor?

Would you please forward this Press Release to your local newspaper and TV outlets?

This is perhaps the simplest thing you can do to help the Hammonds,  we must bring attention to them now.

PO Box 7175
Bunkerville, NV 89007

January 1, 2016 - Bunkerville, NV USA

With great concern and love and much consideration from prayer, I come to you Harney County Sheriff of Oregon David M. Ward, rancher Steven Dwight Hammond, and rancher Dwight Lincoln Hammond, Jr.,

I, Cliven D. Bundy, have been involved for several weeks in the background striving to understand and comprehend your dilemmas in Harney County, Oregon. I understand that the grass that was burnt on each side of the fence was grazing rights that had been created through beneficial use, one side of the fence being private property and the other side of the fence being private property rights. The fires that were set were for a good purpose and had good results.

The United States Justice Department has NO jurisdiction or authority within the State of Oregon, County of Harney over this type of ranch management. These lands are not under U.S. treaties or commerce, they are not article 4 territories, and Congress does not have unlimited power. These lands have been admitted into statehood and are part of the great State of Oregon and the citizens of Harney County enjoy the fullness of the protections of the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Constitution limits United States government.

It is my suggestion, Steven Hammond, that you go and check yourself into Harney County jail asking for protective custody. It is my suggestion, Dwight Hammond, that you go and check yourself into Harney County jail asking for protective custody. It is my suggestion, Harney County Sheriff David Ward, accept these two ranchers into your jail, notify the United States Solicitor in Washington DC that you have these two ranchers in Harney County jail, that they will remain there indefinitely under your protective custody and the protection of We the People of Harney County and We the People of the United States of America.

I suggest an Evidentiary Hearing or a Grand Jury be formed by We the People.

I feel that this action is immediately important, that it should be taken place before 10:00 am Saturday, January 2, 2016. I will hold these suggestions private until that time then I will release this letter to those having state and county jurisdiction and to the media.

Cliven D. Bundy

Ammon Bundy

Monday, November 2, 2015


In his follow-up documentary to “What in the World Are They Spraying?” director Paul Wittenberger teams up with photographer Chris Maple to produce THE GREAT CULLING trilogy. A three part series of feature length documentary style films that examines the current pandemic of neurological disorders that we are witnessing today and more importantly the relationship that heavy metal toxicity plays in the overall equation.
The Great Culling our WATER focus’s on Fluoride. Fluoride is a generic term to indicate a wide variety of substances containing the element fluorine. Slightly less toxic than arsenic, but more toxic than lead, fluorine is the most negatively charged and most chemically active of all elements on earth, which means it loves to combine and recombine with other elements in its path, ever looking for the strongest bond, and reeking havoc all along the way by creating even more toxic combinations.
Fluoride is not just one of forty chemicals used to treat water. It is the only chemical added to public drinking water to treat individuals, rather than the water. It is mass medication. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that fluoride is not a mineral nutrient; it is a prescription drug. Every prescription drug has side effects, including fluoride.
Fluoride has never received FDA approval and does not meet the legal requirements of safety and effectiveness necessary for such approval. Once this drug is put in the water there is no control over individual dosage.
In addition to the many warning signs, The Great Culling will also educate the audience on the major health risks associated with toxic substances, the best ways to avoid them and effectively remove them from your system.
The Great Culling will include empowering interviews by experts in their field. Our mission is to wake people up, inspire them to take a stand for themselves and for future generations.
We need all the help we can get to get this message out to the masses!
You Can’t Boil the Fluoride Out!
Some people want fluoride in their drinking water, while others seek to remove it. One of the most common questions I get relating to fluoride removal is whether or not you can boil fluoride out of your water. The answer is no. If you boil water or leave it on a hot plate for an extended period of time, the fluoride will become more concentrated, remaining in the water as a fluorine salt.
However, you can boil water to remove fluoride if you capture the water that is evaporated and condense it (distill it). The water you collect will contain much less fluoride than your starting water. As an example, when you boil a pot of water on the stove, the fluoride concentration in the water in the pot increases. The water that escapes as steam contains much less fluoride.

Stop Using Fluoride Toothpaste!
Fluoride’s ability to damage the brain is one of the most active areas of fluoride research today. In the past three decades, over 100 studies have found that fluoride exposure can damage the brain.

The Goal of the CDC is to Fluoridate America!
The CDC is not protecting the public from the harmful effects of Fluoride Toxicity but protects the “Water Fluoridation Program” instead.

Which Two Presidential Candidates Opposed Fluoridation?
Dr. David Kennedy breaks down the political connection between Fluoride toxicity and the Protected Water Fluoridation program of the United States. Why is it that according to the CDC in this country “science is on the side of water fluoridation.” Find out for yourself by purchasing The Great Culling our WATER and educate yourself and your family members.

Hydrofluosilicic Acid is a Noxious Poison
Of all age groups, infants are the most vulnerable to fluoride toxicity. Due to their small size, infants receive up to 400% more fluoride (per pound of body weight) than adults consuming the same level of fluoride in water.

Dental Fluorosis is Good For Business!
According to the latest national survey by the Centers for Disease Control, 41% of American adolescents now have some form of fluorosis — an increase of over 400% from the rates found 60 years ago. (CDC 2010)

THE GREAT CULLING: Mike Adams “the health ranger”

 CLICK to go to THE GREAT CULLING Official WebSite