Wednesday, October 19, 2016


This video was recorded by Tom Lacovara-Stewart of Resurrect the Republic RTR TRUTH MEDIA on location in the desert of Nevada near the area where the Bureau of Land Management seized Cliven Bundy's cattle. Ryan Bundy was on location unearthing this heinous act. I witnessed bullet holes in the cattle, so to attempt to allege that they died because they were seperated from the herd and dehydrated would be not truthful. They were culled.

On the wall of the BLM office was a poster reported as saying
"No more moo by "92"
"Cattle Free by "93"

This was a political agenda. Political agendas given the weight of the color of law are not American.
Please share this with the world !

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Toronto Radicals Fight Free Speech

Canada is in as much danger, if not even more from #CulturalMarxism . Listen to Lauren Southern as she reveals the hive mind Totalitarian freakish leftist subversives try to drown out a rally on free speech. Not with their ideas, or a debate, but white noise and violence.


Resurrect the Republic Radio on the Republic Broadcasting Network

Police Officer Says : Government Is Hiding Cure For Cancer....Very Sad S...

Monday, October 10, 2016


This is a full and comprehensive analysis that was received by Gavin Seim by a professional investigator who obviously has special operations experience. This analysis proves conclusively that the assasination of LaVoy Finicum was premeditated. Most likely the others were meant to die so a narrative of the dangerous and violent Domestic Terrorists could be framed. But the men held their composure. What would have rattled most normal men, did not have the full desired affect intended. All reactions were provoked surgically. And many of the natural reactions one would have, they did have, minus one...... They did not allow themselves to turn to violence as a final solution as the FBI almost certainly assumed they would. Is this a rogue outfit of the FBI that was operating at the command of Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama? Only time and you the court of public opinion can be the judge.


This is a full and comprehensive analysis that was received by Gavin Seim by a professional investigator who obviously has special operations experience. This analysis proves conclusively that the assasination of LaVoy Finicum was premeditated. Most likely the others were meant to die so a narrative of the dangerous and violent Domestic Terrorists could be framed. But the men held their composure. What would have rattled most normal men, did not have the full desired affect intended. All reactions were provoked surgically. And many of the natural reactions one would have, they did have, minus one...... They did not allow themselves to turn to violence as a final solution as the FBI almost certainly assumed they would. Is this a rogue outfit of the FBI that was operating at the command of Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama? Only time and you the court of public opinion can be the judge.


This is a full and comprehensive analysis that was received by Gavin Seim by a professional investigator who obviously has special operations experience. This analysis proves conclusively that the assasination of LaVoy Finicum was premeditated. Most likely the others were meant to die so a narrative of the dangerous and violent Domestic Terrorists could be framed. But the men held their composure. What would have rattled most normal men, did not have the full desired affect intended. All reactions were provoked surgically. And many of the natural reactions one would have, they did have, minus one...... They did not allow themselves to turn to violence as a final solution as the FBI almost certainly assumed they would. Is this a rogue outfit of the FBI that was operating at the command of Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama? Only time and you the court of public opinion can be the judge.