Thursday, April 21, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016

Sheriff Clarke: ‘Best Thing About the Obama Presidency Is That It’s Coming To An End’ (Video)

Sheriff Clarke: ‘Best Thing About the Obama Presidency Is That It’s Coming To An End’ (Video): “He’s done pretty well with those three objectives, but he’s done nothing else for the American people,” Clarke said. “We used to be the envy of the world – before he became president, said Clark.
We at RTR Truth Media Resurrect the Republic / Dirty Uncle Sam agree !

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Urban Dictionary: Cultural Marxism defined

Urban Dictionary: cultural marxism

While many can claim Cultural Marxism to be but a conspiracy theory, they only do so having to either be dishonest or ignorant. Either way they are what Lenin referred to as the "useful idiots" that will bring the United States down from the inside out. Long after he realized that Capitalism (minus Corporatism or Corporate Fascism) was the only way that people could advance and thrive.