Showing posts with label Communitarianism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communitarianism. Show all posts

Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Historical Roots of Political Correctness

The Historical Roots of "Political Correctness"

by Raymond V. Raehn

America as a nation is now dominated by an alien system of beliefs, attitudes and values that has become known as Political Correctness. It seeks to impose a uniformity in thought and behavior among all Americans and is therefore totalitarian in nature. It has its roots in the ideology of Marxism which requires a radical inversion of the prevailing traditional culture by cultural Marxism in order to achieve a social revolution. Such a social revolution is the kind envisioned by Karl Marx as an inversion of the social order and a commensurate inversion of the structure of power.
Social revolution has a long history involving a number of disparate forces that have conceivably been inspired by Plato's Republic. But it was the French Revolution of 1789 that probably inspired Karl Marx to do what he did in the nineteenth century. In the twentieth century it was the success of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia that set off a wave of optimistic expectation among the Marxist forces in Europe and America that the new proletarian world of equality popularized by Karl Marx was finally coming into being as the wave of the future. Russia as the first communist nation in the world would lead the revolutionary forces to final victory.

The Marxist revolutionary forces in Europe could not restrain themselves. They leaped at this opportunity to lead the proletarian workers into the promised new world. There was a Communist Spartacist uprising in Berlin, Germany, led by Rosa Luxemburg; the creation of a Bavarian Soviet in Germany led by Kurt Eisner, and a Hungarian Soviet established by Bella Kun in 1919. At the time, there was great concern that all of Europe might soon fall under the banner of Bolshevism.
This sense of impending doom was given vivid life by Trotsky's Red Army invasion of Poland in 1919 that was expected to begin the triumphant conquest of all of Western Europe by Soviet Armed Forces allied with local communists in accordance with Lenin's plan.
While the Red Army's invasion was defeated by Polish forces at the baffle of the Vistula in 1920, the Spartacist, Bavarian Soviet and Hungarian Soviet all failed to gain widespread support of the workers and after a brief time they were all deposed by opposition forces. These events created a quandary for the Marxist revolutionaries in Europe. Under Marxist economic theory, the oppressed workers were supposed to be the beneficiaries of a social revolution that would place them on top of the structure of power. When the revolutionary opportunity presented itself, the workers did not respond. The Marxist revolutionaries did not blame their theory for these failures. They blamed the workers. They resolved their quandary by an analysis that focused on the cultural superstructure of society rather than on the economic substructure as Marx did. The Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci and the Hungarian Marxist Georg Lukacs contributed the most to this cultural Marxism.

Antonio Gramsci worked for the Communist International in the years 1923 to 1924 in Moscow and Vienna. He was later imprisoned in one of Mussolini's jails where he wrote his famous "Prison Notebooks" . Among Marxists, Gramsci is noted for his theory of cultural and ideological hegemony as the means of class dominance. His view that a new Communist man had to be made before any political revolution led to a focus on the efforts of the intellectuals in the fields of education and the culture to perform this task. This was to be a long march through the society's institutions, meaning the government, the judiciary, the military, the schools and the media. He also concluded that so long as the workers had a Christian soul, they would not respond to revolutionary appeals. Multiculturalism can be seen as a means of breaking the grip of the traditional cultural hegemony on American society.
Georg Lukacs was the son of a wealthy Hungarian banker who began his political life as a key Soviet agent of the Communist Intentional. His book History and Class Consciousness gained him recognition as the leading Marxist theorist since Karl Marx. And like Karl Marx his primary emotion was hatred. "I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution to the cultural contradictions of the epoch," was one of his expressed attitudes. In defending Bolshevism, Lukacs stated: "Such a worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries."
In 1919, Georg Lukacs became the Deputy Commissar for Culture in the Bolshevik Bela Kun regime in Hungary where he instigated what became known as Culture Terrorism. He launched an explosive sex education program. Special lectures were organized in Hungarian schools and literature printed and distributed to instruct children about free love, about the nature of sexual intercourse, about the archaic nature of the bourgeois family codes, about the outdatedness of monogamy, and the irrelevance of religion, which deprives man of all pleasures. Children urged thus to reject and deride paternal authority and the authority of the Church, and to ignore precepts of morality, easily and spontaneously turned into delinquents with whom only the police could cope. This call to rebellion addressed to Hungarian children was matched by a call to rebellion addressed to Hungarian women. This was a precursor to what Cultural Marxism would later bring into American schools.
In 1924, as a result of a meeting the year before attended by Georg Lukacs and other Marxist intellectuals associated with the Communist Party of Germany, there came to be founded the Institute of Social Research at Frankfurt University in Frankfurt, Germany. This Institute became known as the Frankfurt School. Its model was the Marx- Engels Institute in Moscow. The members of this Institute prepared numerous studies on the beliefs, attitudes and values they assumed led to the rise of German national socialism. These were critical studies that combined Marxist analysis with Freudian psychoanalysis. The sum of these critical studies became known as Frankfurt School "Critical Theory" .
Frankfurt School Critical Theory was essentially destructive criticism of the main elements of Western culture such as Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, hierarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalties, patriotism, nationalism, heredity, ethnocentrism, convention and conservatism. These criticisms are reflected in such works of the Frankfurt School as Studies on Authority and the Family Erich Fromm's Escape From Freedom and his The Dogma of Christ, Wilhelm Reich's The Mass Psychology of Fascism and Theodor Adorno's The Authoritarian Personality published in 1950.
Frankfurt School Critical Theory encompasses a group of specific sub-theories such as matriarchal theory, androgyny theory, personality theory, prejudice theory, authority theory, family theory, sexuality theory, racial theory, legal theory and literary theory. These various sub-theories are used to induce an inversion of the prevailing belief system so the Marxist revolutionaries can engineer a non-violent social revolution. As the Marxist social revolutionaries readily proclaim among themselves, their avowed purpose is to destroy the hegemonic white male structure of power. This requires the inversion of beliefs of white males so that they feel impelled to relinquish their positions to women and minorities. This reflects the psycho-dynamics of social revolution that lies at the core of Political Correctness.
The belief in patriarchy is to be inverted to a belief in matriarchy in accordance with Frankfurt School matriarchal theory. The belief in distinct gender roles is to be inverted to a belief that distinct gender roles should not exist in accordance with Frankfurt School androgyny theory. The belief in inherent differences among the races is to be inverted to a belief that differences do not exist in accordance with Frankfurt School racial theory. The belief that the heterosexual is the norm is to be inverted to a belief that the homosexual is normal. Frankfurt School prejudice theory as presented in Theodor Adorno's The Authoritarian Personality had the intended effect of inverting the belief about racial discrimination. The belief that racial discrimination was a normal instinctive response to a perceived threat to the survival of the race was inverted to a belief that racial discrimination was evidence of a social pathology and a mental sickness in an individual. This Frankfurt School theory of prejudice was then applied to gender and sexual discrimination in the same way.
By its very nature, Frankfurt School Critical Theory amounted to a grand scheme for the inversion of the intrinsic worth of white heterosexual males that opened the intellectual door to the racial and sexual antagonisms of the Trotskyites, Herbert Marcuse and Betty Friedan. The expressed views of Leon Trotsky that were adopted by his Fourth International were especially revealing. Trotsky had denounced prejudiced white workers in scathing and bitter terms. He followed this with the assertion that due to the oppression of the Negroes they could become the most revolutionary element of the population and furnish the vanguard of the revolution. Trotsky demanded that the white workers assist the blacks in this revolution.
Most of the young student leaders of the 1960's counterculture revolution to a large extent followed the dictates of Leon Trotsky by attempting to elevate black revolutionaries to positions of leadership. Since the counterculture revolution of the 1960's was an attempt to invert the prevailing culture as the very name implies, acceptance of an inversion of white and black roles seemed logical to the student revolutionaries. These radical Marxists also followed Herbert Marcuse of the Frankfurt School who became the admired philosopher on the campuses of American colleges and universities in the 1960's with his advocacy of the women's and black revolutions.
As a Marxist revolutionary alumni of the Frankfurt School, Herbert Marcuse became a key practitioner of revolutionary theory in America. In 1947, he argued the case for a Soviet republic and welcomed anarchy disintegration and catastrophe to bring about revolutionary change. He preached the "Great Refusal "sexual liberation and the merits of the feminist and black revolutions. His primary thesis was that revolutionaries such as university students, ghetto blacks, the alienated and the asocial, and the Third World could take the place of the proletariat. In his book An Essay on Liberation. Herbert Marcuse proclaimed his aim of a radical transvaluation of values; the relaxation of taboo; cultural subversion; critical theory; and a linguistic rebellion that amounts to a methodical reversal of meaning. As for racial conflict, Marcuse wrote that it is true that the white man is guilty and that the black population appears as the most natural force of rebellion. The similarity to Leon Trotsky's mindset should be noted.
Another important revolutionary contributor to Political Correctness was Betty Friedan who promoted the modern feminist movement in America and Canada with her book The Feminine Mystique. In that book, she claimed the feminist movement was a sex-role revolution. This sex role inversion did indeed eventually take the form of the extreme demand for female combat soldiers and female fighter pilots which was duly complied with by the new American males. In her book, Betty Friedan devoted almost a full chapter to Abraham Maslow's theory of self-actualization. Maslow was a social psychologist who in his early years did research on female dominance and sexuality. Maslow was a friend of Herbert Marcuse at Brandeis University and had met with Erich Fromm in 1936. He was so impressed by Erich Fromm's Frankfurt School ideology that he wrote an article entitled "The Authoritarian Character Structure" published in 1944. This reflected the personality theory of Frankfurt School Critical Theory. Maslow was also impressed with the work of Wilhelm Reich who was another Frankfurt School originator of personality theory that became an integral part of Marxist ideology in America.
The significance of the historical roots of Political Correctness cannot be fully comprehended unless such a thing as Betty Friedan's sex-role revolution is viewed for what it really is--a manifestation of the social revolutionary process begun by Karl Marx himself. Her reliance on Abraham Maslow's reflection of Frankfurt School Marxist ideology is simply one indicator. The very idea of her sex-role inversion corresponds with Georg Lukacs' annihilation of old values and the creation of new ones by the Marxist revolutionaries and Herbert Marcuse's radical transvaluation of all values. But the very idea of transforming a patriarchy into a matriarchy which is what a sex-role inversion is designed to do, can be connected directly to Frederick Engel's book The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the Slate, first published in 1884, which popularized the currently adopted feminist belief that the deep-rooted discrimination against the oppressed female sex was a function of patriarchy.
The belief that matriarchy is the solution to patriarchy flows from Karl Marx's comments in his The German Ideology of 1845. It was in that document that Marx advanced the theory that wives and children were the first property of the patriarchal male which Engels elaborated in his book from notes made by Marx. The Frankfurt School's matriarchal theory and its related androgyny theory both originated from these sources. So there is a historical consistency to this sex aspect of the Marxist social revolution. There is another historical consistency to the racial aspect of the Marxist social revolution. Karl Marx had a revolutionary friend by the name of Moses Hess who had introduced him to communism. In 1 865, Moses Hess wrote the dictum in his book, Rome and Jerusalem that race struggle was to be primary. This could be seen as the inspirational source of the Frankfurt School's prejudice theory as well as the attitudes of Leon Trotsky and Herbert Marcuse on the subject.
There is another historical consistency to the Marxist social revolution that is related to the Frankfurt School's Critical Theory as destructive criticism. In his war plan of 1844 directed against the Prussian state, Karl Marx was more blunt about his use of ruthless criticism. It was to be a weapon to destroy. What he intended to destroy was the bourgeois middle class and so he related the means to do this by class warfare. Under his formula, the middle class bourgeoisie was to become the oppressing class in which the evils of society were to be concentrated and so regarded as the notorious crime of the whole society. The middle class was to be criminalized. This was the initial part of Karl Marx's social revolutionary process that was supposed to lead to the disintegration of the middle class. The similarity to Herbert Marcuse's use of the term "disintegration" should be noted. In 1969, Marcuse wrote in "The Carnivorous Society" that "what we must undertake is a type of diffuse and dispersed disintegration of the system."
It so happens that when the Frankfurt School's book The Authoritarian Personalty authored by Theodor Adorno, et al and edited by Max Horkheimer was published in 1950, it was a seminal event because of its substantial impact on American social psychologists and social scientists of the day. It was one of a series of books entitled Studies on Prejudice. It evolved from a simplified formula developed by the Frankfurt School in Europe. Christianity plus capitalism plus the patriarchal authoritarian family created a type of character that was prone to racial prejudice and German fascism. After the Frankfurt School group of social revolutionaries came to America in the mid-1930's, they looked around and observed an America that was Christian, capitalist and with patriarchal families so they sensed there was potential for some kind of authoritarian regime as came about in the Hitlerian Germany they had left. As a result of these circumstances, The Authoritarian Personalty came to serve as an ideological handbook for a national campaign against any kind of prejudice or discrimination on the theory that if these evils were not eradicated, another Holocaust might ensue. Political Correctness evolved from that milieu.
What had begun with the founding of the Frankfurt School in 1924 as destructive criticism of the elements of Western culture had ended in The Authoritarian Personality as a psychological method for pathologizing any evidence of religious, cultural or racial superiority in the thinking and behavior among the American majority. No single religion was to be superior. No single culture was to be superior. And no single race was to be superior. And so multiculturalism was invented. And then no single sex was to be superior. And with nothing superior, there was nothing to value. It was to be a matter of choice by the individual self since there was to be no higher authority than the self. This is the very essence of Political Correctness. It serves as the means to conduct the psychic decapitation of any potential leader who might seek to unify Americans on the basis of a shared religion, culture or race. Americans were to be kept fragmented by this radical individualism and subjected to a national condition of cognitive dissonance. meaning massive confusion over beliefs and values. Then America could be treated as one vast psychopathic ward and controlled accordingly.
The method selected by the Marxist social revolutionaries to control the American people is rather simple. It is by dialectical stages of operant conditioning by words. Only instead of the bourgeois middle class being made to bear the brunt of all society's ills and thus merit the criminalization of that class as Karl Marx proposed, the modern cultural Marxists have substituted white heterosexual males as the class to be criminalized by charges of racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, homophobia or xenophobia as the particular circumstance requires. They have manipulated the federal government itself into passing laws and regulations against discrimination to keep white males in their psychic iron cage where they fear to challenge what is being done to the American nation. Then Hate Crimes were added to this cultural terrorism to keep the white males in their place. This was an inversion of reality since those who originated the charge of Hate Crimes were the ones who were guilty of attempting to destroy the white male structure of power. But this is what Frankfurt School Critical Theory has brought about.
A review of the historical roots of Political Correctness would not be complete without reference to the psychological process of dialectical stages of operant conditioning by words that have been directed against the larger body of Western Man in the generic sense before Frankfurt School Critical Theory came to be applied against American white males. For more than a hundred years, Marxist social revolutionaries have leveled criminal-like charges of imperialism, colonialism, militarism, chauvinism, feudalism as well as fascism and Nazism, which is a leftist ideology in and of itself, in later years against Western Man. These words are still part of the Marxist vocabulary. But they were only in the first of the dialectical stages. What has been going on in America is the second stage. Only the first stage was designed to destroy the whole Western structure of power that in earlier times dominated the world. So the process is basically the same except the social revolution in America is only a part of this larger global picture.

The visible evidence that Political Correctness reigns supreme over the American landscape is not a nice sight for the eyes of a traditional American to behold. For all practical purposes, the social revolution promoted by the Marxists of the Frankfurt School and such others as Leon Trotsky, Herbert Marcuse, and Betty Friedan has been successfully executed in America. There is virtually no sphere of American life that has been left untouched. The revolutionary inversions in the heretofore prevailing system of beliefs as a result of Frankfurt School Critical Theory has had the effect of preparing Americans for an ongoing and steadily increasing displacement of white males by women and minorities in the governmental, judicial. military, educational and informational structures of society as the Marxist revolutionaries intended. For instance, at the 1996 Democratic national convention fifty percent of the delegates were women. The Republican national convention was not much better in its pandering. There was loud cheers when the first woman was appointed Secretary of State in 1997. Before that , the President's cabinet consisted of only four Euro-white males out of fourteen cabinet posts. The remainder were women and various minorities. Herbert Marcuse should be proud, for there were no complaints. So would Antonio Gramsci, especially if he knew about the ordination of women in the churches and the gender-neutering and emasculation of prayer-books and other texts in the synagogues. This points to the expanding sexual madness in the land brought on by Frankfurt School Critical Theory that became transposed into Political Correctness.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

CLUB of ROME - the New World Order is Fact - The Reality of an Ongoing Struggle Against Collectivist Totalitarianism

The "Club of Rome" the Committee of 300 and the global socialist takeover of the United States and of the world. That is the goal of the Progressive Democrat and Republicans - two wings of the same bird. If you lean toward Conservatism as I do, you will find that 85% of what Republicans do you may agree and support, while the complains are fewer than the positives, what you will find is that the goals of the both that remain the same are more or less obscured by the division created by the opposites in both parties, both of which have been thoroughly infiltrated by these Collectivists. People like Ron Paul were exceptions to this elite standard. Just as an example, Dr. Paul was a true Conservative. No Wars, true equality of opportunity, a sound currency based on gold and silver, the complete respect of natural inherent and unalienable rights. That is why the establishment left and right opposed him so harshly.

The Club of Rome Presented by Michael Black - A highly respectable presentation....

The following are a series of links and much content that supports the content of the videos presented above. Many Collectivists on both the faux right as well as the radical left have denounced much of this under the famously concocted term of "Conspiracy Theory". Allow me to shed some light upon this term with the following presentation -

More on this presentation above -

Back to the subject at hand :


Find out why the cover-up of U.N. architect's betrayal continues

WASHINGTON – Former U.S. State Department official Alger Hiss was the darling of the Franklin Roosevelt Democrats and the architect of the United Nations.
That he was also a Soviet spy remains one of the most well-guarded secrets of the 20th century.


But a new book, “Alger Hiss: Why He Chose Treason,” shatters the veil of secrecy so well maintained by “progressives” in the Democratic Party and a complicit media establishment.

It all began unraveling in 1948, when Hiss was accused of being a Soviet spy. Because the statute of limitations on espionage had run out, he was convicted only of perjury. Decades later – after the Hiss trial had been long forgotten by most – archival evidence surfaced confirming the accusations: a public servant with access to classified documents had indeed passed crucial information to the Soviets for more than a decade.
Yet many on the American Left still consider Hiss an iconic figure – an innocent victim accused of unsubstantiated crimes. They prefer to focus on the collectivist ideals Hiss stood for, rather than confront the reality of a man who systematically and methodically betrayed his country.

Excerpts from Hearings of the House Un-American Activities Committee Relating to the Alger Hiss Case -

The "Pumpkin papers" -
Four images of Pumpkin Papers are included below. To see a larger image, click on the thumbnail photo.      
Why the name "Pumpkin Papers"?

Club of RomeFounded in 1968 by Italian industrialist, Aurelio Peccei, the Club of Rome is a global think tank that deals with a variety of international political issues. Originally, the Club of Rome had defined the three major concepts that have formed the Club’s thinking ever since: a global perspective, the long term, and the cluster of intertwined problems they called “the problematique”.
Some would say they specialize in “crisis creation,” using the Hegelian Dialectic to accomplish their goals.
According to its website, the Club of Rome is composed of “scientists, economists, businessmen, international high civil servants, heads of state and former heads of state from all five continents who are convinced that the future of humankind is not determined once and for all and that each human being can contribute to the improvement of our societies.”
The Club of Rome is perhaps at the apex of the New World Order pyramid, a Neo-Malthusian organization with interlocking membership with European power elite groups such as the Committee of 300 (a secret society founded by the British aristocracy in 1727) and the Bilderberg Group.
Thomas Robert MalthusThomas Robert Malthus argued that population was held within resource limits by two types of checks: positive ones, which raised the death rate, and preventative ones, which lowered the birth rate. The positive checks included hunger, disease and war; the preventative checks, abortion, birth control, prostitution, homosexuality, postponement of marriage, and celibacy.
The Club of Rome’s members, including Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and Mikhail Gorbachev, believe humanity requires “a common motivation, namely a common adversary” in order to realize their world government.
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” – Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, 1991

World Depopulation

To facilitate the management of the New World Order agenda calls for the elimination of most of the worlds population through war, disease, abortion and famine. According to the Club of Rome’s publications, the common enemy of humanity is man. One of the major goals of the Club of Rome is to reduce the world’s population by 2 billion people through war, famine, disease and any other means necessary.
This video highlights the connection between the environmental movement and those who are striving to bring about a new system of control to the world.
Not only did the Club of Rome’s 1972 report, “Limits to Growth” call for a reduced level of consumption of resources, it also argued that humankind needs to re-evaluate its exploitative attitude towards humans and the earth itself. The failure to give more foreign aid is indicative of the increased selfishness of rich countries. Meanwhile, the world’s richest 20 per cent of the population consume 86 per cent of its goods and services, over half its energy and nearly half its meat and fish.
 In the Club of Rome book, The First Global Revolution, the group called for a “limit to growth” approach to solve the world’s problems, in fact a problem the global elite has with humanity. “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill,” the book states. “All these dangers are caused by human intervention,” and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”
It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or… one invented for the purpose.” In the process of struggling against this implacable enemy, democracy “will be made to seem responsible for the lagging economy, the scarcity and uncertainties. The very concept of democracy could then be brought into question and allow for the seizure of power.”

One World Government

Richard Haass, the current president of the Council on Foreign Relations, expanded on this topic in his article, State sovereignty must be altered in globalized era. According to Haass, a system of world government must be created and sovereignty eliminated in order to fight global warming and terrorism, both invented as the Club of Rome suggested. “Some governments are prepared to give up elements of sovereignty to address the threat of global climate change,” writes Haass. “The goal should be to redefine sovereignty for the era of globalization, to find a balance between a world of fully sovereign states and an international system of either world government or anarchy.”
In 1976, the United States Association of the Club of Rome (USACOR) was formed for the purpose of gradually shutting down the U.S. economy.
Since then, working in concert with their international counterparts, they have been pushing the junk science of climate change, fueled a global financial crisis triggered by the mortgage crisis in America resulting in $Trillions being transferred to globalist banks from countries around the world on the brink of default, and enciting revolutions throughout the Middle East that are spreading to the Western world. Our global rulers are systematically taking down the global economy in order to impose what Haass describes as “an international system of either world government or anarchy.”
The Club of Rome, headed by Maurice Strong, is THE group that takes the issue of global warming (whether real or imagined) as an excuse to institute a one world government, or new world order. Glenn Beck and guest discuss this in preparation for upcoming guest Lord Christopher Monckton.
Led by Progressives in the U.S. Congress, they have been able to pass a cap-and-trade system that will result in the largest transfer of wealth in U.S. history with relatively little opposition. In recent years, with the help of the corporate media, they have cranked up the propaganda about climate change and will eventually impose punitive carbon taxes on the American people, a scheme that may eventually lead to the near complete reversal of hundreds of years of technological progress and man’s return to the stone age.
“Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” — Barack Obama, January 17, 2008, San Francisco Chronicle

The Committee of 300

“There is no need to use ‘they’ or ‘the enemy’ except as shorthand. We know who ‘they,’ the enemy, is. The Committee of 300 with its Eastern Liberal Establishment ‘aristocracy,’ its banks, insurance companies, giant corporations, foundations, communications networks, presided over by a hierarchy of conspirators – this is the enemy.” – John Coleman, “Conspirators Hierarchy”
This Committee of 300 is modeled after the British East India Company’s Council of 300, founded by the British aristocracy in 1727. Most of its immense wealth arose out of the opium trade with China. This group is responsible for the phony drug wars here in the U.S. with the agenda of getting us to give away our constitutional rights. Asset forfeiture is a prime example, where huge assets can be seized without trial and no proof of guilt needed.
“Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, direct the economic destiny of Europe and choose their successors from among themselves.” -Walter Rathenau of General Electric, 1909
Some notable members of the Committee of 300 include: The British royal family, Dutch royal family, House of Hapsburg, House of Orange, Duke of Alba, Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, Lord Carrington, Lord Halifax, Lord Alfred Milner, John Jacob and Waldorf of the Astor Illuminati bloodline, Winston Churchill, Cecil Rhodes, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Juliana, Queen Beatrix, Queen Magreta, King Haakon of Norway, Colonel Mandel House, Aldous Huxley, John Forbes, Averill Harriman, William and McGeorge Bundy, George Bush, Prescott Bush, Henry Kissinger, J.P. Morgan, Maurice Strong, David Rockefeller, David and Evelyn Rothschild, Paul, Max and Felix Warburg, Ormsby and Al Gore, Bertrand Russell, Sir Earnest and Harry of the Oppenheimer Illuminati bloodline, Warren Buffet, Giuseppe Mazzini, Sir William Hesse, George Schultz, H.G. Wells, and Ted Turner.
The Committee of 300 looks to social convulsions on a global scale, followed by depressions, as a softening-up technique for bigger things to come, as its principal method of creating masses of people all over the world who will become its “welfare” recipients of the future.

Overpopulation: The Fallacy Behind The Fallacy Of Global Warming

Click for the book
Guest essay by Dr. Tim Ball
Global Warming was just one issue The Club of Rome (TCOR) targeted in its campaign to reduce world population. In 1993 the Club’s co-founder, Alexander King with Bertrand Schneider wrote The First Global Revolution stating,
“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”
see The Great Global Warming Fraud
Lenin restructured Russian society by starving millions of Kulaks. It would seem that the Club of Rome wish to achieve something similar using phony Global Warming scare. Wasting vast sums of money trying to cure a non existent problem to impoverish current human society. From the utter destruction to establish a super socialist society.
They believe all these problems are created by humans but exacerbated by a growing population using technology. Changed attitudes and behaviorbasically means what it has meant from the time Thomas Malthus raised the idea the world was overpopulated. He believed charity and laws to help the poor were a major cause of the problem and it was necessary to reduce population through rules and regulations. TCOR ideas all ended up in the political activities of the Rio 1992 conference organized by Maurice Strong (a TCOR member) under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
Please read more from this site and this article here :
Additional Reading:
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Thank you, 
Tom Lacovara-Stewart / Lorri Anderson and the rest of the folks at 
Resurrect the Republic Truth Radio Broadcast on the 
Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN)

Sunday, February 4, 2018


Ladies and gentlemen meet Cliff Gardner. Born in 1938 in Nevada, Cliff was raised alongside Shoshone and learned well the ways of the real West that many Americans around the land never get to see or to know. He has compiled more research on the history of the land, the government, and the agendas that have been implemented over land use and why. Here he lays out his testimony for all to hear. Let it stand as a testimony of life, and to shine a light into the darkness. I personally respect this man, and am honored to present this to all of you. 


Tom Lacovara-Stewart / Lorri Anderson / Bruce Ray Riggs
Resurrect the Republic

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